Understanding the Times

Jan Markell

Jerusalem: God’s Time Clock

January 6, 2018

Jan’s guests include White House correspondent Bill Koenig and Laurie Cardoza-Moore. Bill Koenig states that Donald Trump’s primary role is to accelerate final day events. They review his remarkable first year. Koenig and Cardoza-Moore discuss the Jerusalem proclamation by President Trump and remind people that Jerusalem is God’s time clock for the last days. Learn more at www.watch.org and www.pjtn.org. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Featured Offer

What You Need to Know About the Rapture
Using concise language and helpful diagrams, Ryrie explores the key events that surround the last days from a pretribulation perspective.  As you immerse yourself in this straightforward study, you will not only grow in your knowledge of the rapture and its key role in future events, but also experience the profound joy of knowing God’s glorious plans for the future! Jack Hibbs has written the Foreword.


Jan plays a conference message by Pastor J.D. Farag on the Rapture. Farag defends the pre-Trib Rapture position and sites reasons why he believes it is imminent or any moment. While God allows believers to experience the wrath of man, He spares us from the wrath to come. Complete sets of conference CDs and DVDs can be found here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
December 30, 2017
Jan Markell and Eric Barger feature British commentator Melanie Phillips who gives a warning to the world. Britain, and all of Europe, threw God out and made government and multiculturalism their gods. Londonistan is likely coming to your neighborhood. Phillips is Jewish and gives advice to President Trump on the “peace process” between Israel and her enemies. They consider France’s new President Macron and conclude he could be an apocalyptic player because of his plans for Europe. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
December 23, 2017
Jan Markell plays Dr. Mark Hitchcock’s message from “Understanding the Times 2017” titled “The Sabotage of Christianity from Within.” Some of our seminaries and churches are causing the rampant apostasy today that the Bible predicted. Is it too late to turn the tide? Find conference products here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
December 16, 2017
Jan Markell spends the hour with Trevor Loudon discussing his DVD production “Enemies Within.” He reveals the vast Communist and Islamist infiltration of America into our highest levels of government and national security. He names the names of dozens of them. America has been radicalized and today’s church has played a role by neglecting this information. Loudon exhorts pastors to change course while there is still time. Find his film at www.enemieswithinmovie.com. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
December 9, 2017
Jan Markell and Eric Barger welcome Ron Rhodes. They discuss his newest book, “End-Time Super Trends.” It seems the future is now with exploding trends which are God’s “intel in advance.” From the rush to globalism and a cashless society, the world is racing towards a final destination. Events are morphing as never before. Learn of the 15 trends affecting you today. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
December 2, 2017
Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with Pastor Billy Crone discussing the Rapture and Rapture timing. They refute those who put down the biblical pre-Tribulation Rapture and explain why. The Tribulation judges the pagan world and brings Israel to faith. There is confusion partly because today’s church is silent. Hear the mockers call the “blessed hope” the “blasted hope”. We recommend his book and DVD products on this issue and other topics found at www.getalifemedia.com. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
November 25, 2017
Jan Markell spends much of the hour with Olivier Melnick talking about Satan’s last-ditch effort to spit in God’s face by stirring up hatred against the Jewish people. Why is the church totally silent? It should be speaking out against those perpetrating the oldest hatred against those who gave us our Bible and Messiah. Find Jan Markell’s book on the Holocaust here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
November 18, 2017
Our radio team looks at the paranormal now that is the new normal. If Christians aren’t aware of the dark side, they could be dancing with demons. How do we protect loved ones? What objects around your home could invite evil spirits in? You would be surprised! We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
November 11, 2017
Our radio team opens discussing the harsh tone in ministry today and asks if love has grown cold as predicted? Then Ray Comfort joins Jan to talk about the epidemic of depression and suicide. Christians are not immune. Jan and Ray consider his film, “Exit: The Appeal of Suicide.” View it here. This program could save a life today. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
November 4, 2017
Jan Markell and her first guest, Dr. Robert Jeffress, discuss our future home, Heaven and its many aspects. Why is it even Christians want to cling to earth? In the closing segment, filmmaker George Escobar updates listeners on the planned made-for-theater version of “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” You can assist financially at the Go Fund Me here. Find the book and documentary DVD here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
October 28, 2017
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Featured Offer

What You Need to Know About the Rapture
Using concise language and helpful diagrams, Ryrie explores the key events that surround the last days from a pretribulation perspective.  As you immerse yourself in this straightforward study, you will not only grow in your knowledge of the rapture and its key role in future events, but also experience the profound joy of knowing God’s glorious plans for the future! Jack Hibbs has written the Foreword.

About Understanding the Times

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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Olive Tree Ministries
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Maple Grove, MN, 55311

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(763) 559-4444