The first half of this broadcast Jan talks to White House correspondent Bill Koenig about Israel-related issues including Netanyahu's visit, Obama's comments and attitude, possible weather-related fall-out from God, and Campaign 2012. Bill is the author of the classic book, Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel. Find that at his site:
The second half of this broadcast is guest host is Dr. Randy White, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Katy, TX. White interviews Sondra Baras of Christian Friends of Israeli Communities. Sondra is a resident of Biblical Samaria. Living in the land of the Patriarchs, Sondra is an Orthodox Jew who strongly believes that the West Bank is land given by God to Israel. This broadcast will make you aware of the settlement movement among Jews, who the settlers are, and how Christians can bless the Jewish settlers of the land of Israel. Go here to find Dr. White's book on the Antichrist. We highly recommend it. Olive Tree Ministries is a strong believer in Jewish evangelism even if it "offends."
Jan’s classic book documenting the true story of Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. A story that will boost your faith and understand that with God, all things are possible.