On the first half of this broadcast Nonie Darwish is our guest. She was born and raised a Muslim in Egypt. She offers her perspective on Middle East turmoil, the evil of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sharia Law, the Obama administration's hand in promoting the Muslim brotherhood, his signal to them in his June, 2009 speech in Cairo, and the fact he has some Brotherhood reps as his advisers. She and others believe Obama knows the chaos he has allowed to be unleashed in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East. Nonie is President ofFormer Muslims United and Arabs for Israel. Learn more at: www.arabsforisrael.com or www.formermuslimsunited.org
On the second half of this broadcast Calvin Beisner is our guest. He heads the Cornwall Alliance, and has a campaign, Resisting the Green Dragon. This effort calls Christians to take a look at the environmental movement including those headed by evangelicals. Environmentalism is encouraging a new religion, is targeting our youth, and has a global vision. Why are Christians going along with a one-world system by signing on to the false claims of the greens? One Christian outfit says that a "true evangelical proselytizes the planet." Since redistributing the wealth is behind almost all environmental efforts, why are Christians selling out? Having said this, please be good stewards of God's creation. Learn more at: www.resistingthegreendragon or www.cornwallalliance.org
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