Jan hosts with guest Jim Tetlow. The two discuss--and play clips--of his new radio drama, The Coming Global Transformation. That transformation is the Rapture. The drama centers around an unbelieving couple and their life before, during, and after the Rapture. Tetlow uses a number of tools to bring out potential scenarios that may be at play during that time period such as UFOs and apparitions. When a major war breaks out in the Middle East, apathy turns to curiosity and the couple begins a serious spiritual journey. This is an outstanding witnessing tool. We sell the CD/MP3 set here. We offer both a single disc and a quick-sleeve version which can be handed out to people at no cost. These prices vary. You can listen to the entire production online and at no cost at www.eternal-productions.org. A caution that MP3s play only on newer CD players and on most computers. Newer cars are MP3-friendly.
Jan’s classic book documenting the true story of Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. A story that will boost your faith and understand that with God, all things are possible.