Jan hosts and talks to guest T.A. (Tom) McMahon about his book, "Temporal Delusion: Is the Church Destined to be Raptured or to Reign Supreme?" At this very moment, millions of professing Christians are joining with millions of other "believers" to promote peace and reconciliation across the country and around the globe. These pragmatic churches and organizations are uniting for the ecumenical "common good" to eliminate poverty, eradicate disease, and save the earth from political and environmental disaster -- all in the name of advancing "God's kingdom on earth." But are all of these good works derived from a biblical blueprint for humanity? Or are these well-meaning workers building a house on foundations of sand? Your church may very well be among them. Olive Tree carries the book and it is found here. For more info on McMahon, visit www.thebereancall.org.
Jan’s classic book documenting the true story of Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. A story that will boost your faith and understand that with God, all things are possible.