On the first half of this broadcast Bill Koenig returns. He is a part of the White House press corps. He and Jan discuss the political landscape for 2012, Libya, Japan, Israel, and more. All nations are in "distress with perplexity" as foretold in Luke 21. While this will intensify greatly in the future, we are seeing a run-up to that now. Koenig states that part of the Middle East turmoil is that our Middle East policy is seriously flawed. Even the Saudis no longer trust America. So much for bowing to the king, Barack! Where is Libya headed? How are God's purposes possibly being fulfilled in the carnage in Japan? We highly recommend Koenig's e-newsletter, Koenig's Eye-View from the White House. Learn much more at www.watch.org. On the second half of this broadcast Jan and Jim Tetlow discuss our incredible God of wonders. He offers a DVD by that title that is now in 28 languages all on one DVD. This stunning film should be seen by all and particularly in these dark times. It will lift your spirit and remind you that our all-powerful God is truly in control. And there is not just chaos in the world. There are wonders going on every minute and Tetlow's cameras catch many of them. We offer a quick-sleeve version where you can get a large number of these for a small price. Use them as witnessing tools. You can find the product here or contact Jim Tetlow at: www.eternal-productions.org
March 26, 2011
On the first half of this broadcast Jan has guest Jack Kinsella on air. Is God shaking the nations such as Japan? Jan and Jack remind listeners that the Bible outlines such events in the Bible for the last days. Could God be reminding us that Jesus is coming soon? Then they discuss a National Association of Evangelical's survey that breaks down the eschatalogical (last days) beliefs of evangelicals. More than 65% are Premillennial Dispensationalists. What are the remaining? And why are the pulpits silent about these issues? We carry Kinsella's excellent book, The Last Generation: 10 Signs of the End of the Age here. To contact Jack Kinsella www.omegaletter.com On the second half of this broadcast Is guest Casey Luskin. Casey is a member of the legal advisory team of a Christian fired from NASA for talking about intelligent design. It would seem that no Christian even need to apply for a position at NASA and since it is taxpayer funded, believers have no say in stopping the discrimination. Jan then moves on to a commentary as to why ears might be closed today when people try to tell loved ones about what is happening in the world. She closes with a short commentary on the slaughter of the innocent, including children, in Itmar, Israel. The ordeal doesn't end with the death of an Israeli family. The Palestinians then dance in the street celebrating the disaster. Yet the story is buried in Western newspapers, not covered at all, or in some cases, denigrates Israeli "settlers" who were the victims of this tragedy. Contact for Casey Luskin is found at www.evolutionnews.org To protest the treatment of the Christian scientist, David Coppedge, write to Charles Bolden:Charles.Bolden@NASA.gov
March 19, 2011
On the first half of this broadcast Jan Markell replies to the critics of last week's hour two. Some felt that guest host Brannon Howse and his guest, Ingrid Schlueter, were much too hard on Pastor John Piper and even too hard on Rick Warren. Yet Warren is allowing occultists into his church and John Piper will take hundreds or thousands of the Desiring God followers to Saddleback this spring. Jan gives an update, talks about the response, presents another side to the story, and asks prayer for all involved, particularly Piper and Warren.On the second half of this broadcast Jan then talks to Jim Fletcher from Flashpoint 2012: Is it the End of the World as We Know it? No, because too much has to happen yet! They discuss some of the end-time apostasy going on and also the religious Left's target of Israel. You can purchase the book here. It has many contributors writing about current issues of the day. Jan Markell is one contributor. www.prophecymatters.com
March 12, 2011
Jim Tetlow returns to talk science and the foreknowledge of God. Scientific research continues to unfold the wonders and mysteries of our universe. The Bible anticipated many of today's scientific discoveries centuries before they were brought to light. Scientific foreknowledge found only in the Bible offers one more piece to the collective proof that the Bible is truly the inspired Word of the Creator. It is no surprise, therefore, that life's ultimate questions are answered within its pages. Jan closes with a report from a supporter in Queensland, Australia, an area devastated by unprecedented flooding. Note: Jim Tetlow now has a multi-language God of Wonders DVD. The default is English but many other options are available. For more info: www.eternal-productions.org or find it in our store here. The multi-language option is also available in the quick-sleeve version.
February 26, 2011
On the first half of this broadcast Nonie Darwish is our guest. She was born and raised a Muslim in Egypt. She offers her perspective on Middle East turmoil, the evil of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sharia Law, the Obama administration's hand in promoting the Muslim brotherhood, his signal to them in his June, 2009 speech in Cairo, and the fact he has some Brotherhood reps as his advisers. She and others believe Obama knows the chaos he has allowed to be unleashed in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East. Nonie is President ofFormer Muslims United and Arabs for Israel. Learn more at: www.arabsforisrael.com or www.formermuslimsunited.orgOn the second half of this broadcast Calvin Beisner is our guest. He heads the Cornwall Alliance, and has a campaign, Resisting the Green Dragon. This effort calls Christians to take a look at the environmental movement including those headed by evangelicals. Environmentalism is encouraging a new religion, is targeting our youth, and has a global vision. Why are Christians going along with a one-world system by signing on to the false claims of the greens? One Christian outfit says that a "true evangelical proselytizes the planet." Since redistributing the wealth is behind almost all environmental efforts, why are Christians selling out? Having said this, please be good stewards of God's creation. Learn more at: www.resistingthegreendragon or www.cornwallalliance.org
February 19, 2011
On the first half of this broadcast Jan talks to Jennifer Pekich who attended Rick Warren's "health seminar" led by three blatant New Agers. In fact, Dr. Oz wants to hypnotize America. But she heard buzz words which troubled her such as "sustainable living." These were U.N. rooted terms used by the doctors. She heard about U.N. Agenda 21, globalism, and more, begging the questions, is Rick Warren in agreement with these doctors and their not-so-hidden agenda? Since all of this continues, we must conclude Warren is in favor of this and his global PEACE plan fits in with the global agenda of the doctors. The spiritual health of Saddleback attendees is clearly at stake. Hear the original program announcing the Warren seminar with radio guest Caryl Matrisciana, posted to "Radio Archives" for January 22. http://ponderingsfrompatmos.blogspot.com On the second half of this broadcast Carl Teichrib reveals that the Genesis 3 lie lives on -- man is continually trying to be like God. That seems to be the goal of transhumanism. It is playing out everywhere: The military looks for the perfect soldier; NASA looks for the perfect space traveler; Hollywood offers such films as Avatar. How might this affect you? Jan also explains Preterism, being offered by Gary DeMar. He feels Olive Tree and similar ministries are misleading millions and we serve as a threat to the integrity of the Christian faith because our eschatology is future-based while Preterism believes it all took place in 70AD. Find info on Teichrib here: www.forcingchange.org
February 12, 2011
On the first half of this broadcast Jan Markell and Jonathan Bernis consider his testimony book, A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth. Part 2 of this first hour, Jan, Chris Heeb,and Larry Kutzler consider the crisis in Egypt: She is the linch-pin of the Middle East. If she can fall, which is inevitable, all nations, including Jordan and Saudi Arabia, can and will collapse. What does the Bible say about this? Is this the stage being set for the Psalm 83 war? Egypt and Jordan have been friends of Israel in recent years, not saber-rattling neighbors. Washington is acting as though they are blind to the evils of the Muslim Brotherhood, which will become the major political and religious factor in Egypt. Heeb and Kutzler represent the oldest Jewish evangelism agency in America, Good News for Israel. Kutzler is also the radio producer forUnderstanding the Times radio. www.gnfi.orgFind info on Bernis' ministry and book at www.jewishvoice.org Part 3 of this programming: Jan, Chris Heeb and Larry Kutzler continue their discussion on the chaos in the Middle East. Many sound bytes are played both hours, including that of Joel Rosenberg. Part 4: Then they change gears moving to the issues of Replacement Theology, the indifference of the pulpits on this and related issues, the misperceptions of the world about "stolen land," and much more. www.gnfi.org
February 5, 2011
Dr. Ron Rhodes returns to talk about a coming oil storm due to a future shortage globally, how oil plays out in prophecy, and how it could pave a path to Armageddon. Once Islam possesses both oil and nuclear weapons, they will feel empowered to act as they wish. Jan and Ron also talk about the Stuxnet worm that was created by Israel with America's blessing. It has set Iranian nuclear ambitions back to 2015. But will Iran retaliate against Israel and America for this? If so, how? Computer security experts who have deconstructed Stuxnet, say it is a work of art and by far the most advanced computer virus ever created. Find Rhodes' book, The Coming Oil Storm, here: www.ronrhodes.org
January 29, 2011
Caryl Matrisciana and Jan look into "The Daniel Plan" being kicked off by Saddleback Church and Rick Warren. Jan and Caryl expose the real danger behind this effort featuring three doctors who specialize in all things Eastern. Why is "America's Pastor" featuring a "Daniel Plan" that includes meditation, Reiki, Transcendental Meditation, and more? The health seminar was kicked off January 15, and continues every weekend for the new year. Teachers Dr. Oz, Dr. Hyman, and Dr. Amen come with a lot of baggage but that seems to bother no one because it's a Rick Warren idea. Caryl grew up in India and is in tune with the dangers of Eastern seduction which is on overdrive at Saddleback Church in 2011. www.caryltv.com Caryl's book Out of India can be found here.
January 22, 2011
Jan and Eric Barger challenge Christianity Today for their promotion of a bargain sale of products promoting lectio divina, contemplative prayer, "the silence," spiritual formation, walking the labyrinth, and more. These are practices the reformers died fighting 500 years ago. In particular, the Emergent Church is promoting all of these along with everything mystical. Mysticism has replaced doctrine and the leaders of this apostate movement say Jesus died to save the earth, not individuals. Yet evangelicals are climbing on board the mystical train and it's leading to a train wreck in the church. How can you spot this in your church? Who are the names to avoid? www.ericbarger.com
January 15, 2011