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A Nation that Sins is a Nation of Shame

January 16, 2021

A nation that sins against God is covered with shame. Daniel was not afraid to admit the shame of his people. They were punished because of their great sins against God. Today, our great sins shame us as a people. The greater shame is that we are not repenting of our sins and God's judgement upon us has already begun.

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References: Daniel 9:7-11

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Past Episodes

Today, we as a nation are not acknowledging our great sins as a people. That's our problem. God sends his warning judgments against us in different ways and we don't recognize them as calling us to repent of our sins. Our forefathers recognized their dependence upon God and when they saw his displeasure with them, they confessed their sins and repented. We can learn from them!
January 9, 2021
We hear very little about conviction of sin in our churches today. Preachers don't preach on such topics. Yet, this is the problem with our society. We are sinners and don't realize it. We think we are righteous but we need to know that we are not. We are sinners and our sins come up before God everyday and they stink in his nostrils. That's what we as a society need to realize. Our greatest need as a nation is to know that we are sinners. We need to be humbled to realize our great need. Otherwise, we will never seek the remedy for our sickness as a people.
January 2, 2021
The Bible is clear. There will be a resurrection day. We will inherit a new heaven and a new earth. That's God's promise to His people. That's something that we as Christians can all look forward to.  There is going to be a judgment day, but we look beyond that judgment day to an eternal kingdom.
December 26, 2020
We are living in a place of temporariness. We are living in a place where suffering occurs. We are living in a place where death is commonplace. This life is only a shadow. It can't be the reality. The reality is yet to come and its glory cannot be compared to this life. We must not set our hearts on this life alone. If we do, we will be disappointed and sad because what this life has will not last. We all live in the Shadowlands. We cannot escape the Shadowlands. We will all pass through them. Yet, if we know Christ, there is a glory yet to revealed on the other side. We look forward to that future glory.
December 19, 2020
God has visited us from Heaven. God has visited this world and everybody needs to know about it. We should not be hiding Christmas but we should be declaring it to all. "God has visited us and you need to know about it." That's our message. No amount of political correctness should silence that message. Christmas is a time to tell everybody about that visit from Heaven. We need to shout it from the mountain tops and declare it everywhere. "God has visited us and you need to know about it." Don't hide Christmas. Declare it to the whole nation.
December 12, 2020
Where is the powerful preaching of the Word and people coming under great conviction and turning to the Lord in great numbers? That's what happens in times of true revival. Haggai preached with great power and fear came upon the people for he was sent from God with the message of God for the people. Today, we need God's message and God's messenger to come upon us in mighty power.
December 5, 2020
God is able to give a new heart to know Him. What we need to be praying for as a nation today is not a better economy. What we need to be praying for as a people is that God would change our hearts to know and honor Him. Once that happens the economy will get better as God once again blesses us as a people. We cannot expect God's blessing upon a people who continually dishonor and rebel against Him. We as a people need a new heart.
November 28, 2020
Our nation has a rich heritage in our Pilgrim forefathers. Yet, we are deserting that heritage with reckless speed. We need to slow down and turn back to where we came from - see what our foundations were.
November 21, 2020
This nation is not exempt from perishing. No nation that forsakes God will long survive. Our only hope is a national spiritual revival. Our nation has been in a state of moral and spiritual decline before and God sent great revivals to bring it back. He can do it again and we pray that He will.
November 14, 2020
Today, powerful preaching has been put aside for lectures and talks from the pulpit. Powerful preachers are few and far between. There is a drought of the Word of God in the land. When the Holy Spirit comes in power, powerful preaching will return. When the Holy Spirit returns in power, God will raise up powerful preachers to call this nation to repentance. May the Lord raise up another George Whitefield to set this nation on fire and bring it to its knees by the power of the Holy Spirit.
November 7, 2020
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The Watchman Radio Hour offers timely messages from the Bible each week.

About Alex Dodson

Alex Dodson serves as president of Watchmen Radio Ministries International and as a staff evangelist. He has been in the gospel ministry for over thirty years. He was ordained in 1974 and has served as both a pastor and evangelist. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and is presently a member of International Ministerial Fellowship. He has also done postgraduate studies at the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife Susan live in Portland, Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.

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Watchman Radio Hour
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Portland, OR 97213