On the first half of this broadcast Jeff Framke and Jan discuss how you can be a witness even after your death or the Rapture. Friends and family may think twice about the gospel message after you are gone and certainly after the Lord takes us away in the Rapture, although that may or may not be in our generation. He has produced a professional DVD called Final Harvest found here. Even if you have a will, it should be amended to include the tips Framke gives in this interview. If sharing the gospel was difficult for you in your lifetime, here's how you can easily do it after you are gone. www.finalharvestdvd.com
On the second half of this broadcast Caryl Matrisciana returns to explain the oxymoron of Christian Yoga. This is further explained on her DVD Yoga Uncoiled from East to West: A Look at Yoga in the Church found here. This is now rampant in churches of all denominations yet Christian participants do not understand they are dealing with 330 million Hindu gods. They are in denial because it's "good stretching and breathing methods" and Yoga supposedly relieves their stress. This DVD and information is a tool to sound a warning to them. www.carylmatrisciana.com/site/
Jan’s classic book documenting the true story of Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. A story that will boost your faith and understand that with God, all things are possible.