Unlimited Grace

Bryan Chapell

I Am The Resurrection and the Life - Part 1

May 17, 2024

In this lesson, Pastor Bryan shares from John 11.  As Jesus declares himself the resurrection and the life, He reveals His power and authority over even death. With the death and resurrection of Lazarus, this passage highlights not only Jesus divinity, but also His humanity.

References: John 11

Featured Offer

Discover God’s Unlimited Grace Throughout All of Scripture
In Bryan Chapell's book, you will learn how God's unlimited grace leads us to heartfelt obedience and transforming joy. Explaining why grace is important and giving us tools to discover it in all of Scripture, Unlimited Grace helps us to see how gospel joy transforms our hearts and makes us passionate for Christ's purposes. 


In this episode, Pastor Bryan shares the second half of a lesson  from John 10. Dr. Chapell investigates the declaration that Jesus makes of himself. What are the ramifications if Jesus is indeed the Son of God?
May 16, 2024
In this lesson, Pastor Bryan shares from John 10. Dr. Chapell highlights what Jesus expresses about knowing Him. In order to follow Christ, you must not only hear, but believe that He is the Son of God.
May 15, 2024
In this lesson, Pastor Bryan shares the second half of a lesson from Titus 2. Dr. Chapell highlights the calling and duties outlined in this passage, which has been described by some as the “The Great Commission For Mothers.”
May 14, 2024
In this lesson, Pastor Bryan shares from Titus 2. Dr. Chapell highlights the calling of spiritual mothering that God gives as well power He provides to equip mothers for the task.
May 13, 2024
In this lesson, Pastor Bryan shares from 1 Samuel as he presents a special message to parents. Dr. Chapell reminds us of God’s working in our weakness. It is in fact our inability to be perfect parents allows our children to see God’s grace at work. As parents model for their children a dependance on God, they display a loving and powerful savior that we all must turn to in our weakness.
May 10, 2024
In this lesson, Pastor Bryan shares from 1 Samuel as we study Hannah’s prayer of desperation for a child. Even as she vow’s to dedicate back to the Lord, the life of her son, God is preparing a path out of weakness and barrenness for the coming of a savior. Once again, we see how God provides his strength in our weakness.
May 9, 2024
In this episode, Pastor Bryan shares the second half of a lesson from John 9. We see in this passage a reminder of how Christ provides light in the darkness and gives vision to those who need sight.
May 6, 2024
In this episode, Pastor Bryan shares a lesson from John 9. Dr, Chapell highlights the miracle of Jesus giving sight to the blind man as we ask the question — is calamity in our lives a punishment for sin?
May 3, 2024
In this episode, Pastor Bryan shares the second half of a lesson from John 6. In our continued study of the book of John, Dr. Chapell further investigates Jesus declaring that He is the bread of life.
May 2, 2024
In this episode, Pastor Bryan shares a lesson from John 6. Dr. Chapell investigates the words of Jesus to the disciples as He reveals the way to eternal life.
May 1, 2024
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Featured Offer

Discover God’s Unlimited Grace Throughout All of Scripture
In Bryan Chapell's book, you will learn how God's unlimited grace leads us to heartfelt obedience and transforming joy. Explaining why grace is important and giving us tools to discover it in all of Scripture, Unlimited Grace helps us to see how gospel joy transforms our hearts and makes us passionate for Christ's purposes. 

About Unlimited Grace

Unlimited Grace is dedicated to spreading the gospel of God’s grace to all people. We desire for believers everywhere to serve God through faith in His grace that frees from sin and fuels the joy of transformed lives.

About Bryan Chapell

Bryan Chapell, Ph.D.  is the Stated Clerk Pro Tempore of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), based in Lawrenceville, GA.

Dr. Chapell is an internationally renowned preacher, teacher, and speaker, and the author of many books, including Each for the Other, Holiness by Grace, Praying Backwards, The Gospel According to Daniel, The Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to Preach, and Christ-Centered Preaching, a preaching textbook now in multiple editions and many languages that has established him as one of this generation’s foremost teachers of homiletics.

Dr. Chapell is passionate about sharing the truth of God's grace with others, because it provides the freedom and fuel for transformed lives of joy and peace.

He and his wife, Kathy, have four adult children, a growing number of grandchildren, and lives rich with friends, fishing and faith.


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