Jan hosts interviewing Dr. Ron Rhodes on his new book, Cyber Meltdown: Bible Prophecy and the Imminent Threat of Cyberterrorism. You can bring a nation to its knees in a day through cyberterrorism, today's cheap terror threat. Rhodes paints the scenario of our perilous times. What are some of the schemes being planned today to come against nations? America is the least prepared nation today. Jan and Rhodes also discuss how all advanced technology will be used for end-time purposes. It will be the primary tool of the antichrist and likely will tie in to the "Mark of the Beast" system. Will technology display the "image of the Beast?" The information Rhodes presents is stunning in the book and interview. Go here to find the book in our store. www.ronrhodes.org
The second half of this broadcast is guest Host Eric Barger and he spends an hour on Universalism which is gaining influence thanks to books like Rob Bell's Love Wins and Paul Young's The Shack.Universalism is more acceptable today thanks to end-time apostasy, shallow pulpits, Emergent Church influence, and "God is only love" feel-good theology. Eric interviews James DeYoung, good friend of Paul Young. DeYoung is author of Burning Down The Shack, and blogger John Lanagan. DeYoung confirms Paul Young's Universalism and Lanagan reports on the play based on The Shack which is likely paving the way for a movie. Learn more at www.ericbarger.com,www.jamesdeyoung.com, and www.mywordlikefire.wordpress.com
Jan’s classic book documenting the true story of Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. A story that will boost your faith and understand that with God, all things are possible.