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Significant Signs in the Heavens?

December 21, 2013
Jan talks to Pastor Mark Biltz asking him if the 2014-2015 blood moons are a significant sign in the Heavens? The Bible asks us to watch for signs in the Heavens. Observing these forthcoming blood moons is not an exercise in date-setting for end-time events. In the past, the blood moon tetrads (four in a row) took place within date patterns that dramatically affected Israel and then the world. Biltz has never suggested that the Rapture or any other end-time event will fit into this pattern as some accuse. He found the information on the NASA Web site and is reporting on how it has played out in history and how it could play out in the future. Jan also talks about two Hollywood films that were made to mock and scoff Jesus' return, a definite sign of the time. We use the mobile app found at
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Past Episodes

Jan's guest is Twila Brase, noted national expert on health care and ObamaCare. Socialized medicine is the Progressive's dream that is now America's nightmare. Brase offers legal ways people can employ so that one doesn't have to enroll in an exchange. Can this freight train be stopped? Jan and Twila discuss that as well. It is true that another 100 million could lose health care in 2014? These would be employer-based plans that will likely be cancelled. If you might be in that category, we urge you to listen. Find much more info at Twila's Web site, Then David Fiorazo joins Jan to discuss some current efforts to blot out God in America. Find his outstanding book here. Is America's effort to eradicate Him out of our lives just one reason we have the curse of socialized medicine upon us now? Jan reminds listeners that He never forgets us; we are engraved on the palms of His hands. Find info on our mobile app from here.
December 14, 2013
Jan and her team review the most important radio programs aired on Understanding the Times in 2013. We play clips from Rep. Michele Bachmann, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Gary Kah, and many more. We have tried to keep you up to speed on dozens of issues, breaking news, feature stories, and more. Jan, Eric Barger, and producer Larry Kutzler add commentary along the way. Find the stunning book we refer to by Dr. Erwin Lutzer here. We use the mobile app found at
December 7, 2013
Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to Gary Kah. They consider the massive invasion of privacy going on which Kah has been warning of for 25 years. Never has the biblical appeal to "deliver us from evil" been so imperative. The monstrous surveillance effort happening today is prepping the world for the Antichrist and the radio team discusses that. Then Jan gives a commentary on the unbelievable deal struck with Iran last week. America has now totally sold out her best friend and ally, Israel. There are tremendous consequences to this deal. We use the mobile app found at
November 30, 2013
Jan, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische discuss the normalization of the occult today, even in the church. They target an issue of "Christianity Today" where we are encouraged to reflect on monsters and other dark issues. We carry Eric Barger's excellent book, "Entertaining Spirits Unaware: The End-Time Occult Invasion," found here. Jan then interviews American Family Association President Tim Wildmon as to why his organization was called a hate group recently. How far will the secular world go to marginalize Christians and all we stand for? Very far. The Bible predicts it. Find info on our mobile app here. We tap into the app from
November 23, 2013
Jan first talks to journalist Jim Fletcher and White House correspondent Bill Koenig about the raising of the Palestinian flag in our evangelical churches today. In five years, Israel may have few friends as the Bible predicts as even evangelicals are switching loyalty to the Palestinians. Then Jan and Koenig discuss the current issues from Washington starting with ObamaCare, which is a planned train wreck to destroy capitalism and gain total control over all Americans. They also discuss the dismissal of many U.S. military generals. What is the Obama purpose behind this purge as it is gutting the U.S. military in every respect. Find Fletcher's new book, "Truth Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Dangerous Theology of Rob Bell," here. We use the mobile app from
November 16, 2013
Jan airs Dr. Mark Hitchcock's 2013 conference message outlining Bible prophecy's prediction of a coming economic collapse. We do not know the timing of this. Hitchcock deals with the panorama of economic issues leading up to this. This is a must-hear for everyone as this phenomenon will hit the entire world. Find conference CDs and DVDs here. Find Hitchcock's book, "The End of Money," here. How soon will we have a cashless society? We use the mobile app from One Place found at
November 9, 2013
Jan's first guest is Patrick Crough, an investigator and expert in thwarting sexual predators. The Internet is the playground for these people and what was an epidemic is now a pandemic as it concerns these people's activities against children and teens. We carry his booklet, "Five Things You Can Do to Protect Your Kids from Sexual Predators," and it is found here. Then Dr. Dave Reagan joins Jan to discuss his newest book, "Living on Borrowed Time: The Imminent Return of Jesus." They consider the signs of the times that are exploding, the mocking of Bible prophecy, the "super sign" of Israel, and much more. Jan Markell is a contributor to this book along with 21 other prophecy experts. Joel Rosenberg adds more info via sound bytes. We carry Reagan's book here. We use the mobile app found at
November 2, 2013
Jan and co-host Jill Martin Rische talk to a former Scientologist, Sam Madrid. He states that this cult is stranger than fiction and the pure doctrine of demons. Yet millions are drawn to it as Scientologists claim that it will perfect the earth. Science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard created a religion as bizarre as they come and one that is stranger than the fiction he wrote. You will hear through Madrid's testimony and the sound bytes, how stunning it is that modern man could buy into this deception and it confirms the openness people will have to these things in the last days. Scientology plans to make society perfect, end war, end poverty, and more. We use the mobile app from One Place found here.
October 26, 2013
Jan's first topic is "Christian Yoga." Jan and her co-hosts, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische, discuss why the two cannot ever blend, although sound bytes are played of one Christian "leader" who thinks they go well together. Then Dr. Emad Shenouda joins Jan to talk about the horrific persecution of Christians in the Middle East. He focuses heavily on the Coptic Christians in Egypt as this is his heritage but the dilemma spans many nations. He is a physician in Iowa who is appealing for prayer on behalf of his brethren. Find our booklet on "Yoga and Christianity: Are They Compatiable?" here. We use the mobile app from
October 19, 2013
Jan airs one of Dr. Ron Rhodes' conference messages: "The Seduction of the Church: The Lure of End-Time Deception." Some of our churches are steeped in error and are actually aiding the wreckage of the wolves. How did we get to such a new level of the death of discernment? Other speakers included Dr. Mark Hitchcock and World Net Daily's Joseph Farah. We have complete sets of CDs and DVDs here, although they are not ready to ship until November. We use the mobile app from Find info on their Home page.
October 12, 2013
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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