Why Evil in the World and Resisting the Green Dragon
The second half of this broadcast is with Dr. Calvin Beisner who heads the Cornwall Alliance, and has a campaign, Resisting the Green Dragon. This effort calls Christians to take a look at the environmental movement including those headed by evangelicals. Environmentalism is encouraging a new religion, is targeting our youth, and has a global vision. Why are Christians going along with a one-world system by signing on to the false claims of the greens? One Christian outfit says that a "true evangelical proselytizes the planet." Since redistributing the wealth is behind almost all environmental efforts, why are Christians selling out? Having said this, please be good stewards of God's creation. Learn more at: www.resistingthegreendragon.com or www.cornwallalliance.org
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In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.
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In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.
About Understanding the Times
A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.
About Jan Markell
Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.
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Olive Tree Ministries
P.O. Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN, 55311
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(763) 559-4444