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A Review of 2016

December 31, 2016
Jan Markell and Eric Barger review 2016. Guests include Gary Kah, Michele Bachmann, Amir Tsarfati, Pastor J.D. Farag, Pastor Jack Hibbs, Bill Koenig, and others. Reflect with us on an incredible year. We use the mobile app found at

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Past Episodes

Jan Markell talks to prophecy author and commentator Terry James for the hour. They reveal how reprobate thinking has turned the world upside down and made the world perilous. They reveal that only Christ’s return will calm the “sea and the waves roaring.” Their conversation also covers the cry for “peace and security”. How does that fit into eschatology? We carry Terry’s new book, “Rapture Ready or Not: 15 Reasons This is the Generation That Will be Left Behind.” Find it here. We use the mobile app found at
December 24, 2016
Jan Markell and Eric Barger open with a short commentary about the serious bullet America dodged November 8. An occultic cabal based on Aleister Crowley’s evil could have entered the White House but God prevented it. Will the church go back to sleep now? Then Jan and Eric talk to Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge about why Noah and the Ark still matter. The Ark is a type of the Rapture, and saved God’s remnant at the time. Why would a God who represents grace destroy every living thing? The “days of Noah” have returned as predicted by Jesus. We use the mobile app found at
December 17, 2016
Jan Markell spends the hour with Dr. Mark Hitchcock considering the Book of Revelation. They discuss the identity of Babylon, the Two Witnesses, the heritage of the Antichrist, the missing church after Revelation 3, the identity of the 144,000, and much more. Mark also discusses what is on the horizon for 2017 from the perspective of Bible prophecy. Jan closes with a short commentary stating that the eschatological calendar is not on hold because of a Trump victory in November. All end-time events, including the Rapture, will be right on time. We use the mobile app found at
December 10, 2016
Jan plays Amir Tsarfati’s second message from “Understanding the Times 2016”: Europe: Ready for the Antichrist. Amir shows how Europe has paved the way for Antichrist’s arrival through its anti-God, pro evil agenda. This includes CERN, the Gotthard Tunnel ceremony in June, Europe’s leadership crisis, the destabilization caused by immigration, and much more. He states that Jews will have no problem accepting a European Antichrist. European instability will encourage the rise of the lawless one. Get CDs or DVDs of this event here. We use the mobile app found at
December 3, 2016
Dr.Jan first talks to Dr Robert Jeffress about the fact that 60% of evangelicals believe more than one faith leads to eternal life. His newest book is “Not All Roads Lead to Heaven: Sharing an Exclusive Jesus in an Inclusive World.” Satan’s strategy is to confuse and distract and he is gaining influence but the eternity of billions of people is at stake. Learn how to defend the truth. We also hear the true story of a police officer who saved a man from a burning vehicle. If you don’t believe in literal angels, you might after you hear Richard Morrow’s story. We use the mobile app found at
November 26, 2016
Jan Markell spends the hour with Michele Bachmann as they unpack what happened on November 8. How is it that God’s people actually stunned the global elite and delayed their plan for a one-world government? Learn why this was more of a revolution than an election. Bachmann will serve on the Trump team and has tremendous insights. Listeners are reminded that perfect government will only be found in the Millennium when the government is on His shoulders. We use the mobile app found at
November 19, 2016
Jan Markell welcomes Dr. Mitch Glaser of Chosen People Ministries and Thom Berkowitz. They came to faith in Jesus as Jews, against all odds. Their stories will give you hope that those you are witnessing to can as well. They also talk about the Hebrew Roots Movement, “Dual Covenant Theology,” and the church’s disinterest in all things Israel. Hear a troubling clip of a pastor questioning the Holocaust. We use the mobile app found at
November 12, 2016
Jan Markell, Pastor J.D. Farag, and Pastor Jack Hibbs discuss the important issues in our 2016 election, now winding up. The issues at stake are legion and the culture is becoming more and more Godless. Are we about to lose many of our freedoms? Then Jan and guests consider the top Bible prophecy issues of 2016. Catch Farag’s weekly prophecy updates on YouTube and follow Hibbs online at We use the mobile app found at
November 5, 2016
We play one of Amir Tsarfati’s messages from “Understanding the Times 2016” titled “What in the World Is Going On?” Amir takes a look at several global issues that are playing out today which are outlined in the Bible. He reminds us that things are all coming together. We offer complete sets of CDs and DVDs found here. Thousands came from across America to better understand our times. We use the mobile app found at
October 29, 2016
Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Pastor Tom Hughes about the one world, “it takes a village” mindset the world now has. How does the U.S. loss of the Internet fit in? Is talk of a “shadow government” just conspiratorial? Hughes suggests America is the major player in the coming one world system otherwise known as the “new world order.” Learn who major players are and some of the agenda including U.N. Agenda 2030. All of this fits with the outline of things to come in the Bible. Jan, Jill and Eric close with a short warning that one of the most evil films ever made debuts this weekend. Avoid it and warn others. We use the mobile app found at
October 22, 2016
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A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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Maple Grove, MN, 55311

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