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The Clear Perspective of Grace, Part 2

March 12, 2025

Perhaps you’ve prayed for the sensitivity to see others the way that God sees them. But what if you had the opportunity to see yourself the way God sees you? Would you do it? Dr. David Jeremiah explains how receiving God’s grace can open our eyes in that extraordinary kind of way.

References: Romans 2:1-16

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Past Episodes

Has God helped you overcome blindness? Not necessarily by restoring your eyesight, but by helping you see something you’d never noticed before? Dr. David Jeremiah explains how God’s grace can help us see sin, injustice and other things to which we often turn a blind eye.
March 11, 2025
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to hear Jesus teach? To know the context and backdrop of His parables that would give you greater perspective? Dr. David Jeremiah considers these aspects of the parable of the prodigal son, revealing surprising insights on God’s grace and Jesus’ purpose in sharing the story.
March 10, 2025
You’re probably familiar with the parable of the prodigal son and its depiction of grace. But like any great story, the more you study it, the more truth it reveals. Dr. David Jeremiah guides us deeper inside this familiar parable to help us more fully appreciate God’s gift of grace.
March 7, 2025
Are there mistakes in your past that are so serious, they make you wonder if God’s grace can cover them? Dr. David Jeremiah shares one of the most profound truths in all of Scripture: that no one is beyond the reach of God’s amazing grace.
March 6, 2025
Most everyone appreciates the lyric: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.” The next line: “that saved a wretch like me,” is far less popular, but it carries an essential truth. Dr. David Jeremiah explains why we must understand the wretchedness of sin before we can know the sweetness of grace.
March 5, 2025
If you think grace and mercy are just two words for the same thing, get ready to have your thinking changed profoundly. Dr. David Jeremiah explains the difference between the two terms, and why that difference is so important to your spiritual life.
March 4, 2025
It stands in such stark contrast to our self-absorbed society and our own human nature that we have little choice but to call it “amazing.” It is grace, and Dr. David Jeremiah begins a series focused on this divine gift and the beloved hymn it inspired.
March 3, 2025
For a Christian to thrive in the current culture, it takes more than faith. It takes courage. Dr. David Jeremiah begins the series, Courage to Conquer, in order to help you grow in this important attribute-especially if you tend to react with fear to what’s happening in the world.
March 2, 2025
When you hear people claim to have visited heaven during a near-death experience, do you believe them? What happens when a believer dies? Today, Dr. David Jeremiah shares the answer from God's Word. You might be surprised to learn the role angels play in your heavenly arrival!
March 1, 2025
If you’re a Christian, you’re living in two worlds, but only one of them can make you happy. Dr. David Jeremiah completes his series, How to be Happy According to Jesus, with a look at the tension between this fallen world and your heavenly home, and why your happiness hangs in the balance.
February 28, 2025
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About Dr. David Jeremiah

Dr. David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point for God, an international broadcast ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books. He is the author of more than fifty books including The Book of Signs, Forward, and Where Do We Go From Here?  David serves as senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego, California, where he resides with his wife, Donna. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren.

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