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The Rise of the Paranormal

August 27, 2011
Jan hosts and talks to her guest, Jill Martin Rische, the daughter of the late Dr. Walter Martin. In this two-hour presentation, Jan and Jill cover the rise of the paranormal. They discuss the greatest influencers on the issue: The entertainment industry, all things Harry Potter, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Mehmet Oz, mysticism in the churches, and more. They also explore the rise of Wicca and witchcraft and the fact that the "New Age" movement is now mainstream. They also consider the cult of Mormonism now that it is high-profile thanks to Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, and various members of Congress. The Mormon Church is baptizing many into the church after their death including Dr. Walter Martin and some who perished in the Holocaust. Dr. Martin was the leading critic of the cult before his death in 1989.
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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

Jan hosts with guest Jim Tetlow. The two discuss--and play clips--of his new radio drama, The Coming Global Transformation. That transformation is the Rapture. The drama centers around an unbelieving couple and their life before, during, and after the Rapture. Tetlow uses a number of tools to bring out potential scenarios that may be at play during that time period such as UFOs and apparitions. When a major war breaks out in the Middle East, apathy turns to curiosity and the couple begins a serious spiritual journey. This is an outstanding witnessing tool. We sell the CD/MP3 set here. We offer both a single disc and a quick-sleeve version which can be handed out to people at no cost. These prices vary. You can listen to the entire production online and at no cost at A caution that MP3s play only on newer CD players and on most computers. Newer cars are MP3-friendly.
August 20, 2011
Jan talks to Gary Kah about the global meltdown. Progressivism and socialism are failing but the globalists are still orchestrating some of the turmoil, hoping the world will come to the brink and welcome in the one-world system. Gary and Jan discuss the downgrading of America's economy to AA+, a coming world currency, and the many issues that are leading the world into galloping globalism. What happens when America stops losing world influence and we drift towards no longer being the global leader? We have a recipe for revolution! Jan and Gary urge everyone to cling to the fact that God has this in control. Even if freedom is fading, we must trust Him. Our second half of this broadcast we  share a message by Dr. David Reagan at one of our recent Understanding the Times conferences. The Christian need not fear death because of our hope beyond the grave. Our hope is partly built by the truth of Bible prophecy. But it is ignored everywhere. People cling to this world because we don't understand future events and our future Home. What is in store for us? A glorious future is promised in the Bible and Dr. Reagan gives us an overview of that. Reagan encourages us to look up and not around! You can order CDs or DVDs of many of our Understanding the Times events here.
August 13, 2011
Jan hosts interviewing Dr. Ron Rhodes on his new book, Cyber Meltdown: Bible Prophecy and the Imminent Threat of Cyberterrorism. You can bring a nation to its knees in a day through cyberterrorism, today's cheap terror threat. Rhodes paints the scenario of our perilous times. What are some of the schemes being planned today to come against nations? America is the least prepared nation today. Jan and Rhodes also discuss how all advanced technology will be used for end-time purposes. It will be the primary tool of the antichrist and likely will tie in to the "Mark of the Beast" system. Will technology display the "image of the Beast?" The information Rhodes presents is stunning in the book and interview. Go here to find the book in our store. The second half of this broadcast is guest Host Eric Barger and he spends an hour on Universalism which is gaining influence thanks to books like Rob Bell's Love Wins and Paul Young's The Shack.Universalism is more acceptable today thanks to end-time apostasy, shallow pulpits, Emergent Church influence, and "God is only love" feel-good theology. Eric interviews James DeYoung, good friend of Paul Young. DeYoung is author of Burning Down The Shack, and blogger John Lanagan. DeYoung confirms Paul Young's Universalism and Lanagan reports on the play based on The Shack which is likely paving the way for a movie. Learn more at,, and
August 6, 2011
Eric Barger has been a part of our Understanding the Times conference activity for several years. We air his message, Liberalism: The Most Dangerous Cult. You can find conference CD and DVDs here. We carry many products by Eric Barger here. Find more info at
July 30, 2011
Dr. Norm Geisler joins Jan to discuss his new book, If God, Why Evil? In an effort to answer this question, Norm Geisler provides the clearest, most comprehensive and penetrating presentation on one of the most difficult problems that thinking Christians face. Where did evil come from? And why doesn't God do something about it? Can't He just put an end to murder, rape, and starvation? What about earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis? Why couldn't a perfect God have made a perfect world? Jan and Dr. Geisler also review the issue of Hell and briefly address Rob Bell's new book on this subject. Go here to find Geisler's book on our site. The second half of this broadcast is with Dr. Calvin Beisner who heads the Cornwall Alliance, and has a campaign, Resisting the Green Dragon. This effort calls Christians to take a look at the environmental movement including those headed by evangelicals. Environmentalism is encouraging a new religion, is targeting our youth, and has a global vision. Why are Christians going along with a one-world system by signing on to the false claims of the greens? One Christian outfit says that a "true evangelical proselytizes the planet." Since redistributing the wealth is behind almost all environmental efforts, why are Christians selling out? Having said this, please be good stewards of God's creation. Learn more at: or
July 23, 2011
Part 1: Jan is host both hours and deals with John Loeffler from Steel on Steel radio. Is global debt going to be the crisis the Antichrist won't let go to waste? Probably. It is unsolvable. The two consider numerous economy-related issues now that there is a clear war against the private sector and a push for a socialized America. Today's global debt cannot even be comprehended. The ship of socialized fools in Greece and other parts of Europe is sinking and America should be taking notes. We could be next. The end-time plan of God is in motion and a one-world system and currency is on the horizon. We don't know the timing. Jan and John close considering the bright side of the dark side. This is the time when the church can shine and even replace the government in caring for some in society. Will it step up to the plate and follow through or is the church too far gone? We carry Loeffler's DVD, The Coming Persecution of Christians in the West found here. Learn more at and to listen free, just use your e-mail and the password of Olive Tree.
July 16, 2011
Jan hosts with guest Kamal Saleem, former Islamic terrorist, now a believer. Their topics range from "Chrislam" in our churches (the uniting of Muslims and Christians), to our purpose in Libya, to the real reasons behind the so-called "Arab spring." They also examine the Muslim Brotherhood which is getting a pass in the Obama administration when their goal, in fact, is global Sharia Law. They are behind much of the turmoil in the Middle East. Back to "Chrislam" -- even Jack Van Impe has been tossed by TBN because he wants to tell the truth about Islam but is not allowed to on the network. Kamal closes the two hours by sharing his amazing testimony for 20 minutes.
July 9, 2011
Jan as host and Eric Barger as guest challenge Christianity Today for their promotion of a bargain sale of products promoting lectio divina, contemplative prayer, "the silence," spiritual formation, walking the labyrinth, and more. These are practices the reformers died fighting 500 years ago. In particular, the Emergent Church is promoting all of these along with everything mystical. Mysticism has replaced doctrine and the leaders of this apostate movement say Jesus died to save the earth, not individuals. Yet evangelicals are climbing on board the mystical train and it's leading to a train wreck in the church. How can you spot this in your church? Who are the names to avoid? We carry many Eric Barger products found here. Learn more at
July 2, 2011
Jan hosts an hour that is a tribute to Dr. Ron Carlson who passed away June 16. Guests who weigh in include Ed Decker and Brannon Howse. Jan also plays a portion of Ron Carlson's message at Understanding the Times 2007 in the Twin Cities. Carlson specialized in exposing false teachings, cults, and stood for sound apologetics. Ron's conference message focuses on the deception of our day. You can contact the Carlson family at We carry Ron and Ed Decker's book, Fast Facts on False Teachings which you can find here. We carry CD and DVDs of our Understanding the Times conferences here. The second part of this broadcast is guest host Eric Barger who discusses with his guests the question: Can a Mormon be a Christian? Joining Barger are former Mormon elders Ed Decker of "Saints Alive in Jesus" and Jim Spencer of "Through the Maze." Decker and Spencer are two of today's most knowledgeable Christian apologists on the topic of Mormonism. This hour outlines the vast differences between Mormonism and authentic Christianity and reminds the listeners that those in the cults radically redefine terms such as "salvation." They also promote "another Jesus." As Mormons go more and more high-profile, we need to get acquainted with their twisted beliefs. Learn more at or, and We carry Ed Decker's book, My Kingdom Come and several Eric Barger productshere.
June 25, 2011
Ken Ham is Jan's guest. He is the author of a new book revealing how Christian college students come to their Christian college campus "already compromised." However, their unbelief is then fueled by Christian colleges promoting unsound doctrine. Jan and Ken reveal that the flawed doctrine is not just pertaining to Genesis issues, but theology running through the entire Bible.  Jan also answers the critics of the Dr. Randy White hour when Randy interviewed an Orthodox Jewish woman who denounced Christians witnessing to her. We must anyway! Jan also reveals more "Dual Covenant Theology" heavily promoted by John Hagee. No, the Jews don't have a separate way of salvation. For info on Ken Ham or his book, visit On the second half of this broadcast we are sharing another message by Joel Rosenberg given at one of our Understanding the Times conferences. You can find CDs and DVDs of many of those conferences here.
June 18, 2011
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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