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Your Appointment With God

September 24, 2016
Jan Markell spends the hour with Dr. Mark Hitchcock. In part they discuss the Judgment Seat of Christ which awaits all believers. Thoughts, motives, and actions will be judged. Since our sins were paid for at the cross, why a judgment of believers? What are the rewards given? When does this take place? Can we prepare for this? We are accountable to God and some day we have a scheduled appointment with God known as the Bema Seat. They also talk current events related to Bible prophecy. We use the mobile app found at
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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and White House correspondent Bill Koenig present part 2 of their series on Washington and election-related issues. We carry Koenig’s new book, “Revealed: Obama’s Legacy.” It is found here. The damage done by Barack Obama’s two terms in office is incalculable. Is there time to reverse the tide? They also consider the U.N. takeover of the Internet, the “never Trump” camp, the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, church denominations coming against Israel, and much more. Koenig has been in the White House press corps for 15 years. We use the mobile app found at
September 17, 2016
Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger begin a two-part series with White House correspondent Bill Koenig. His new book is “Revealed: Obama’s Legacy.” Very few people fully understand the extensive consequences of President Obama’s two terms in office. Life as we know it in America will never be the same. In Revealed: Obama’s Legacy, the details are presented. God allowed this man to damage or destroy so much that Americans hold dear starting with the U.S. Constitution. Can Christians reverse the damage and if so, how? We carry Koenig’s book and it is found here. The discussion includes an analysis of the 2016 election. We use the mobile app found at
September 10, 2016
Jan Markell talks to Carl Teichrib for one segment about the recent Parliament of World Religions. Is this a foreshadowing of a global religion? Then author Jeff Kinley joins Jan to talk about his new book, “Wake the Bride: Facing These Last Days With Your Eyes Wide Open.” Find the book here. The book is an innovative guide to the book of Revelation designed to wake a sleeping church. We use the mobile app found at
September 3, 2016
Jan’s first guest is Laurie Cardoza-Moore who speaks into the World Vision controversy. How is it possible for an aid organization to not know funds are being funneled to Hamas? Why are Christians, including the ELCA, divesting from Israel and siding with the enemies of freedom? Laurie is founder of Then Pastor Steve Khoury concludes the hour. He is a voice for those who cannot speak in the Middle East. As an evangelical Christian Arab pastor who is pro-Israel, his ministry, Holy Land Missions, is under constant attack. We use the mobile app found at
August 27, 2016
We play Dr. Ed Hindson’s 2014 conference message on the Rapture. We are to comfort one another with these words and the hope of His soon return. Hindson gives the Biblical case for a literal Rapture and also presents the evidence for a pre-Trib Rapture. Jan Markell closes with a commentary reflecting the “countdown” we are in to a last generation before this time period. We are in the home stretch of history! Find all our conference CDs or DVDs here. We use the mobile app found at
August 20, 2016
Jan Markell and Eric Barger welcome Pastor Tom Hughes the first segment. Why doesn’t the church today love the study of Christ’s soon return? The church has dropped Bible prophecy even though it is almost 30% of the Bible. Then Jan, Eric and Jill consider the real dangers of the “Pokemon Go” craze. People are being desensitized to all things occult as Satan prepares for the arrival of the Antichrist. There is both a good and a dark side to technology. We carry Barger’s book, “Entertaining Spirits Unaware” and it is found here. We use the mobile app found at
August 13, 2016
Jan Markell and Eric Barger host the program with Gary Kah for the hour. Gary has been watching the rush to global government for 25 years. Brexit has shaken the globalists. Kah states 2016 will go down in history as the watershed moment for the globalists in their pursuit of a “new world order.” What crisis will cause the world to come together as one? It may be on the horizon. The Bible describes an end-time one-world system. We use the mobile app found at
August 6, 2016
Jan Markell talks to prophecy author and commentator Terry James for the hour. They reveal how reprobate thinking has turned the world upside down and made the world perilous. They reveal that only Christ’s return will calm the “sea and the waves roaring.” Their conversation also covers the cry for “peace and security” and the Turkey crisis. How does that fit into eschatology? We carry Terry’s new book, “Rapture Ready or Not: 15 Reasons This is the Generation That Will be Left Behind.” Find it here. We use the mobile app found at
July 30, 2016
Jan, Eric and Jill Martin Rische spend the hour on the perils of the paranormal. It is growing exponentially and no one is safe without some discernment. They look carefully at the UFO phenomena today and ask if they could be a part of the lying signs and wonders of the last days. We carry Eric Barger’s book “Entertaining Spirits Unaware” and it is found here. This book will help to equip Christians to protect loved ones from the end-time snare of the devil as he uses his occultic tactics. We use the mobile app found at
July 23, 2016
Jan Markell talks to Rep. Michele Bachmann in part two of a two-part program. The world is experiencing global distress with perplexity as predicted in the Bible. Among the many topics they examine are the 2016 presidential election, government incompetence, the “global elite,” Brexit, the future of America, and much more. They encourage listeners to not become numb to our times but to redeem the time. Bachmann serves on Donald Trump’s advisory board of evangelical leaders. We use the mobile app found at
July 16, 2016
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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Olive Tree Ministries
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Maple Grove, MN, 55311

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(763) 559-4444