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Bible Answers for Our Times

April 4, 2015
Dr. Ron Rhodes returns for the entire hour to interact with hosts Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische. The three hosts fire Bible questions at Ron with topics that include angelology, fallen angels, end-times, Heaven and related eternity issues, and much more. Rhodes was the "Bible Answerman" on radio for a number of years sponsored by CRI. Find Rhodes' book, "The Big Book of Bible Answers: A Guide to Understanding the Most Challenging Questions here. This book has been one of our most popular products. We use the mobile app found at
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New from Jan Markell

In this new book, Jan Markell reveals how Bible prophecy equips us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act! At just 96 pages with 14 essays, you can read this in a couple of hours.

Past Episodes

Why is God allowing so many Christians to die? Jan Markell and her guest, Tom Doyle, discuss that and much more. Doyle also shares remarkably uplifting stories from the midst of the persecution of Christians in the Mideast. Doyle has a new book, “Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where it’s Not Safe to Believe.” Find it here. The depth of oppression Jesus followers suffer is unimaginable to most Western Christians. Yet, it is an everyday reality for those who choose faith in many parts of the world. We use the mobile app found at
March 28, 2015
Jan Markell, Dr. Marcus Bachmann, and Larry Kutzler lead a round table discussion with those “left behind” after suicide. Our desperate times are producing desperate people, many of them Christians who take their own life. Loved ones speak into this for the hour. How should the church react? Is this the unpardonable sin as some say it is? Or is God’s grace broad enough to cover this sin? Learn more at We use the mobile app from
March 21, 2015
Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the entire hour with Dr. Mark Hitchcock discussing the supposed trips to Heaven and Hell and back. Are they for real? Why do so many of them contradict the Bible? The co-hosts and Hitchcock spend an extended time on “Heaven Is for Real,” Dr. Mary Neal, and Don Piper. Why could Paul not speak about his trip to Heaven but people can today? Of the 400 books on the topic, why do so few give the plan of salvation so that all may get to Heaven? We carry Hitchcock’s new book on this topic and it’s found here. We use the mobile app found at
March 14, 2015
We play Pastor Jack Hibbs’ message from “Understanding the Times Fall 2014”. The title is “Islam, False Prophets, & the Daze of Deception.” Jack hits on major issues of the day as indicated in the title. Find a complete set of DVDs or CDs here. Other speakers included Dr. Ed Hindson, Jan Markell, and Steven Khoury. Then Eric Barger talks to science expert Jay Seegert. They discuss how we might use creation to share our faith. We use the mobile app found at
March 7, 2015
Jan talks to Dr. Robert Jeffress for two segments about radical Islam, end-times, and current events in light of the Bible. We carry his new book, “Countdown to the Apocalypse: Why ISIS and Ebola are Only the Beginning.” Find it here. With everything falling apart, Dr. Jeffress reminds us to be salt and light. Then Jan Markell gives a short commentary about the importance of Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress March 3. Obama continues to turn on old allies and befriend terrorists. We use the mobile app found at
February 28, 2015
Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische open with a segment responding to Pastor Rick Warren’s suggestion that many religions “are on the same team.” What is wrong with this and what is it heralding? Then they interview Dr. Ron Rhodes about issues relating to his new book, “40 Days Through Genesis.” Find it here. Why are the book ends of the Bible, Genesis and Revelation, marginalized? Hear “Christianity Today” magazine suggest that Adam and Eve are not the parents of us all. We use the mobile app found at
February 21, 2015
Jan’s first guest is author David Fiorazo. They discuss the entertainment industry’s slide into total darkness. Then Jan talks to author and filmmaker Joel Richardson. Joel has visited refugee camps filled with those who have fled ISIS and he speaks of the openness to the gospel and even revival in those areas. They also discuss his new film, “End-Time Eyewitness: Israel, Islam and the Unfolding Signs of Messiah’s Return.” The church is silent on the topic even though the signs are exploding. We use the mobile app found at
February 14, 2015
Jan’s first guest is Brigitte Gabriel who has been sounding a warning as to the Islamic threat in the world – and specifically America – for a decade. She is the author of “They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam” and “Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America” found in any bookstore. Compelling sound bites are played that support her case. Then Jan talks to Pastor Ray Bentley about his book, “The Holy Land Key: Unlocking End-Times Prophecy Through the Lives of God’s People in Israel” found here. We use the mobile app found at
February 7, 2015
Jan Markell spends the hour with former tennis pro David Wheaton. They discuss world and church issues including the boy who went to Heaven but really didn’t. They also focus on the struggle every person experiences: loss. David has a new book about the loss of his dog Ben. Jan shares her story of loss as well. The greater impact is how God provided the grace they needed and how His grace is there for all who go through trials and testings. Find David’s captivating new book at Use the code “Jan” when ordering and get a discount. We use the mobile app found at
January 31, 2015
Jan Markell, Jill Martin Rische, and Eric Barger spend the hour discussing the end-time paranormal invasion of all things, even the church. We carry Eric’s book, “Entertaining Spirits Unaware” here. The Bible gives clear warnings about occult involvement yet it saturates even the church. You will hear stunning sound bites that support the discussion. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
January 24, 2015
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About Understanding the Times

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

Contact Understanding the Times with Jan Markell

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Olive Tree Ministries
P.O. Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN, 55311

Telephone Number
(763) 559-4444