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Disasters and God

October 17, 2020

Are disasters only natural events? Should we only consider secondary causes? Have we become so secular as a nation that we no longer consider God has any input on how we live as a people. We have largely ignored the moral law of God as a people and have pretty much set up our own morality of what we think is right and wrong. We can by a majority vote declare something moral and right and then go on not stopping to consider if what we have approved might be wrong in God's sight. All of that was for an earlier generation. We have outgrown such thinking. So, many think today. What then about all of these disasters? Do they mean anything or are they just things that have happened with no ultimate cause behind them?

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References: 2 Chronicles 7:13-14

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Past Episodes

The church is the Israel of God. That is the church is now the true spiritual Israel. All who are true believers make up the true Israel of God both Jew and Gentile. The nation of Israel and all the Jewish people need Christ just as much as anyone. Our prayer should be that Israel will become a Christian nation that follows the Lord Jesus Christ and tha all Jews will come to Christ.
October 10, 2020
Far too many Christians have a negative attitude about the church. They see the church as an inevitable loser in this world in its battle against Satan and his forces. This is not the teaching of the New Testament. No where in the New Testament does it tell the church to give in to Satan but to march forward with the gospel till the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ. (Rev. 11:13). Jesus must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet (1 Corinthians 15:25). The church has a task to do and must march forward in that task and be faithful till the Lord comes.
October 3, 2020
Sin defiles the land. Today, we are defiling the land by our sins. We don't seem to realize the gravity of the situation that we are in as a nation. Our sins are defiling this land that we live on and if we do not repent this land will vomit us out. We cannot continue to rebel against God and His moral law and survive as a people. Judgement will fall on us as it has on other nations that rebelled against God. The people of Canaan sinned against God and the land vomited them out. The same thing will happen to us if we do not change as a people.
September 26, 2020
We need to pray for revival. Repentance will not happen unless God changes our hearts as a people. This is what we need to pray for. The nation will not turn back to God until the hearts of the people are changed. This will not take place until a Spiritual Revival comes.
September 19, 2020
The preaching of the cross has power. We are trying all the wrong things to solve our problems. This country is under judgment because of our sins and we are not going to be able to solve all our problems. Some things may get worse. God will not be silent while we go on sinning against Him. We cannot separate ourselves from God and continue to be blessed as a nation. We need the powerful preaching of the Word of God to come back and fill this land. Only then will here be hope. We need to go back and learn from previous generations. Our land became great because of God's blessings on us not because we are a great people. We were considered a great people because God blessed us. He blessed us because our forefathers were faithful and honored Him. This generation is turning away from God and we will pay the consequences unless God intervenes as He has in the past and sends a true spiritual awakening into our midst. We need the preaching of the cross to saturate this land. May God send such preaching in our day.
September 12, 2020
What we need today is powerful preaching in this nation. This nation will be great again when powerful preaching returns. We are not going to solve our great problems until powerful preaching comes back. The nation is in a moral and spiritual decline. This is our great problem. Many of our problems are an indication of God's judgment upon us and are the result of our moral and spiritual decline. Only when the powerful preaching of the Word of God returns to this land will we see our nation turn around and be a better place. When George Whitefield preachied in America in the 18th century, thousands were converted and the nation as a whole was changed. May God send such preaching back again to this land.
September 5, 2020
The preaching of the gospel can change whole peoples and nations. God is able to do marvelous things in our day. We must lift up the cross. Our cause is not lost in Europe or America or anywhere. We have the power of the gospel which cannot be stopped. Though Satan storm at us with all his might, he will not win. The victory is ours. Satan and all his forces cannot defeat the church and our gospel. We must never give up!
August 29, 2020
We have exchanged the glorious God for worthless idols. The evidence is abundant for all to see. Whether its immorality in the movies or same sex marriage or a total neglect of the Christian Sabbath, more and more we are exchanging our glory for worthless idols. Multitudes attend worship services in the sports arena on Sunday, but they are not worshiping God. They are worshipping idols. We have rejected God's plan for marriage and set up our own plans. We have rejected God's morality and set up our own. We have ejected the glorious God and set up another in His place.
August 22, 2020
The nation's sins are exposed. This nation is becoming more and more bold in sinning against God We are doing things our forefathers would have been ashamed of. If we persist on our present course, great judgement lies ahead. We cannot keep rebelling against God and His moral law and get away with it.
August 15, 2020
The gates of Zion are open for the nations to come in. Today, there are nations and peoples who are not yet Christian. There are nations that need to be reclaimed for the gospel. Our goal should be nothing less than to lead every nation, every people group to Christ. That does not necessarily mean that every single individual in those nations will become Christian but it does mean that the nation as a whole will acknowledge Christ. It means that the kingdom of God prevails in that nation. I do believe that in former days, this could be said of America. Today, we are doing our best to secularize the nation and separate our nation from God. Yet, this has not always been. Generations of the past honored the Christian religion and embraced it as their own as a people. This can be documented very clearly in our history. We must pray that not only America but all nations may become Christian and that the people of those nations will embrace Christ as Lord and Savior.
August 8, 2020
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The Watchman Radio Hour offers timely messages from the Bible each week.

About Alex Dodson

Alex Dodson serves as president of Watchmen Radio Ministries International and as a staff evangelist. He has been in the gospel ministry for over thirty years. He was ordained in 1974 and has served as both a pastor and evangelist. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and is presently a member of International Ministerial Fellowship. He has also done postgraduate studies at the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife Susan live in Portland, Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.

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Watchman Radio Hour
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