Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples

Dr. Eric Bryant

Philippians 2 - Are You Willing to Humble Yourself?

February 29, 2024

The apostle Paul encourages the Philippians to choose humble people themselves, following the example of Jesus who willingly emptied himself even to the point of dying on the cross for the sake of humanity. As a result, God exalted Him above all else “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ NIV) True humility comes from considering others' needs and interests above one's own. This selfless attitude is presented as a model for healthy relationships and demonstrated by the church leaders Epaphroditus and Timothy. Humility protects us from selfish ambition, vain conceit, grumbling and arguing and instead helps us experience unity. #NewTestament, #Philippians, #BibleStudy, #Christianity, #BibleCommentary, #ScriptureAnalysis, #Faith, #ReligiousEducation, #Devotional, #ChristianLifestyle, #SpiritualGrowth, #ChristianTeachings, #Church, #EarlyChurch

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Paul expresses a deep love for the church in Philippi. They sent one of their leaders along with financial help to Paul. This letter is his thank you note expressing his love for them, and he is also encouraging them that he is still experiencing the joy of following Jesus, and seeing the message of Jesus spread while he’s in prison. for Paul it’s about a perspective that’s different than the rest of the world. For him “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” whether he lives or dies, he wants the Philippians to live a life worthy of the Gospel of Jesus. This means living in unity, enduring suffering, and not being afraid of those who oppose them. #NewTestament, #Philippians, #BibleStudy, #Christianity, #BibleCommentary, #ScriptureAnalysis, #Faith, #ReligiousEducation, #Devotional, #ChristianLifestyle, #SpiritualGrowth, #ChristianTeachings, #Church, #EarlyChurch
February 28, 2024
On his second missionary journey in about the year A.D. 49, Paul and his team were led to Europe for the first time. Acts 16 tells us that the the Holy Spirit blocked them from going one way and the Spirit of Jesus blocked them from going another way. Eventually, God gave Paul a vision of a Macedonian man. Ironically the first person to respond to their message was actually a woman named Lydia. Paul delivered a young woman from her demonic oppression. This angered her owners because they made money off of her predictions of the future. As a result, a riot breaks out and Paul and Silas end up in jail. They continued to praise God in spite of their suffering. Even after an earthquake shook the jail, they stayed and led the jailer and his household to faith. Lydia, the jailer, and their households made up the core group of the church in Philippi. Years later they remained supportive of Paul sending him a letter and financial support. To thank them and encourage them, Paul writes the letter to the Philippians which is one of the most encouraging books in the Bible. #Philippians #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #Peace #Contentment #Prayer #Praise #TrustInGod #ApostlePaul #ChristianLife #NewTestament #Faith #InnerPeace
February 27, 2024
Paul continues writing to those who follow Jesus about living differently in their households. Our homes are to be known by the way we love, honor, and respect one another. Paul addresses masters and slaves which is not his way of approving of this living arrangement. Instead it was an acknowledgment of where most people were as 80% of the Romans world were enslaved. This was not race-based or the result of kidnapping others. This was a way to have a place to live or pay off debts. Either way, Paul does advocate for freedom in the letter to Philemon. Paul ends this letter sharing about the armor of God which includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes with the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. This armor protects us from the attacks from spiritual darkness enabling us to stand firm in our faith. #NewTestament, #Ephesians, #BibleStudy, #Christianity, #BibleCommentary, #ScriptureAnalysis, #Faith, #ReligiousEducation, #Devotional, #ChristianLifestyle, #SpiritualGrowth, #ChristianTeachings, #Church, #EarlyChurch
February 26, 2024
Followers of Jesus are called and equipped to live differently. We are to be a light in our dark world by living a life of love. This means hating what is evil by choosing to avoid doing the things that bring death and destruction to our lives and the lives of those we love. This all means that in all of our relationships we submit to one another out of reverence to Jesus. If we are married, our marriage represents the relationship between Christ and the Church, a relationship that honors and respects each other. #NewTestament, #Ephesians, #BibleStudy, #Christianity, #BibleCommentary, #ScriptureAnalysis, #Faith, #ReligiousEducation, #Devotional, #ChristianLifestyle, #SpiritualGrowth, #ChristianTeachings, #Church, #EarlyChurch
February 25, 2024
Paul urges believers to live in a manner worthy of their calling in Christ, emphasizing qualities such as humility, gentleness, patience, and love. He stresses the idea of maintaining unity through the bond of peace. Paul likens the Church to a body, with Christ as the head and individual believers as its various parts, emphasizing the interconnectedness and mutual dependence of believers within the community. Spiritual leaders have the various roles of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These gifts are given to equip the members of the Church for service and to promote spiritual maturity. Those who follow Jesus grow to become more like Jesus. #NewTestament, #Ephesians, #BibleStudy, #Christianity, #BibleCommentary, #ScriptureAnalysis, #Faith, #ReligiousEducation, #Devotional, #ChristianLifestyle, #SpiritualGrowth, #ChristianTeachings, #Church, #EarlyChurch
February 24, 2024
Paul explains the mystery of God's plan for humanity, which was previously hidden but has now been revealed through Jesus. This mystery is essentially the inclusion of Gentiles in God's plan of salvation alongside the Jews, on an equal footing, through faith in Christ. Paul also highlights the immense depth of God's love and the spiritual power available to believers. He prays that the Ephesians would grasp the fullness of Christ's love and be filled with the fullness of God. This chapter underscores the idea that God's plan is not limited to one group but is open to all who believe in Christ, and it encourages believers to seek a deeper understanding of God's love and to rely on His power to live out their faith. #NewTestament, #Ephesians, #BibleStudy, #Christianity, #BibleCommentary, #ScriptureAnalysis, #Faith, #ReligiousEducation, #Devotional, #ChristianLifestyle, #SpiritualGrowth, #ChristianTeachings, #Church, #EarlyChurch
February 23, 2024
Every one of us begins life disconnected from God and spiritually dead. Through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross taking on the sins of humanity, we can be forgiven and made right with God. The Spirit of God comes to live within us and makes us alive in Christ! Paul explains how this happens: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬-‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬ We are God’s masterpiece created to do good works. Remarkably, Jesus removed the barriers between Jews and Gentiles bringing us together into one multiethnic family. #NewTestament, #Ephesians, #BibleStudy, #Christianity, #BibleCommentary, #ScriptureAnalysis, #Faith, #ReligiousEducation, #Devotional, #ChristianLifestyle, #SpiritualGrowth, #ChristianTeachings, #Church, #EarlyChurch
February 22, 2024
Paul writes to help those who follow Jesus know how to live in a pagan world. He begins by reminding us of our identity in Christ. In Christ, we are blessed, loved, chosen, holy, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, included, marked, and called. Paul prays followers of Jesus would experience greater spiritual understanding, enlightenment, and insight into the depths of the incredible power and hope that comes through faith in Jesus. He desires for them to know God more deeply and to fully grasp His love, power, and grace. #NewTestament, #Ephesians, #BibleStudy, #Christianity, #BibleCommentary, #ScriptureAnalysis, #Faith, #ReligiousEducation, #Devotional, #ChristianLifestyle, #SpiritualGrowth, #ChristianTeachings, #Church, #EarlyChurch
February 21, 2024
The letter to the Ephesians was actually a circular letter written by the apostle Paul. It was meant to be passed from church to church as he included guidance on on how to live for Jesus in a pagan world. Paul lived and served in Ephesus for 2 years (and may have been imprisoned there for another year). Ephesus was the 3rd largest city in the Roman Empire behind Rome and Alexandria. There were 250,000 people living there in what was the most prominent city in all of Asia. Ephesus had a giant Temple to Artemis which was 4 times bigger than the Parthenon. As people came to Christ, they stopped buying idols to the goddess Artemis and sorcerers even burned their scrolls. As a result, Paul and the church experienced persecution including the famous moment where 25,000 Ephesians chanted for their goddess while Paul hoped to speak to the rowdy crowd. The letter to the Ephesians describes our identity and Christ, our calling to be people who walk the way of love, our invitation to live as children of light in a multiethnic church community, how to have healthy households, how to put on our the armor of God, and how we are made alive in Christ. #NewTestament, #Ephesians, #BibleStudy, #Christianity, #BibleCommentary, #ScriptureAnalysis, #Faith, #ReligiousEducation, #Devotional, #ChristianLifestyle, #SpiritualGrowth, #ChristianTeachings, #Church, #EarlyChurch
February 20, 2024
Paul begins by urging believers to restore and help one another when someone stumbles or falls into sin. He emphasizes the importance of gentleness and humility in this process, encouraging the stronger members of the community to come alongside the weaker ones to offer support and guidance. The chapter continues with the concept of accountability and personal responsibility. Paul encourages each person to carry their own load and fulfill their obligations, while also emphasizing that the community should share in one another's burdens. He underscores the idea of contributing to the needs of others, both spiritually and materially. Paul introduces the principle of sowing and reaping, using agricultural imagery. He explains that the choices and actions we make in life have consequences, just as sowing seeds in a field leads to a harvest. He encourages believers to sow good deeds and to persist in doing what is right, trusting that in due time, they will reap the benefits. Paul concludes the letter by reiterating the centrality of the cross of Christ. He emphasizes that boasting should only be in the cross, which represents the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice. He also mentions the marks on his body that symbolize his dedication and suffering for the sake of the gospel. #newtestament #galatians #outreach #bless #mission #jesus #faith #spirituality #christianity #evangelism #discipleship #diversity #earlychurch
February 19, 2024
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About Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples

Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples is a great resource for those who are exploring faith, those who are new to faith, those who are wanting to grow, or those wanting to help others you love find faith. Each devotional pulls out the key parts to know and addresses the parts which may be confusing or need more context.

About Dr. Eric Bryant

Dr. Eric Michael Bryant serves with Gateway Church in Austin as part of the Executive Team with Founding Pastor John Burke where he leads the Inspire Team (Creative Arts, Production, Marketing, and Prayer) and serves as the Campus Pastor for Gateway South Austin and Gateway Online.

From 1998-2010, Eric served as part of the leadership team with Erwin McManus at Mosaic in Los Angeles, a church known for its creativity and diversity. The four years prior to that he helped plant a church in Seattle, WA. Eric is the author of Not Like Me: Loving, Serving, and Influencing Our Divided World and Fruitful: Becoming Who God Created You To Be. He is one of the founders of the Damascus Road Collective which is bringing healing to our fractured world through healthy churches. Eric hosts of The Post-Christian Podcast which is part of his work through his non-profit Catalyzing Community which equips and empowers church leaders in our post-Christian world.

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