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The Social Justice Gospel: Putting Poverty Above the Cross

July 4, 2015
Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk about the “social justice gospel” for the first two segments. These folks often put poverty and “equality” above the cross. They will feed the stomach but not the soul. They look at primarily Jim Wallis, a long-time Marxist who has “moderated” to a Socialist and who is an Obama advisor. Joining Jan and Eric are Mary Danielson, author of a product we carry about Wallis, and Mike LeMay from “Stand Up for the Truth” radio. Find info on all our pamphlets here. Then Jan talks to author Jeff Kinley about his book, “As it Was in the Days of Noah: Warnings from Bible Prophecy About the Coming Global Storm.” We are in those “days of Noah”. How are they similar to the former days in the Bible? Find his book here. We use the mobile app found at
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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

Jan Markell and her co-host Eric Barger, talk to filmmaker Caryl Matrisciana for the hour about her latest DVD, “Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity” (volume 3). Their topics include Dominionism, Latter Rain, Fresh Fire, IHOP, “drunk in the spirit,” grave sucking, Bethel Church (Redding, CA), counterfeit laying on of hands, we are all gods, Todd Bentley, and much more. We carry Caryl’s DVD and it is found here. It is a 2-disc, 5-hour production. It looks at the raging end-time apostasy so common today. We use the mobile app found at
June 27, 2015
Jan Markell’s guest for the hour is Pastor Jack Hibbs, one of our conference speakers October 2-3 near Minneapolis. They talk current events, the silence of the church on important issues, and end-times. They discuss the forthcoming Fox TV show, “Lucifer” which glorifies Satan and makes him a good guy living in Los Angeles. The church remains in a “daze” of deception in spite of the turmoil of our times. We use the mobile app found at
June 20, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger interview Amir Tsarfati the hour. Amir is an Israeli, a prophecy teacher, founder of “Behold Israel,” and one of our fall conference speakers. He states that the stage is being set as Biblical prophecy unfolds more each day. As an Israeli citizen, he is saddened that the church is silent on Israel, the “miracle of the 20th Century”, or caught up in Replacement Theology. The hosts and guest discuss many signs of the times. Learn what Amir feels may be one of the next major biblical fulfillments. Amir reminds us that prophecy is given to prepare us, not scare us. We use the mobile app found at
June 13, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger first talk to Anne Graham Lotz about the unraveling and distress with perplexity among the nations as history winds down. Is God trying to get the world’s attention? Anne reminds us that God always warns before judgment. They also focus on the hope of Heaven in dark times. They discuss the wounding by God’s people of each other and how this can cause many to walk away from the Lord and the church. Then Jan Markell talks to filmmaker George Escobar who is producing a theater version of “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” Find that current documentary about Anita Dittman here. We use the mobile app at
June 6, 2015
Jan Markell and Jill Martin Rische talk with Pastor Steven Khoury who is a voice for Christians silenced in his region, the Middle East. His evangelical outreach is greatly persecuted by the Muslims of the area. He received a standing ovation following his message at our “Understanding the Times Fall 2014” conference. He just addressed the United Nations as well. Then Jan and Eric Barger discuss the silence in the pulpit about all the issues that matter today. How can pastors be approached to deal with the important things the pulpit neglects today? We use the mobile app found at
May 30, 2015
We air Jan Markell’s message at “Understanding the Times Fall 2014”: “U.S. Presidents & Israel: A Blessing or a Cursing?” You can order a complete set of CDs and DVDs or just get Jan’s single message on DVD here. Jan considers U.S. Presidents from Woodrow Wilson through Barack Obama and how they have blessed or cursed Israel. There are consequences to a nation when that happens. Currently Israel is viewed as a near terrorist state by present-day leadership and this should shock all righteous people. Jan’s information is timely! It is also a sign of the last days. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
May 23, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour talking to terror analyst Erick Stakelbeck as he unravels the ISIS crisis. Stackelbeck feels America is totally unprepared for what might be coming upon us. Our southern border is a disaster waiting to happen he says; our shopping malls are sitting targets; sleeper cells may be awaiting orders. What can be done? If terror visits a neighborhood near you, you need this vital, though disturbing, information. Find his new book in any book store. We use the mobile app found at
May 16, 2015
In segment one, Jan Markell and Eric Barger respond to the overwhelming outpouring of condemnation due to the program’s interviews with Michele Bachmann a few weeks ago. Then Jan talks to a young woman who was obsessed with social media. When it was taken away, she threatened to take her life. How can technology that has a bright side turn so evil as it addicts tens of millions? Mariah shares how she was set free. A must-hear for anyone growing too close to today’s electronic world—and too far away from God. We use the mobile app found at
May 9, 2015
Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Gary Frazier for the entire hour about issues of eternity: Hell, the Judgment Seat of Christ, the Great White Throne Judgment, and more. They discuss his newest book, “Hell is for Real: Why It Matter”, found here. Everyone has a destiny that is daunting. We all will stand before the one who loved us, died for us, rose for us, and sits at the right hand of the Father for us. Practical questions are answered. We use the mobile app found at
May 2, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to White House correspondent Bill Koenig about America’s collision course with God. Koenig has been a White House journalist since 2001 and shares insights in the third in our series of our Washington watch. Koenig connects some more final days dots and concurs with Franklin Graham that there is an “antichrist movement” in Washington now. He offers insights listeners will not hear other places. We use the mobile app at
April 25, 2015
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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Olive Tree Ministries
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Maple Grove, MN, 55311

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(763) 559-4444