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The Wonder of Heaven

March 30, 2013
We air a conference message by Dr. Ron Rhodes: "The Wonder of Heaven." At a time when the world is out of control, it is reassuring to remember that Eternity is not. The glories that await us there are unimaginable and Dr. Rhodes gives great insight. Ron will be a part of "Understanding the Times 2013" which is Saturday, October 5. He will address apologetics and end-time issues. Find all of our conference CDs and DVDs here. His book, "The End Times in Chronological Order" is also in our store here. Joseph Farah and Dr. Mark HItchcock are our other speakers in October.
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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

Jan's first guest is WND's Joseph Farah. He has looked behind the headlines for decades. They do that together considering many current issues. He knew our days would turn perilous because he knows Bible prophecy. Farah is one of our "Understanding the Times 2013" speakers. He is an Arab who loves Israel. Then apologist Mike LeMay joins Jan to talk about the Emergent Church's latest heresy: Denying the importance of the atonement. Hear Tony Jones do just that. Find LeMay's book, "The Suicide of American Christianity" here.
March 23, 2013
Jan's first guest is prophecy scholar Dr. David Reagan. The two discuss the characteristics and heritage of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Is the global religious system outlined in the Bible Rome and therefore related to Catholicism? The two remind listeners that the catastrophic calamities happening today are setting the stage for the Tribulation when all this mystery unfolds. Then Jill Martin Rische joins Jan to talk about the apologetics of asking God to reveal the future to us. She also addresses the St. Malachy Papal predictions. Jill continues the apologetics' work of her dad, Dr. Walter Martin. Find Reagan's book, The Man of Lawlessness, here. Find Rische's book on the occult here.
March 16, 2013
Jan's guest is prophecy scholar Dr. Mark Hitchcock. They discuss America in prophecy, the topic he gave at "Understanding the Times 2012." Where is America headed? Not to renewed glory for sure. She is heading into the globalist system that will be ruled by the Antichrist. There are a dozen factors that play into that scenario although Hitchcock believes the ultimate "judgment" on America will be the Rapture. We carry Hitchcock's book, "The Late-Great United States" found here. All conference CDs and DVDs are found here. This is the 2012 conference message but Hitchcock joins Jan live for the closing segment.
March 9, 2013
Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Erwin Lutzer about his new book, The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent. Dr. Lutzer has hit a home run with his insights into what Islam is up to. This is a wake-up call to the church as well. Lutzer gets into "appeasement" issues by the current administration which are delusional and he talks about other current issues that trouble him concerning Islam, America, and the West. This is no ordinary book or radio discussion on this topic. The inroads of Islam are startling and Jan, Eric and Lutzer reference the warnings of Frank Gaffney, Andrew McCarthy, Clare Lopez, Eric Stakelback, Gen. Boykin, and more. Find Lutzer's book here. Then White House correspondent Bill Koenig gives his Washington insider report. America is imploding for a reason. What can we do to slow it down?
March 2, 2013
Filmmaker, pastor, and apologist, Joe Schimmel, joins Jan and Eric Barger to discuss the culture of violence portrayed in today's entertainment world. Pastor Joe and Eric speak from their own life experience before coming to Christ, as well as from the countless hours of research and study of the entertainment culture. You do not want to miss the insights and warnings offered as Schimmel and Barger shine the light of truth on many of Satan's prime deceptions being popularized though motion pictures, television, video games, and the music industry. They also bring words of encouragement testifying to God's redeeming power, as both were once lost as players in the secular rock and roll world. Also, don't miss today's special Web bonus as we continue the discussion! Find info below. Then Jan interviews Michael Wolf, producer of a new DVD, The Sound of the Spirit. This is a story depicting the struggle Jewish believers have today as they travel in two different worlds. All people of faith can identify, however. It's told with humor, compassion, and grace. Find the product and trailer here. See info for Web bonus with Schimmel below.
February 23, 2013
The entertainment industry is entertaining people to death. Joe Schimmel and Eric Barger list ideas and share thoughts on what steps parents and grandparents should take or avoid to best help children and youth navigate around today's perverse and violent entertainment culture. Most importantly, Eric and Joe offer biblically based truths to help listeners align their homes, families, and entertainment according to God's Word. See Schimmel's rock music warnings and videos at
February 22, 2013
Jan's first guest is Dr. Cal Beisner, head of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He is a voice of balance in the "creation wars" reminding all that Christian environmentalism is importing neo-Marxism into the church. Environmentalism has become an unhealthy religion and some serve the creation more than the Creator. Then Jan talks to Terry James of Rapture Ready about the resignation of the Pope. We believe that anything Rome engages in is worthy of attention as Rome is a major end-time biblical player. It is likely that a Pope will be the False Prophet although we do not know that for sure. What about St. Malachy's prophecy that the next Pope will be the last? Jan quotes Jack Kinsella who suggests such accurate forecasting would have to be demonic. We highly recommend Beisner's DVD series, Resisting the Green Dragon, and you can order here.
February 16, 2013
Jan's first guest is Washington insider Gary Bauer. They discuss how Washington reflects the "upside-down" world now, with good called evil and dark seen as light. They discuss the three foreign policy disaster appointments of Hagel, Brennan and Kerry, three more judgments on America. Bauer worked in the Reagan administration that saw America as a shining city on a hill. Now the Left is eager to dismantle the country. Strong delusion has overtaken America. Then Jan talks to Dr. Ron Rhodes. They discuss the most prominent prophecy-related stories for 2013. Ron also cites what he believes we should watch in the church in this new year. Jan and Ron agree that the invasion of our privacy may be the largest looming dilemma for Christians and all Americans. We carry Rhodes' book, "The End Times in Chronological Order" here.
February 9, 2013
Jan talks to Jill Martin Rische about the return of the "days of Noah" as it concerns Newtown, CT. What influenced Lanza the most? His mother was a "doomsday prepper"; he was addicted to video games; he had possible occult ties; he was Autistic. Jan then interviews Jill's 20 year old daughter, Christina, who is on the Autism Spectrum. If autism is in your life, don't miss this. Rische is the daughter of Dr. Walter Martin. Then Jan interview Middle East correspondent David Dolan. Things have just intensified in the Middle East. Nobody understands it better than Dolan.
February 2, 2013
Jan talks to Ken Ham about the coarsening of the culture. When God is tossed out of everything and when the lie of evolution is the gold standard everywhere, society will diminish. Jan plays several sound bites of atheist Richard Dawkins who symbolizes the war on God today. Later in the program, David Wheaton joins the conversation. They continue the discussion of the decline of the culture concluding it is getting more and more difficult to be a light in a world that is darkening. Government is the new "god". This provides a great opportunity for the church to stand up and proclaim the truth. We're not optimistic that today's church will do that, however there is always a remnant who will remain faithful and shine the light in the darkness!
January 26, 2013
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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