Thru the Bible

Dr. J. Vernon McGee

2 Timothy 1:1-6

August 19, 2024

“Paul’s swan song.” That’s what our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, calls the Apostle’s second letter to his spiritual son, Timothy. Hear from Paul himself that despite his impending execution, his spirit is triumphant rather than defeated. 

References: 2 Timothy 1:1-6

Featured Offer

Galatians Bible Companion
Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprising, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.


Tough love. That’s one of the many topics the Apostle Paul is talking about in our continuing study of his letter to Timothy and the church at Ephesus. Travel along with us as we look at some important advice for officers within the church and hear what Paul has to say to all believers about relating to one another on a day to day basis.
August 16, 2024
What’s the most terrific part of your church? What’s the most difficult? Many of us would likely have the same answer to both of those questions: The people! Today in 1 Timothy, chapter 5, the Apostle Paul shares some very practical tips for leaders in the local church and how we can all work together for the glory of God.
August 15, 2024
Our study of apostates—or those who spread false teaching—continues as the Apostle Paul instructs his young protégé to test everything under the light of God’s Word. Join us in 1 Timothy, chapter 4, as we take a look at what defines a good minister and are reminded that knowing God’s Word and sharing it with others is the goal of every Christian today.
August 14, 2024
If we know the truth, it’s easier to spot the lies. That’s the good word we’ll hear in our study of 1 Timothy 3 and 4. Hop aboard the Bible Bus as Apostle Paul teaches us how to spot those who are actively trying to deceive us by spreading false doctrines within the church.
August 13, 2024
It’s been said that three things can take a church, or a pastor of a church, down: money, sex, and power. In our study of 1 Timothy, chapter 3, Dr. J. Vernon McGee addresses these deadly sins and others that crop up in the church today. Join us as we continue to glean wisdom from Paul on the issue of leadership in the local church.
August 12, 2024
How should elders be chosen?  It’s one of the most difficult and divisive tasks in the church today. But does it have to be? Join us as we continue to study 1 Timothy, and see what Paul has to say about the criteria and qualities that should be used to choose leaders in the church. 
August 9, 2024
Women in the church. That’s the controversial subject Paul is talking about in our study of 1 Timothy, chapter 2 verses 4-15. Travel with us as Dr. McGee explains these misapplied verses, and hear Paul challenge both men and women to pray in faith and gratitude for our salvation.
August 8, 2024
How often do you complain about our government? How often do you pray for our nation’s leadership? In First Timothy, Paul commands us to pray regularly for our leaders—regardless of their politics. Find out why as we continue to make our way Thru the Bible. 
August 7, 2024
Mystery religions, idolatry, grace by good works … this is what Paul is warning the church in Ephesus about in 1 Timothy, chapter 1. 
August 6, 2024
Good advice. That’s what we’ll receive from the Apostle Paul as we study his letter to Timothy, a young pastor in Ephesus. Join as we hear words of wisdom about the importance of sound doctrine, warning against false teaching, and three things that should be seen in any church: Faith—in God and in His Word; love—an active concern for others; a good conscience—a guide for the believer.
August 5, 2024
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Featured Offer

Galatians Bible Companion
Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprising, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

About Thru the Bible

Thru the Bible takes the listener through the entire Bible in just five years, threading back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. You can begin the study at any time. When we have concluded Revelation, we will start over again in Genesis, so if you are with us for five years you will not miss any part of the Bible. 

Other Thru the Bible Programs:
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee
Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers
Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon
Thru the Bible International
A Través de la Biblia 

About Dr. J. Vernon McGee

John Vernon McGee was born in Hillsboro, Texas, in 1904. Dr. McGee remarked, "When I was born and the doctor gave me the customary whack, my mother said that I let out a yell that could be heard on all four borders of Texas!" His Creator well knew that he would need a powerful voice to deliver a powerful message.

After completing his education (including a Th.M. and Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary), he and his wife came west, settling in Pasadena, California. Dr. McGee's greatest pastorate was at the historic Church of the Open Door in downtown Los Angeles, where he served from 1949 to 1970.

He began teaching Thru the Bible in 1967. After retiring from the pastorate, he set up radio headquarters in Pasadena, and the radio ministry expanded rapidly. Listeners never seem to tire of Dr. J. Vernon McGee's unique brand of rubber-meets-the-road teaching, or his passion for teaching the whole Word of God.

On the morning of December 1, 1988, Dr. McGee fell asleep in his chair and quietly passed into the presence of his Savior.

Contact Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

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