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Stunning Events: 2014 – 2015

December 13, 2014
Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend two segments talking to White House correspondent Bill Koenig about a few of the most significant events of 2014. They also project into the new year and talk about at least one possibility: An Israeli strike on Iran. They discuss the ecumenical push taking place right now heavily led by Pope Francis but evangelicals are cooperating. Then Jan talks to Pastor Steven Khoury in Israel. There is unusual tension going on there. Steven gives an insider’s opinion as he is a Jerusalem pastor. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

The web of deception being engineered by Satan’s forces is vast and well planned. Global government is on the horizon. But it will take a crisis – both national and international – to have it implemented. Gary Kah, Jan Markell and Eric Barger discuss this the entire hour and the options that could lead to such crises. This is sobering. The racial unrest may play a role in this. A perfect storm is forming to create a one-world government sooner than most expected. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
December 6, 2014
Jan Markell talks to Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman the entire hour. Hear this incredible and uplifting testimony of God’s protection for His own. She is a wonderful illustration of the fact that He never leaves us or forsakes us. Her story will encourage you amidst today’s darkness. Jan authored her book many years ago. Find the book here. Find the documentary film made by WND here. Find Jan’s companion DVD, “When Government Becomes God: What History Teaches Us” here. We offer a “combo-pack” of the two DVDs here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
November 29, 2014
Jan’s primary guest is David Limbaugh. They discuss the November 4 election results and the statement made by a commentator that the next two years in America are two of the most dangerous ever. They also discuss Limbaugh’s new book, “Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Confirms the Truth of the Gospel.” Jan and Jill Martin Rische consider pestilence and plague in prophecy. Does Ebola fit into this? Hear a clip with a partial stunning testimony from Ebola survivor Nancy Writebol. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
November 22, 2014
Jan Markell’s and Eric Barger’s guest for the entire hour is Dr. Ron Rhodes. They discuss his new book, “The 8 Great Debates of Bible Prophecy: Understanding the Ongoing Controversies.” Find it here. The hour is spent considering some of these controversies. You can gain info to compare and contrast your views and debate others from this discussion. We recommend the book which has dozens of topics and sub-topics subject to debate. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
November 15, 2014
Jan Markell and Jill Martin Rische talk about Christians who are “disconnecting and disengaging” due to the bad news of our day. How do we cope in light of the tragic headlines? Dr. Marcus Bachmann is a guest as he describes the attack he has come under from the intolerant Left. His wife, Rep. Michele Bachmann, is being threatened by ISIS. And American Family Association President Tim Wildmon and Jan discuss the attack on religious freedom. They introduce AFA’s new film, “A Time to Speak.” If the church doesn’t rise up, we will have few religious freedoms remaining thanks to the intolerant Left. Find this new DVD here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
November 8, 2014
In segment one, Eric Barger talks to Dan Fisher who keeps the memory of “The Black Robed Regiment” alive. They were America’s “patriot preachers” during the Revolutionary War. Then Jan Markell talks to Twila Brase from the Citizen’s Council on Health Freedom about Ebola and ObamaCare. They also discuss options for Christians who want to opt out of ObamaCare. Twila is blunt that America won’t remain America as long as government controls the people of America through ObamaCare and healthcare. Jan closes talking to Pastor Jack Hibbs about government intrusion into our pulpits. Though the Mayor of Houston has backed down on her sermon demand, the harassment of pastors has just begun. However, many are fighting back. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
November 1, 2014
Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk about the “social justice gospel” for the first two segments. These folks often put poverty and “equality” above the cross. They will feed the stomach but not the soul. They look at primarily Jim Wallis, a long-time Marxist who has “moderated” to a Socialist and who is an Obama advisor. Joining Jan and Eric are Mary Danielson, author of a product we carry about Wallis, and Mike LeMay from “Stand Up for the Truth” radio. Find info on all our pamphlets here. Then Jan gives a short commentary on why Barack Obama calls ISIS “ISIL.” It’s all about “the Levant” and the destruction of Israel. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
October 25, 2014
Jan Markell airs a message by Dr. Ed Hindson from “Understanding the Times Fall 2014” which took place Saturday, October 4. Hindson’s message is “Signs of the Times: How the Stage is Being Set.” The hour is late. Signs are flashing and warning us daily. Hindson lists some of the most important ones and reminds us to keep our eyes on the skies. Find complete sets of CDs or DVDs here. Close to 3,000 attendees said this was the best event this ministry has presented since 2002. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
October 18, 2014
Jan Markell’s first guest is Dr. Dave Reagan. They discuss his new book, “The Jewish People: Rejected or Beloved.” In the short segment, they discuss “Dual Covenant Theology” and Reagan’s efforts to reach out to Dr. John Hagee who embraces this theology though he will often deny it. In the last two segments, Jan interviews Ann Graham Lotz on her concerns which include the great falling away in the church, her new-found concern for Israel, and her belief that the Lord’s return is imminent. She concludes encouraging listeners to trust God even when we don’t understand His ways in our lives. Find Dave Reagan’s book on the Jewish people here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
October 11, 2014
Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger spend the entire hour with Rep. Michele Bachmann. She spent August travelling to five nations. The purpose, in part, was to learn more about ISIS and it’s threat to the free world, particularly America. Why did Barack Obama release the ISIS leader from prison in Iraq in 2009? How is the President’s worldview destabilizing the entire world? She also spent time on our southern border in August and gives a troubling report. Bachmann represents the 6th District in Minnesota and has been a long-time friend of Olive Tree Ministries. She is a committed believer and a student of the end-times. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
October 4, 2014
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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Olive Tree Ministries
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Maple Grove, MN, 55311

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