Judgement Day is Coming
It is true and certain that we will stand before the Judgment Seat of God one day. No one will be exempt. We will all be there. The problem today in this nation is that so many people live as if there were no Judgment Day. They probably don't even believe in a Judgment Day. We need a nation that lives in the fear of God. We can only pray that our nation will turn around from its present course and return to God. That's our only hope. Until we as a people wake up and recognize that there is a Judgment Day, we have little hope. Yet, our prayer is that the nation will wake up and that God will send another Great Awakening to this land like He did before
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About Watchman Radio Hour
About Alex Dodson
Alex Dodson serves as president of Watchmen Radio Ministries International and as a staff evangelist. He has been in the gospel ministry for over thirty years. He was ordained in 1974 and has served as both a pastor and evangelist. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and is presently a member of International Ministerial Fellowship. He has also done postgraduate studies at the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife Susan live in Portland, Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.
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Watchman Radio Hour
P.O. Box 13251
Portland, OR 97213