Guest host, Eric Barger, and Pastor Paul Van Noy discuss "Covenant" theology and the related errors prevalent in the popular book, "The Hole In Our Gospel." Learn how "Covenant," "Replacement," and "Dual Covenant" theologies lead to a skewed understanding of the Scriptures. Then understand how World Vision'sRichard Sterns' book presents an unbiblical, works-oriented plan of salvation and forwards "Kingdom Now" theology, while intimating that the vast majority of true evangelicals preach and believe an incomplete gospel. Go here to find some products we carry that are produced by Eric Barger.
The second half of this broadcast we are also sharing Dr. Ron Rhodes' message at Understanding the Times 2009: It's Out of this World: The Glory of Heaven. We have CDs and DVDs of many previous conferences, all found here.
Jan’s classic book documenting the true story of Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. A story that will boost your faith and understand that with God, all things are possible.