Understanding the Times

Jan Markell

A Preview of Things to Come

September 8, 2023

Jan Markell talks to Tim Moore and Nathan Jones about the convergence of signs of the times. Maui was a preview of things to come in the Tribulation.  The Rapture is the ultimate apocalyptic event. Why is a prominent art center teaching kids how to summon demons? We know the hour is late by watching these warnings.

Featured Offer

What You Need to Know About the Rapture
Using concise language and helpful diagrams, Ryrie explores the key events that surround the last days from a pretribulation perspective.  As you immerse yourself in this straightforward study, you will not only grow in your knowledge of the rapture and its key role in future events, but also experience the profound joy of knowing God’s glorious plans for the future! Jack Hibbs has written the Foreword.


Pastor Mark Henry welcomes Ken Mikle, Josh Schwartz, and Jill Martin Rische. Hacking humans, removing free will, tracking mankind. Who wrote the script for this unbelievable drama? A.I. could lead to a global religion. Jill Rische gives a stunning paranormal update as well.
September 1, 2023
Pastor Mark Henry and Mondo Gonzales discuss the imminent Rapture of the church. They defend the pre-Trib Rapture and explain the problems with other Rapture-timing theologies.  Why the tremendous  attack on the pre-Tribulation Rapture? What makes it theologically accurate?
August 25, 2023
Jan Markell hosts apologists Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett for the hour to reveal the troubling agenda of the New Apostolic Reformation.  This movement encourages the leadership of apostles and prophets, suggests they can bring heaven to earth, and promotes extra-biblical revelation. Should churches be playing their music, produced by Bethel Church, Hillsong, and more? Who are the leaders of the NAR? Contact the authors at HollyPivec.com. Find the book in our online store.
August 18, 2023
Jan Markell plays a conference message by Amir Tsarfati on the preparation Europe is making for the Antichrist. Scripture indicates this man of lawlessness will come from the Revived Roman Empire.  How are all things lining up?
August 11, 2023
Jan Markell talks to Michele Bachmann for the hour, and they conclude a form of global government is here now. The centerpiece of this is healthcare. A digital gulag now exists in Europe but the goal is America and the rest of the West. A global health emergency could make this system functional tomorrow. Covid set the stage. To join her yearly prayer effort, write RSGdeansoffice@regent.edu.
August 4, 2023
Jan Markell talks to Dr. David Reagan for the hour. The Bible speaks much about peace and war. Not until the New Heavens and New Earth are we finished with war. Will believers witness any of the nine end-time wars and which one is next? Find Reagan’s book in our online store.
July 28, 2023
Jan Markell welcomes author Jeff Kinley and Pastor Mark Henry for the hour. They focus on Revelation, which is God’s grand finale. This future time will find God literally shaking the planet. The chaos will result in the return of Jesus Christ in his Second Coming to put an end to the chaos and establish his Kingdom. Find Kinley’s book in our online store.
July 21, 2023
Jan Markell invites Pastor Billy Crone back in a part 2 presentation. They consider the prophetic angle of the war in Ukraine, UFOs, the World Economic Forum, and outfits like BlackRock who rules from the shadows. What does it mean that UFOs are coming from inner space? Could their prominence today be tied to the rapture? Find Crone’s DVD set in our online store.
July 14, 2023
Jan Markell features Pastor Billy Crone for the hour as we watch the infrastructure of the Antichrist being built.  The mindset of every global leader, starting with Klaus Schwab, is the New World Order. And every one of them targets 2030, but why? Is this tied to the Tribulation outlined in the Bible? Find Crone’s DVD set in our online store.
July 7, 2023
Jan Markell’s guest, Scott Schara, says some doctors are breaking their oath and encouraging the deaths of many since Covid. ObamaCare opened this door. Clips are played from the new film, “Breaking the Oath” found on Rumble and produced by Scott. Hear a whistleblower nurse fully expose this evil. Scott lost his down syndrome daughter Grace to hospital recklessness. Learn more at OurAmazinGrace.net.
June 30, 2023
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Featured Offer

What You Need to Know About the Rapture
Using concise language and helpful diagrams, Ryrie explores the key events that surround the last days from a pretribulation perspective.  As you immerse yourself in this straightforward study, you will not only grow in your knowledge of the rapture and its key role in future events, but also experience the profound joy of knowing God’s glorious plans for the future! Jack Hibbs has written the Foreword.

About Understanding the Times

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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Olive Tree Ministries
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Maple Grove, MN, 55311

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(763) 559-4444