Watchman Radio Hour

Alex Dodson

The Bible Yet Stands

June 11, 2022

The Bible is still being attacked today. The devil does his best to eradicate it or to remove its influence from society. He decieves the hearts and minds of people and tries his best to destroy the Bible and its influence in the world. Yet, he will not succeed. Jesus has promised us that the Bible will stand. Though Satan and all his demons attack the Bible, it yet stands. It cannot be destroyed or removed from the world. It will abide. It cannot be stopped.

References: Matthew 5:18

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The Lord prepares a Savior for the nations. God has a plan and He is carrying it out. He prepared a Savior and brought Him into this world that men and women and young people might be saved all over this world.
June 4, 2022
God had his plan for the church when Isaiah gave this prophecy. The church has always been in God's plan. God's church will be saved. All who put their trust in Christ will be saved. The Spiritual descendants of Israel will be saved.
May 28, 2022
Isaiah reveals God's promise and vision for the future. We need to get God's vision for this world and to believe His promise of a world wide coming to Christ. So often our vision is very narrow and we do not see God's plan as we ought to.  Yet we must believe that the church will be victorious in this world.
May 21, 2022
Any nation that turns its back on God will not survive. We have turned our back on God as a nation. We have rejected His law and made up our own laws that are contrary to His. We are constantly shaking our fists in the face of God. Yet, God calls out to us today to look to Him, to give up our idols and our rebellion, and to come to Him. He is the only God and the only Savior.
May 14, 2022
God's promises will be fulfilled in due time. We must believe that if greater revivals are yet to come that will sweep the whole earth and bring multitudes into God's kingdom, we must have faith that such can happen. If God's promises point to such a time, then we must believe them. God promised that His people would be delivered and brought back to their homeland and that the temple would be rebuilt. We know this happened for sure. This chapter incudes even greater promises for the whole world and that too will haoppen for God's promises are true.
May 7, 2022
Manyare the doomsayers today. Many have given up on the church. Many are looking for a rapture to take them out of the way before all is destroyed. Yet, God's promises for His Church point to brighter times ahead. We must believe that. Our taks is not complete on this earth. Much work yet must be done. We are still under the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. This is God's purpose to see all nations come to Christ. The Church is not finished.
April 30, 2022
The nations will come into the church to worship the true God. God is now addressing His church, and telling them of what would come about in the future. These gentile nations would come to her and want to know the one true God. This is a prophecy of the gospel age when the gospel would go out to the whole world and all nations would be invited into the people of God.
April 23, 2022
Isaiah 45 tells us of God's great plan. He tells us of the great Persian King Cyrus who would come and be an instrument in carrying out His plan. Isaiah as God's spokesman prophesied of things to come and assures us that God will carry out His plan. God is in control of this world. He is carrying out His plan. Jesus is reigning now from heaven. The future is in His hands.
April 16, 2022
It is wrong to rebel against our Maker. Yet, today, we are living in a time when the Creator is being mocked and rebelled against constantly. We are living in an age of great rebellion against the Creator. Things are being done and said today that have never been done and said before. The rebellion has reached an extreme stage and God's judgement is already upon us.  Unless we turn back from our rebellion against our God, this nation will not survive.
April 9, 2022
One of the greatest needs of our nation today is a national spiritual revival. We as a nation are steeped in sin and because of our great sins, we are under the wrath of God. The blessings this nation has seen in the past were the fruit of our forefathers who honored God. We as a nation today no longer honor God and our blessings will leave unless we repent as a people and turn back to God. The Jewish people sinned against God and God brought judgement upon them. Yet, He did not forsake them and restored His people by bringing them back to their land. Today, we are far from God as a nation. We are under His judgment and we need to repent. Yet, we have faith that God will send revival to bring this nation to its knees and restore it to what it once was. Let us pray to that end.
April 2, 2022
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We are supporting needy children in India.
Your help at Christmas will enable us to make a child happy and to know the love of Christ. Please donate below.

About Watchman Radio Hour

The Watchman Radio Hour offers timely messages from the Bible each week.

About Alex Dodson

Alex Dodson serves as president of Watchmen Radio Ministries International and as a staff evangelist. He has been in the gospel ministry for over thirty years. He was ordained in 1974 and has served as both a pastor and evangelist. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and is presently a member of International Ministerial Fellowship. He has also done postgraduate studies at the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife Susan live in Portland, Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.

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