On the first half of this broadcast Jan talks to Jennifer Pekich who attended Rick Warren's "health seminar" led by three blatant New Agers. In fact, Dr. Oz wants to hypnotize America. But she heard buzz words which troubled her such as "sustainable living." These were U.N. rooted terms used by the doctors. She heard about U.N. Agenda 21, globalism, and more, begging the questions, is Rick Warren in agreement with these doctors and their not-so-hidden agenda? Since all of this continues, we must conclude Warren is in favor of this and his global PEACE plan fits in with the global agenda of the doctors. The spiritual health of Saddleback attendees is clearly at stake. Hear the original program announcing the Warren seminar with radio guest Caryl Matrisciana, posted to "Radio Archives" for January 22. http://ponderingsfrompatmos.blogspot.com
On the second half of this broadcast Carl Teichrib reveals that the Genesis 3 lie lives on -- man is continually trying to be like God. That seems to be the goal of transhumanism. It is playing out everywhere: The military looks for the perfect soldier; NASA looks for the perfect space traveler; Hollywood offers such films as Avatar. How might this affect you? Jan also explains Preterism, being offered by Gary DeMar. He feels Olive Tree and similar ministries are misleading millions and we serve as a threat to the integrity of the Christian faith because our eschatology is future-based while Preterism believes it all took place in 70AD. Find info on Teichrib here: www.forcingchange.org
Jan’s classic book documenting the true story of Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. A story that will boost your faith and understand that with God, all things are possible.