Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples

Dr. Eric Bryant

Revelation 17 - Are You a Faithful Follower?

May 23, 2024

John shares more details about some of the images he’s already described. He describes Babylon as a prostitute who has committed abominations with the kings of the earth. Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures idolatry is referred to as adultery. The city of Babylon was filled with corruption and evil. Those who are faithful are seen as the unblemished Bride of Christ because of the forgiveness offered through the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. The 7 hills most likely refers to Rome, a city built on 7 hills. The ten kings could refer to 10 specific emperors who reigned over the Roman Empire or it could refer to the totality of evil kings in history. These beast with 10 horns turns on Babylon and destroys it. Eventually, evil will destroy itself. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus

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John gives a more detailed description of what happens when the bowls are poured out. Much like the plagues that happened in Egypt in order to free the enslaved Israelites, these plagues are designed to free humanity and the world from evil. Even as things get more and more intense, we need to remember that the book of Revelation was a letter to churches who were being reminded of their options - going the way of Jesus even if it means being persecuted and even killed for their faith or going the way of the dragon and the beasts which means experiencing the destruction waiting for evil. This letter encourages us to trust that God will one day make all things right. We can trust Him on the timing, being ready and awake knowing He could come at any moment. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 22, 2024
The 7 bowls are released. Some think these judgments are sequential. Some think they have been happening simultaneously ever since Jesus ascended into heaven and will continue and intensify until his Second Coming. Others think this is another angle describing what we saw in the previous chapter. These plagues will continue until the end of all things. Some will turn to God seeing Him as good and true and just as He eradicates evil and extends grace to all. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 21, 2024
An elite force of faithful witnesses to Jesus are with the Lamb of God when the harvesting begins. This harvesting idea is reminiscent of when Jesus said: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” (Luke 10:2). We discover that there are many who are redeemed by Jesus from the evils of this broken world and healed from the evil within their own heart. We also see the wrath of God being poured out. The wrath of God is not God’s vengeance but actually the evils of humanity that has been stored up. The evil stored up and released will be what actually destroys evil. In other parts of the Scriptures we see God’s love and God’s justice meet on the cross where Jesus drank from the cup of God’s wrath. Again, this is not God’s anger being poured out but humanity’s evil. The evil of humanity is what killed Jesus on the cross, but on the 3rd day, Jesus defeated sin and death by rising from the dead and then ascending to reign from heaven. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 20, 2024
John sees two beasts. These beasts remind us of the beasts we see in the book of Daniel. The first beast has the power of war. The second beast has the power of economic security. A nation becomes like a beast when it demands allegiance from its people. When people idolize power and money, they are marked on the forehead and the wrist with the mark of the beast. The Hebrew Scriptures mention having the Shema on the forehead and on the wrist. The Shema states: “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. And as for you, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Some Jewish folks took this literally and wore phylacteries on their forehead and on their wrist with the Shema written on it. Ultimately, God wants faithful followers to memorize the Shema (“written on your forehead”) and live out the Shema (“on your hands”). Those who have allegiance to God are committed to Him and His ways regardless of the persecution they may face while living in Babylon. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 19, 2024
Seeing into the spiritual realm, John sees the source of all evil - the dragon. The pregnant woman being attacked by the dragon gives birth to a child who reigns over all the nations. Some think the woman is Mary, the mother of Jesus. Some think the woman could represent Israel as Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. Some think the woman was Eve as God tells the serpent (the dragon) in Genesis 3 that “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” This snake crusher was Jesus who was killed by evil by dying on the cross, but the serpent would actually eventually lose because of Jesus’ sacrificial death. Evil fights against those who follow Jesus. Our faithfulness in following Jesus’ commands and in telling others about Jesus changing our lives even in the midst of persecution helps win the battle in the spiritual realm. We have a part to play by not giving into evil in our minds, in our hearts, and in our actions and instead trusting the way of Jesus. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 18, 2024
John sees Two Witnesses which he also refers to as lampstands which is how he referred to the 7 churches of Asia earlier. These Two Witnesses represent the faithful witness of the Church in spite of the persecution and the evil transpiring all around them. Many will die for their faith, but the Church will prevail. The plagues did not turn the nations to God, but the faithful witness of the persecuted church does turn hearts towards God. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 17, 2024
John sees a huge angel with a small scroll in his hand. John eats the small scroll which tastes sweet like honey, but it becomes bitter in his stomach. We also discover 7 thunders which will not be revealed to us. John is to proclaim what is true to the nations. His message is about a loving and just God who will one day make all things right and who made a way for us through His Son Jesus. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 16, 2024
John sees into the supernatural realm. The 5th trumpet is sounded. Woes are experienced on earth. Evil is destroying itself. Out of the Abyss comes the demonic. The human heart has a level of wickedness. Out of that comes the evil that humans perpetrate. Together there is a systemic evil and corruption we create that will eventually destroy itself. Even still, people continue to resist the grace of God. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 15, 2024
John sees that our prayers rise up with incense to the altar in the throne room of God. The Day of the Lord has happened many times in history and at different times for different nations. The Day of the Lord at the end of all time will be even more intense than any other previous Day of the Lord. In his vision John sees 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls. Some see this as all predictive of something to come in the future. Some see them as happening throughout human history in part since they are interwoven. The 7th seal reveals the 7 trumpets and the 7th trumpet reveals the 7 bowls. This time of tribulation or testing reminds us of the plagues in the story of the Exodus. Sadly, even as evil grows and suffering increases, many still have a hard heart towards God much like the Pharaoh did. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 14, 2024
Those who have faith in Jesus can withstand the Day of the Lord. John hears of 144,000 from the tribes of Israel who are following Jesus, but then he sees people from every tongue, tribe, people, and nation represented worshiping Jesus. Some say the number 144,000 is literal and records Jews from each tribe who become believers in Jesus Christ. Some like Thomas R. Schreiner believe that “the 144,000 symbolically represent all Christians throughout history, both Jews and Gentiles. They are God’s army who wage war by being faithful to the Lamb and enduring persecution.who wage war by being faithful to the Lamb and enduring persecution…. We have the number twelve representing the people of God from the twelve tribes in the OT, and the number is squared and then multiplied by 1,000. Hence the number should be understood as a symbolic way of designating the entire people of God.” According to Sam Storms: “the numbering (144,000) is being used to evoke images of the Old Testament census, which was designed to determine the military strength of the nation… which is why they are adult males, i.e., those eligible for military service… The point is that these in Revelation 7 constitute a Messianic army called upon, like Jesus himself, to conquer the enemy through sacrificial death.” #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus
May 13, 2024
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About Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples

Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples is a great resource for those who are exploring faith, those who are new to faith, those who are wanting to grow, or those wanting to help others you love find faith. Each devotional pulls out the key parts to know and addresses the parts which may be confusing or need more context.

About Dr. Eric Bryant

Dr. Eric Michael Bryant serves with Gateway Church in Austin as part of the Executive Team with Founding Pastor John Burke where he leads the Inspire Team (Creative Arts, Production, Marketing, and Prayer) and serves as the Campus Pastor for Gateway South Austin and Gateway Online.

From 1998-2010, Eric served as part of the leadership team with Erwin McManus at Mosaic in Los Angeles, a church known for its creativity and diversity. The four years prior to that he helped plant a church in Seattle, WA. Eric is the author of Not Like Me: Loving, Serving, and Influencing Our Divided World and Fruitful: Becoming Who God Created You To Be. He is one of the founders of the Damascus Road Collective which is bringing healing to our fractured world through healthy churches. Eric hosts of The Post-Christian Podcast which is part of his work through his non-profit Catalyzing Community which equips and empowers church leaders in our post-Christian world.

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