Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples

Dr. Eric Bryant

1 John 5 - Do You Believe Jesus is the Son of God?

May 2, 2024

Those who follow Jesus trust Him by obeying His commands. Because we have the Spirit of God we can live new lives. We can rescue others who have fallen into sin and help them. We can pray with effectiveness knowing God will guide us to accomplish His purpose. John wrote this so that we may know that if we believe we will have life in Jesus. All who want this life can have it! God is inviting us into a relationship with Him that begins by acknowledging that we need what Jesus did on the cross to count for us. We ask for forgiveness and ask Him to lead us. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #ApostleJohn #NewLife #EffectivePrayer

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We can discern the trustworthy teachers from false ones by how the person describes Jesus and by how they live their lives. God is love, and Jesus demonstrated His love by laying down His life for us. That is how followers of Jesus are to live. Once we surrender our lives to follow Jesus, the Spirit of God comes to live within us. With God’s help, we can live more sacrificially by dying to ourselves. We can be so transformed by God’s love that His love overflows through us. Loving others is what distinguishes followers of Jesus from the rest of the world. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #ApostleJohn #LoveYourNeighbor #GodIsLove
May 1, 2024
Followers of Jesus do not have to live the same way they used to live. How someone lives his or her life demonstrates to the world whether they have a relationship with Jesus or not. Are you trying to overcome sin or are you choosing to continue to live the same way you did before your relationship with Jesus began? Are you loving your brother or are you holding a grudge or giving into bitterness? We will not be perfect on this side of eternity. That is not what John is writing about. He is writing about the trajectory of one’s heart. Are you walking towards the light? Are you making progress? Are you asking God for help? Are you involving community to help you grow? We are children of God through Jesus fully capable of transformation! #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #ApostleJohn #ChildrenOfGod
April 30, 2024
Followers of Jesus trust Him and obey Him. We cannot say we follow Jesus and and not obey His commands. We cannot say we love God and hate our brother. The Jewish authors of the Scriptures use an interesting communication technique to make their point. For example, they will say something like: “if you are not doing this, then you are a liar” Then they will remind their readers “But that is not who you are! You are an overcomer! You can become more like Jesus!” #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #ApostleJohn #LoveYourNeighbor
April 29, 2024
The Apostle John was an eyewitness of Jesus. He writes to believers going through a challenging season. Some had wandered away from their faith. Some were teaching their own version of spirituality. Some were living like the world. He reminds them that making those decisions are not consistent with who they are in Christ. When we make a mistake, God is faithful and just and will forgive. We can live in the light, no longer victims of the darkness. #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #ApostleJohn #Forgiveness
April 28, 2024
One day Jesus will return and make all things right! When He returns, He will eradicate all evil. God operates on a different time frame as for Him “a day is like 1000 years and a 1000 years is like a day.” God is patient not wanting anyone to perish. He is giving us the time to turn to Him, and then one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth. In light of Jesus’ imminent return, we need to live in a way that is pleasing to God and to be diligent in our faith. #NewTestament #BibleCommentary #ScriptureAnalysis #Devotional #ChristianLifestyle #SpiritualGrowth #ChristianTeachings #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #Peter #ApostlePeter #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Persecution #EndTimes #ReturnOfJesus #SecondComing
April 27, 2024
Peter addresses the presence of false teachers and prophets within the Christian community. They offer a false idea of freedom that actually is destructive. They lead others astray with their false teachings and immoral lifestyles. Peter gives examples from the Old Testament of God's judgment on those who engage in sinful behavior, emphasizing that God knows how to rescue the godly and to punish the wicked. Peter underscores the idea that God is watchful and that those who engage in evil deeds will ultimately face consequences. This chapter highlights the importance of discernment and being cautious about who we follow and listen to in matters of faith. #NewTestament #BibleCommentary #ScriptureAnalysis #Devotional #ChristianLifestyle #SpiritualGrowth #ChristianTeachings #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #Peter #ApostlePeter #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Persecution
April 26, 2024
The apostle Peter urges believers to grow in their faith and live a godly life. We have everything we need to do so because we have access to God’s divine nature! He emphasizes the importance of adding virtues to one's faith, listing qualities like goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly affection, and love. These virtues are seen as a pathway to becoming more like Christ and living a life that pleases God. When we forget we have been forgiven, we live a more corrupt version of life. Peter reminds his audience that their faith is founded on eyewitness accounts of Jesus' ministry and teachings. The chapter also addresses the reliability of Scripture, stating that prophecy is not a matter of human interpretation but comes from God, and it should be a guiding light for believers in a dark world. #NewTestament #BibleCommentary #ScriptureAnalysis #Devotional #ChristianLifestyle #SpiritualGrowth #ChristianTeachings #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #Peter #ApostlePeter #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Persecution
April 25, 2024
Peter encourages the overseers of the churches to care well for those in their church family. To all believers, he reminds us of the importance of humbling ourselves. The proud will fall, but those who humble themselves will be lifted up! We may suffer in this world, but one day all will be judged. God will make all things right. There will be justice. Those in Christ will be seen in light of the forgiveness we’ve experienced through Jesus. Those who do not want to be with God will not be forced into His presence for all eternity. There is a spiritual realm at work. We need to choose the light and refuse to give into the darkness that seeks to divide and destroy us. As we live in the light, we can bring that light to those around us. #NewTestament #BibleCommentary #ScriptureAnalysis #Devotional #ChristianLifestyle #SpiritualGrowth #ChristianTeachings #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ApostlePaul #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Persecution #Peter #ApostlePeter
April 24, 2024
Peter reminds these followers of Jesus who were suffering tremendous persecution to take heart knowing that Jesus suffered in order to accomplish His mission for us. Even though circumstances may be tragic and some are being killed for their faith, those who die in Christ are no longer in pain. They heard the message of Jesus, responded in faith, and they are now in the presence of God! We can bring more of heaven to earth in how we live. When we choose to forgive those who hurt us, show kindness to those who are rude, and love those who are hard to love, we demonstrate the way of Jesus and bring light into the darkness. ‭ #NewTestament #BibleCommentary #ScriptureAnalysis #Devotional #ChristianLifestyle #SpiritualGrowth #ChristianTeachings #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ApostlePaul #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Persecution #Peter #ApostlePeter
April 23, 2024
Peter breaks through stereotypes in order to guide those who follow Jesus to live differently than the world lives. For women married to an unbelieving husband should not try to argue them into the Kingdom of God but honor and respect them remembering that their beauty comes from within. For men, they should also treat women with respect as well even if they may be physically smaller or physically weaker. This is a remarkable statement affirming women as created in the image of God! They are not lesser as the Greeks may have believed. When we suffer in this world, it should be for doing good rather than because of a foolish decision. We will face persecution for our faith. We need to trust God in the face of this and not stop doing good in fear of suffering for our faith. Noah's ark was believed to be at the top of Mount Ararat so Peter's reference to Noah would make sense to them. Peter is not describing a time when Jesus preached to humans who had died but when Jesus was declared to the spiritual forces of evil to be the One who reigns! #NewTestament #BibleCommentary #ScriptureAnalysis #Devotional #ChristianLifestyle #SpiritualGrowth #ChristianTeachings #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Persecution #Peter #ApostlePeter
April 22, 2024
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About Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples

Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples is a great resource for those who are exploring faith, those who are new to faith, those who are wanting to grow, or those wanting to help others you love find faith. Each devotional pulls out the key parts to know and addresses the parts which may be confusing or need more context.

About Dr. Eric Bryant

Dr. Eric Michael Bryant serves with Gateway Church in Austin as part of the Executive Team with Founding Pastor John Burke where he leads the Inspire Team (Creative Arts, Production, Marketing, and Prayer) and serves as the Campus Pastor for Gateway South Austin and Gateway Online.

From 1998-2010, Eric served as part of the leadership team with Erwin McManus at Mosaic in Los Angeles, a church known for its creativity and diversity. The four years prior to that he helped plant a church in Seattle, WA. Eric is the author of Not Like Me: Loving, Serving, and Influencing Our Divided World and Fruitful: Becoming Who God Created You To Be. He is one of the founders of the Damascus Road Collective which is bringing healing to our fractured world through healthy churches. Eric hosts of The Post-Christian Podcast which is part of his work through his non-profit Catalyzing Community which equips and empowers church leaders in our post-Christian world.

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