From the beginning, young children have one primary responsibility: to be obedient and follow the direction of their parents. And parents use one primary tool to move their children in that direction: commands. Hopefully, parents issue commands in a loving and encouraging manner (with lots of praise for a job well done), but that doesn’t change what a command is—the expressed will of an authority figure.


As Christians, we start out as young children. We experience a spiritual rebirth (John 3:3) and need to be taught how to live in a manner appropriate for our Heavenly Father’s household. So we are given commands to help us accomplish the Father’s will for our life. It’s those basic commands that help us learn God’s will for all His children. They also help us begin to sense His individual will for us as we grow in grace and maturity. The very best place to begin seeking God’s will for our personal life is to make sure we are complying with the “To Do” list He has provided for all His children.


Following is a partial list of God’s will reflected in the teachings of Jesus. Following His will is so important that Jesus told His apostles to teach all of His commands to every new Christian (Matthew 28:19-20).


Spiritual Priorities

•Repent (Matthew 4:17; Revelation 2:5).

•Be born again (John 3:3, 7).

•Seek God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

•Deny yourself and follow Jesus regardless of cost (Matthew 4:19; 16:24).

•Be godly (Matthew 5:48).

•Store treasures in heaven, not on earth (Matthew 6:19-21).

•Honor God’s laws (Matthew 5:17-19).

•Keep Jesus’ commands (Luke 6:46; John 14:15).

•Practice spiritual disciplines (giving, fasting, praying) in secret (Matthew 6:1-18).

•Pray continually (Matthew 7:7-8).

•Choose the narrow path into God’s kingdom (Matthew 7:13-14).

•Pray for more harvest workers (Matthew 9:37-38).

•Be shrewd and discerning (Matthew 10:16).

•Fear God, not man (Matthew 10:28).

•Open your spiritual ears to God’s voice (Matthew 11:15; 13:9).

•Take your burdens to Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30).

•Be on guard against false teaching (Matthew 16:6-12).

•Love God with your whole being (Matthew 22:37-38).

•Live expectantly in light of Christ’s return (Matthew 24:42-44).

•Be a disciple-maker (Matthew 28:19-20).

•Depend on God’s power (Luke 24:49).

•Stay connected to Jesus (John 15:1-7).

•Have faith in God (Mark 11:22).

•Ask God for whatever you need (John 15:7).

•Look upon the harvest fields (John 4:35).


Actions and Deeds

•Let your good works be evidence of your faith (Matthew 5:16).

•Do not commit adultery (Matthew 5:27-30).

•Do not steal (Matthew 19:18).

•Do not lie (Matthew 19:18).

•Keep your word (Matthew 5:33-37).

•Do more than is expected (Matthew 5:38-42).

•Be discerning about sharing spiritual truth (Matthew 7:6).

•Give to God the things that are God’s (Matthew 22:19-21).

•Faithfully celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:26-27).

•Be baptized (Matthew 28:19).

•Pray as Jesus taught His disciples (Matthew 6:9-13).



•Rejoice (Matthew 5:12).

•Do not be troubled (John 14:27; 16:33).

•Do not be angry without a cause (Matthew 5:21-26).

•Do not be judgmental (Matthew 7:1-2).

•Do not covet (Luke 12:15).

•Live on guard against the flesh (Matthew 26:41).

•Do not promote yourself (Luke 14:8-11).

•Love one another (John 13:35).



•Be reconciled to others (Matthew 5:24-25).

•Treat others the way you want to be treated (Matthew 7:12).

•Beware of false prophets (Matthew 7:15).

•Honor your parents (Matthew 15:3-6).

•Value little children (Matthew 18:10).

•Handle personal offenses appropriately (Matthew 18:15-17).

•Put no limit on the extent of forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-22).

•Honor the institution of marriage (Matthew 19:3-9).

•Practice servant leadership (Matthew 20:26-28).

•Minister to the poor (Luke 14:12-14).

•Love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39-40).

•Love your enemies (Matthew 5:43-48).


Take the time to review these four areas where Scripture points us to God’s will for our lives. And then choose two or three points each day and look up the Scripture references in your Bible, and then determine how you can implement these God-given directions into your life. As you begin applying these directives in your life, you will find yourself automatically thinking more about what God would want you to do in your walk with Him. We are always blessed when we are in God’s will—so trust Him to lead and guide you as you seek to be obedient to His will and plan for your life.



David Jeremiah is the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church and the founder and host of Turning Point for God. For more information about Dr. Jeremiah or Turning Point, visit