In segment one, Jan talks to Tom Doyle about the frightful persecution of Christians in the Mideast. As America retreats from global leadership, evil is filling gaps everywhere. Now ISIS threatens to raise its flag over our White House. Don’t underestimate them. The Muslim Brotherhood is already there. How can we help persecuted Christians in various places? Then Jan talks to a mom who survived the grief surrounding the car crash death of her 20-year old daughter only through an “eternal perspective.” Melody Richards tells a heartwarming story of Danielle which will resonate with anyone who has lost a loved one. The reality that they will be reunited in Heaven has allowed Melody to live victoriously. And many have come to faith in Christ as a result of Danielle’s death. God always works good out of evil. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
Jan’s classic book documenting the true story of Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. A story that will boost your faith and understand that with God, all things are possible.