May I say to you that the man on top of the hill looks down at the man at the bottom of the hill, and he says, "Something should be done for that poor fellow. We ought to start a mission down there. We ought to start giving him soup and clothes and a shower-bath. But I’m living on top of the hill, and I don’t need anything." You don’t? The wall and the hurdle is as high on top of the hill as it is at the bottom of the hill. And the man at the bottom of the hill can get over it just as easy as you can. And the chances are he’ll see his need, and you won’t. May I say to you, religious people, self-righteous people, and so-called good people need a Savior.
February 21, 2023
And whatever you need, you find it in Him today. “That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” Glory in the Lord Jesus Christ today. What do you glory in? What are you boasting of today? Are you boasting of your degrees? Your wisdom? Are you boasting today of your wealth? Your power? Are you boasting of your position? Your character? My friend, you have nothing to boast of. And believe me, I know I haven’t. But we can boast of Christ. And He’s everything. He’s everything that we need today. Oh, that you and I might see that.
February 20, 2023
It’s a custom today of some to try to talk about the great that have accepted Christ—the Hollywood stars, the great leaders of industry, and the prominent in government today. But the important thing is God is still calling the multitudes—average people, just like you are and like I am. We haven’t anything to glory about. But listen to this: "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom." He’s everything you need. He’s been made to us wisdom and He’s our righteousness, He's our sanctification and our redemption. And whatever you need, you find it in Him today.
February 17, 2023
He put our sins as far as the east is from the west. But you see He's put our sins way out yonder, but not us. And He says here “nor any other created thing” can ever separate us from the love of God, and that love is centered in Christ. My friend, salvation is a love story. He loved me and we love Him because He first loved us. And nothing is going to separate us from that. We entered this chapter “no condemnation” and “all things work together” in between. And then we come out and “there will be no separation.” Can you improve on this, friends? If you can, let me know because I haven’t found anything better than this.
February 16, 2023
If He took us out of the world right immediately and He took me right now, it’d be great. But the interesting thing is that it’s more difficult to face life than it is to face death. Face life with its temptations, failures, disappointments, uncertainties, and sufferings. And angels can’t—and I think He means fallen angels. And principalities, these are spiritual enemies and powers. “Things present”—that means present circumstances. “Things to come”—that refers to the future. Nothing in the future will separate us from the love of God that’s in Christ.
February 15, 2023
He’s up there right now, friends. I don’t care where you are, who you are, how you are, He sees you right now. He’s the Living Christ. You need Him? Why don't you go to Him? Why don’t you appeal to Him? He’s the Living Christ. And He "also maketh intercession for us.” Did you pray for yourself this morning? Then, you ought to—we ought to pray for ourselves. Well, if you missed it, He didn’t. He prayed for you. He makes intercession. This morning He said, “Lord, there goes that fellow McGee again, and he’ll stub his toe if we’re not careful. And so watch over him.” He watches over. Wonderful, is it not?
February 14, 2023
“He spared not his own Son, but delivered him up ... how shall he not with him also give us freely all things?” And Dwight L. Moody used this illustration. He said he went into the finest jewelry store in New York City, and they brought out the loveliest diamond that was there, and the owner said, “That’s yours.” He said, "Now if gave it to me I wouldn’t hesitate to ask him for a piece of brown wrapping paper to wrap it up in to take it with me.” May I say to you, if God gave His Son to die for you, didn’t spare His Son, don’t you know He’s going to give you everything that’s necessary in this life and the life to come. You can’t ask anything better than this, my friend.
February 13, 2023
"He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" And how wonderful that is. He didn't spare His Son; He gave His Son to die for us. And He'll give us all things that we need. Somebody says, “Well, I may not be able to hold out.” He’s going to do that for you. He’s going to hold you. The Shepherd, you see, is the one who holds the sheep. And the sheep are safe, friends. It’s not because they’re smart sheep. They don’t have sharp claws; they can’t protect themselves, and they have no fangs. They’re little, old, helpless animals. If that little sheep is safe, it’s because he’s got a wonderful Shepherd. And My Shepherd says I’m safe, friends. I’m just repeating Him when He says all of this.
February 10, 2023
Remember our Lord gave a parable. There was a shepherd, a Good Shepherd, and that's God. That's the Lord Jesus. And one little old sheep got away—got lost. And He might say, “Well, let him go. We’ve got 99. They're safe in the fold. That's a good percentage.” But this is an unusual Shepherd. He’s not satisfied with 99. "Whom he called ... whom he justified." If He justifies 100 sheep, He's going to glorify 100 sheep. Because when that little old sheep gets lost, He's going out after him, because He's coming through with 100 sheep. And that means Vernon McGee is going to be there. And it means you’re going to be there, my friend, if you've trusted Him. He’s a Great Shepherd.
February 9, 2023
The Bible does say that when God saves you that He’s going to see you through. And it means just simply this: “Whom he foreknew, he predestinated; and whom he predestinated, he called; and whom he called, he justified; and whom he justified, he glorified.” And this is amazing. Because that’s the work of God in the heart and life of the believer. This here is God’s eternal purpose. And it just simply means this, friend: That when the Lord, who is the Great Shepherd of the sheep—and He's the Good Shepherd of the sheep and He's the Chief Shepherd of the sheep—when He starts out with 100 sheep, He’s not going to lose one of them.
February 8, 2023