Jan hosts with guests Jack Kinsella and Ed Decker. Jack was present at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Courage" event in Israel which had a hidden agenda. It was a not-so-subtle endeavor to promote Mormonism and even scam participants for money for LDS purposes. Kinsella gives a first-hand report and Ed Decker, a former Mormon, reveals some of the inside secrets of the Mormon Church. Some of the information is quite shocking. What is the "White Horse Prophecy?" Does Glenn really know what he is doing and is he really a "Christian Zionist" as some are proclaiming? Is it possible to be a "Christian Mormon?" No is the answer to that. How might Mitt Romney's Mormonism play into a presidency he might win? Find Ed Decker's book on Mormonism on our site here. To obtain the free chapter of that book from Decker, visit his Web site, www.saintsalive.com. Learn more about Kinsella at www.omegaletter.com
Jan’s classic book documenting the true story of Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. A story that will boost your faith and understand that with God, all things are possible.