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Nations That Forget God Beware!

April 10, 2021

Psalm 9:17 says that nations that forget God will be thrown into hell. The meaning of this verse can be debated. The least it means is that nations that forget God will be judged or punished. Nations that have once known God and then truned from Him will be punished. We must not forget that. Our secular society tells us to forget God but we cannot do that. We must realize that forgetting God is dangerous and that if we do we will pay the consequences.

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References: Psalms 9:17

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Past Episodes

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March 27, 2021
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March 20, 2021
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March 13, 2021
When a nation gives itself up to sexual immorality, it will face judgment. We think we can do anything and get away with it but we have forgotten what happened so long ago to Sodom and Gomorrah. They went their own way. They sought after things that were not right in the sight of God and they paid the penalty. We will too if we do not repeht.
March 6, 2021
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February 27, 2021
As believers we enjoy fellowship in Christ's kingdom. We are not awaiting some kingdom in the future to enjoy fellowship but we have that fellowship now in the church. Yet, we do look forward to an eternal and abiding fellowship in the future eternal kingdom. We all have loved ones with whom we have enjoyed fellowship in this life who have gone on ahead of us to be with the Lord. We have the hope of eternal life and a renewed fellowship with them in the eternal kingdom that is yet to come. However, we have that fellowship around the table of the Lord here and now in the present gospel age. The kingdom is now. The kingdom is yet to come.
February 20, 2021
Satan and his forces will not be defeated by military power but by a spiritual power that they cannot overcome. Christ's kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit will deal a death blow to Satan's influence in this world. Today, we must not become too discouraged when we see Satan and his forces raging all around us. We must look ahead with great vision and optimism and know by faith that God's kingdom will be victorious in this world. Today, we need to go forth in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit to preach the Word of God and Satan's kingdom will fall and Christ's kingdom will prevail.
February 13, 2021
We need to ask for God's mercy on our nation. Our only hope as a nation is a national spiritual revival. That will not come unless God sends it. That is why we need to pray and ask for God's mercy on our country and people. We have many problems not just COVID 19. Only a visitation from God is going to heal our land. Divorcing ourselves from God as a nation and a people will only reap disaster. We should never listen to those who want to completely secularize the nation. They are wrong. We need God. We cannot survive as a people without Him. We can learn from Daniel's prayer. He was praying for a nation and a people. Our nation is not Israel but we can learn some principles from this prayer that apply to our nation today.
February 6, 2021
We must ask for the turning away of God's wrath from us. While our political and government leaders haggle over the economy and many other things and almost totally disregard our great sins as a people, we must get on our knees and pray and stand in the gap lest we as a people and a nation are destroyed as sinful nations in the past have been. Daniel could have remained silent but he didn't. He pleaded with God to have mercy on His people and land and nation.
January 30, 2021
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The Watchman Radio Hour offers timely messages from the Bible each week.

About Alex Dodson

Alex Dodson serves as president of Watchmen Radio Ministries International and as a staff evangelist. He has been in the gospel ministry for over thirty years. He was ordained in 1974 and has served as both a pastor and evangelist. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and is presently a member of International Ministerial Fellowship. He has also done postgraduate studies at the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife Susan live in Portland, Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.

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Watchman Radio Hour
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