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Deliver Us From Evil

July 23, 2016
Jan, Eric and Jill Martin Rische spend the hour on the perils of the paranormal. It is growing exponentially and no one is safe without some discernment. They look carefully at the UFO phenomena today and ask if they could be a part of the lying signs and wonders of the last days. We carry Eric Barger’s book “Entertaining Spirits Unaware” and it is found here. This book will help to equip Christians to protect loved ones from the end-time snare of the devil as he uses his occultic tactics. We use the mobile app found at
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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

Jan Markell talks to Rep. Michele Bachmann in part two of a two-part program. The world is experiencing global distress with perplexity as predicted in the Bible. Among the many topics they examine are the 2016 presidential election, government incompetence, the “global elite,” Brexit, the future of America, and much more. They encourage listeners to not become numb to our times but to redeem the time. Bachmann serves on Donald Trump’s advisory board of evangelical leaders. We use the mobile app found at
July 16, 2016
Jan Markell talks to Rep. Michele Bachmann in part one of a two-part program. The world is experiencing global distress with perplexity as predicted in the Bible. Among the many topics they examine are the 2016 presidential election, government incompetence, the “global elite,” Brexit, the future of America, and much more. They encourage listeners to not become numb to our times but to redeem the time. Bachmann serves on Donald Trump’s advisory board of evangelical leaders. We use the mobile app found at
July 9, 2016
Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Gary Frazier for the entire hour about issues of eternity: Hell, the Judgment Seat of Christ, the Great White Throne Judgment, and more. They discuss his newest book, “Hell is for Real: Why It Matters”, found here. Everyone has a destiny that is daunting. We all will stand before the one who loved us, died for us, rose for us, and sits at the right hand of the Father for us. Practical questions are answered. We use the mobile app found at
July 2, 2016
Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with part 2 of the Phil Haney interview. Haney is author of “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.” As a DHS employee, he witnessed the government’s execution of a hands-off policy to protect Muslims and put Americans at risk. He has now blown the whistle with this stunning expose’. Jan and Eric close with comments on Orlando. We are reminded that only God is our homeland security director. We use the mobile app found at
June 25, 2016
Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with Phil Haney, author of “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.” As a DHS employee, he witnessed the government’s execution of a hands-off policy to protect Muslims and put Americans at risk. He has now blown the whistle with this stunning expose’. We are reminded that only God is our homeland security director. We use the mobile app found at
June 18, 2016
Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to attorney and prophecy teacher John Haller. We are in a time of confusion and delusion. Some say the real agenda of the transgender promoters is to wipe out all morality. We are on a slippery slope as in the days of Noah. They also talk about the “convergence” of the signs of the times. One can no longer keep up with the rapid escalation of these events. We recommend John Haller’s weekly prophecy update on YouTube. We use the mobile app found at
June 11, 2016
Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Amir Tsarfati about the coming one-world religion. Proponents say diversity is divine and division is diabolical. The Bible predicts a forthcoming religious merger of all faiths. They also talk to Amir, who is an Israeli Bible prophecy teacher and a speaker at our fall conference, about the lie the administration told to sell the Iran nuclear deal. Jan, Eric, and Jill close the program encouraging listeners who feel alone and isolated because people are now disengaged from reality due to the troubling times. We use the mobile app found at
June 4, 2016
Jan Markell’s first guest is author David Kupelian. The progressive gift to America is brokenness. He documents this in his book, “The Snapping of the American Mind,” and on air with Jan. Progressives, led by President Obama, are attacking the sanity of the country. Everything righteous people hold dear is under assault. What can we do? The Left insisted Obama was a “messiah.” Government must become a god. Then AFA President Tim Wildmon reports on his visit to Target Corp to give them over one million signatures of protest for their genderless bathroom policy—another gift from the godless Left. Learn of Target’s response. We use the mobile app found at
May 28, 2016
Jan’s guest is Anne Graham Lotz who says she does not put her hope in a political party today. She does believe that Christians praying the Daniel Prayer could turn America around. God’s hand of restraint has been lifted from this nation but God relented when Daniel prayed this prayer in the Bible. Then why do so many Christians insist that the rocker Prince died a Christian? Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische suggest that he only represented the “prince of darkness” and the Jehovah’s Witness cult. We use the mobile app found at
May 21, 2016
Jan Markell talks to Dr. Mark Hitchcock for the hour about his new book, “ISIS, Iran, Israel and the End of Days.” Hitchcock believes we are on the home stretch of the Church age and asks what will happen next? What are the final events of world history and how does ISIS, Iran and Israel play into them? How does America fit into the scenario? ISIS is actually preparing the world for the final drama. Find the book here. We use the mobile app found at
May 14, 2016
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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Olive Tree Ministries
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Maple Grove, MN, 55311

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