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When the World Will be as One

October 24, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger host Gary Kah for the hour. Imagine the world as one. Barack Obama, Pope Francis, and the U.N. are doing all they can to implement this wicked agenda. Hear Kah’s update on the intensified rush to a one-world system just since late-September. And the issue being used to force this is so-called “climate-change.” Kah asks why a religion-hating media loves Pope Francis? A litany of godless people back the global agenda that will be rammed through one day. It will ultimately be ruled by the Antichrist. We use the mobile app found at
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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

We air one of our messages given at “Understanding the Times 2015.” Amir Tsarfati is an Israeli Bible and prophecy teacher. His message, “Israel: Standing Alone,” captivated our audience as it came from the perspective of one who knows how it feels as an Israeli. His keen insights into eschatology are unique coming from the land of Bible prophecy. Israel’s isolation will be used by God to bring them to Him. Other speakers October 2,3 were Dr. Robert Jeffress, Michele Bachmann, and Pastor Jack Hibbs. Find complete sets of CDs or DVDs here. We use the mobile app found at
October 17, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk eschatology with Dr. David Reagan for the hour. We carry his updated book, “Living for Christ in the End Times: Coping with Anarchy and Apostasy.” Find it here. How can we live for Christ victoriously in these last days? Hardly anyone cares that the King is coming and yet that is today’s only good news. We have society decaying and the church riddled with apostasy. In light of this, how shall we then live? We use the mobile app found at
October 10, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger host former New Ager Warren Smith for the hour. This movement is now called the “new spirituality” and you would be surprised how even evangelical leaders fit into it. The chief proponent of it is Oprah Winfrey who is now utilizing Rob Bell to further this Satanic agenda. Why would Rick Warren tap into three men with involvement in this “new spirituality” to be a part of a program at Saddleback Church? Hear from one who attended this outrageous seminar. We carry Smith’s excellent book, “False Christ Coming: What New Age Leaders Really Have in Store for America, the Church, and the World.” Find it here. We use the mobile app found at
October 3, 2015
Jan Markell talks with Michele Bachmann and Dr. Robert Jeffress for the hour. They are two of our conference guests October 2-3. They consider current headlines in light of the Bible and see the world crying for peace and safety amidst the world’s chaos. Is God waking us up and shaking us up so that we will begin looking up? We carry Jeffress’ book, “Countdown to the Apocalypse,” and it is found here. For conference details go here. We use the mobile app found at
September 26, 2015
Jan’s guests for the hour are Pastor Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati from Israel. They are two of our conference speakers October 2-3. They suggest life may never be the same as it once was and that we are in a final countdown. They discuss what the countdown may look like. They also talk about how people can prepare for our times. The three remind all that the spirit of Antichrist will one day, likely soon, be overcome by Jesus Christ. Today’s lawlessness will cease. We use the mobile app found at 
September 19, 2015
Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische spend the hour discussing the most dangerous cult, the cult of liberalism. Mainline Protestantism caved to it 150 years ago and now evangelicals are doing the same. We carry Eric Barger’s updated DVD on this subject and it is found here. Liberalism is ravaging our churches, colleges, and seminaries. Find out who the leaders of this movement are and how you can combat liberalism if it is in your world and church. Though the liberal church will say they are Christians, they have taken their eyes off of the important issues of eternity. We use the mobile app found at
September 12, 2015
Jan Markell’s first guest is Dr. Ed Hindson. They discuss his newest book, “Target Israel: Caught in the Crosshairs of the End Times.” Find it here. Never has Israel been so marginalized, even by America. Then Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Dr. Randy White who says even as a Baptist pastor, he would have a hard time finding a church to attend. What has gone wrong and what is the answer to the church dilemma? We use the mobile app found at
September 5, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger discuss the convergence of many events in September, including the Shemitah, with Jonathan Cahn. From the United Nations to the Jewish holy days to the Pope, and much more, there is a strange alignment of activity in September, not the least of which is the Shemitah. They emphasize that no one knows for sure if we can draw any conclusions. Cahn looks at patterns in the past as well. It is a provocative hour. We use the mobile app found at
August 29, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger first talk to David Fiorazo, author of the new book, “The Cost of Our Silence: The Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance.” Find the book here. How can any of us remain silent when we see the rampant evil running amok today? Our silence has tragic consequences, and we may not have a lot of time left to speak up. As Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.” Then Jan Markell closes with a commentary about the mockers. She was notified that a church in Washington State made fun of “End-Time Eddies.” Why are our churches today denigrating the greatest news there is: The King is coming? We use the mobile app found at
August 22, 2015
Jan’s first guest is World Net Daily founder Joseph Farah who says journalists can hardly keep up with breaking news. He also talks his transformation from a far leftist progressive when he began in journalism to a Bible-believing Christian. Then Jill Martin Rische and Jan discuss the forthcoming Fox TV presentation “Lucifer” due to debut in 2016. They also sound a warning about the popular “Charlie Charlie” demon game that teens are playing around the world. All ages will benefit from Rische’s understanding and warnings about occult-based issues. We use the mobile app found at
August 15, 2015
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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Olive Tree Ministries
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Maple Grove, MN, 55311

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(763) 559-4444