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March 20, 2025

In our culture, more is more, but Jesus taught and modeled that the “more” you’re looking for is found in less.  You see, God wants us to take on His “Kingdom View”; a view not based on the temporary but on the eternal, because His Kingdom is forever.

This month, Aaron Brockett, the lead minister with the Traders Point Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana will be leading us through a series he is calling “modgniK”.  “modgniK” is simply Kingdom spelled backwards.  Jesus has invited all of us to be a part of His kingdom, a kingdom that to us seems backwards to our own “World View”.  

In today’s message Aaron uses the word Inclusive to describe the Kingdom of God.  That word, has a lot of baggage associated with it.  And it means different things to different people.  As a result, using it to describe God’s Kingdom, for many people, throws up a flag and begs the question what does he mean by that?    

According to Aaron it simply means that in the Kingdom of God everyone is invited and welcome to respond to Jesus’ invitation.  Here’s Aaron to explain…

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In our culture, more is more, but Jesus taught and modeled that the “more” you’re looking for is found in less.  You see, God wants us to take on His “Kingdom View”; a view not based on the temporary but on the eternal, because His Kingdom is forever.   This month, Aaron Brockett, the lead minister with the Traders Point Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana will be leading us through a series he is calling “modgniK”.  “modgniK” is simply Kingdom spelled backwards.  Jesus has invited all of us to be a part of His kingdom, a kingdom that to us seems backwards to our own “World View”.    Our world, our culture clamors and claws for power, recognition, position, and title. Jesus says, “Not so with you.” You live with a different set of kingdom values. If you live this out, the result will be;  a healthier marriage, healthier kids, healthier work environment, a healthier church.   Here’s Aaron to explain…
March 13, 2025
In our culture, more is more, but Jesus taught and modeled that the “more” you’re looking for is found in less.  You see, God wants us to take on His “Kingdom View”; a view not based on the temporary but on the eternal, because His Kingdom is forever. This month, Aaron Brockett from Traders Point Christian Church with multiple campuses in Indianapolis, Indiana will be leading us through a series he is calling “modgniK”.  “modgniK” is simply Kingdom spelled backwards.  Jesus has invited all of us to be a part of His kingdom, a kingdom that to us seems backwards to our own “World View”.   God wants us to be people in whom and through whom generosity flows like a river. In the kingdom of this earth, stockpiling and security are the norm. But in God’s kingdom, generosity stands out.  Today Aaron dispels 4 myths that block generosity and invites us to put into practice the generosity that reflects God’s Kingdom Philosophy  Here’s Aaron…
March 6, 2025
In life, all of us tend to see the world through lenses of our own making… This “World View” affects what we think, and say, and the decisions we make.  The problem is, we live in a sinful world and this tends to skew what we think or believe about God bending it into something that is not accurate. This month, Aaron Brockett from Traders Point Christian Church with multiple campuses in Indianapolis, Indiana will be leading us through a series he is calling “modgniK”.  “modgniK” is simply Kingdom spelled backwards.  Jesus has invited all of us to be a part of His kingdom, a kingdom that to us seems backwards to our own “World View”.   In our culture, more is more, but Jesus taught and modeled that the “more” you’re looking for is found in less.  You see, God wants us to take on His “Kingdom View”; a view not based on the temporary but on the eternal, because His Kingdom is forever. Here’s Aaron…
February 27, 2025
You’re listening to the Christian’s Hour…  Welcome to the TCH broadcast!  TCH is a ministry of Gospel Broadcasting Mission. Let’s face it, there are a lot of “out there” ideas, about who God is and what God is like.  This month, we’re listening in to what God says about Himself, by the names God uses to describe the very essence of who He is.  And, when it comes to God, His name means everything.  But be forewarned: this may totally change what you think about God.  And it will change your life. This month, our teacher Ben Cachiaras, lead minister with Mountain Christian Church in Joppa, Maryland, and their multiple campuses in the Baltimore area, is taking us on a journey to intimately learn who God is, by unpacking the names God uses to describe Himself.   El Shaddai, The God almighty, the God who is all-sufficient.  God wants us to come to Him not for what blessing, object or feeling He may provide in a given moment. God wants it to be enough that He is there, with us, that there is strength in His presence, that He is enough.  So maybe you’re asking; how exactly does this all play out in life?  Well, here’s Ben to paint the picture of a Mountainous God; who   loves   you…
February 20, 2025
"What's in a name?" When it comes to God - everything. Let’s face it there are a lot of “out there” ideas about who God is and what God is like.  This month, we’re listening in to what God says about Himself. But be forewarned: this may totally change your understanding of God.   This month, our teacher Ben Cachiaras, lead minister with Mountain Christian Church in Joppa, Maryland, and their multiple campuses in the Baltimore area, is taking us on a journey to intimately learn who God is, by unpacking the names God uses to describe Himself.    Ever been tested?  I don’t mean like a school test, but I mean the “tests” of life, like the kind that really demonstrate what you are made of?  That show the real you?  In today’s lesson Ben Cachiaras shares how God uses life’s “tests” to teach us how to trust and obey in our walk with God.  And in the process reveals “The God Who Provides”.   Here's Ben…
February 13, 2025
"What's in a name?" When it comes to God - everything. With so many “crazy” ideas about who God is and what God is like, this month, we’re listening in to what God says about Himself. But be forewarned: this may totally change your understanding of God.   This month, our teacher Ben Cachiaras, lead minister with Mountain Christian Church in Joppa, Maryland, and their multiple campuses in the Baltimore area, is taking us on a journey to intimately learn who God is, by unpacking the names God uses to describe Himself.    If there were a list of the top 10 preconceived ideas that derail the ability of people to understand what God is trying to communicate in the Bible; one of the top contenders might just be our own understanding of the role of a father.  Now, while many of us had a father that did a great job of filling that role, many fathers may have twisted or destroyed what that role should really look like.  But we do have an example available of what the “perfect” Father embodies, and that version of a “Father” is the name God chooses to describe Himself and the relationship He wants to have with us.  Intrigued? Here’s Ben…
February 6, 2025
Ever been called by a less than desirable name?  Children, even a lot of adults, can use names to belittle, even bully.  On the other hand, if you have ever been honored with a title you know that names can bring honor.  Names carry a lot of value, they connect us, and in Bible times names carried a lot of deep meaning.  So, did you know that in the Bible the God of the universe has more than one name?  Including one that was considered by the Jews as un-speakable?    This month, our teacher Ben Cachiaras, the lead minister with Mountain Christian Church in Joppa, Maryland, is taking us on a journey to intimately learn who God is and he’s doing it from the names God uses to describe Himself.    So, when Moses asked God who he should say sent him, God told Moses, tell them “I AM” sent you.  If you take just a moment to stop and consider the scope of a name like “I Am” you will probably have a hard time wrapping your head around it?   At the same time, it paints quite a picture of the incredible God who, by the way, also knows your name!  Here’s Ben to help with that picture…
January 30, 2025
All this month we have been unpacking the Bible’s answers for coping with rising spiritual floodwaters.  As we have considered how to NOT drown in these overwhelming waves in life, it does beg the question; “what about suffering?”   Is it from God, is suffering the result of sin, is it just the natural consequence of our actions?  Does God punish us?  In today’s message, “Flood of Discipline”, our teacher, Bob Russell, addresses this difficult subject.   This month, our teacher, Bob Russell, has been unpacking how to deal with life when it gets overwhelming, much like the crush of “Rising Spiritual Floodwaters”.  Bob Russell is a retired senior minister of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, where he served for 40 years as “Southeast” became one of the largest churches in America.     Today, Bob couples a wayward, rebellious prophet from the Old Testament of the Bible with a passage from the Bible’s New Testament to help us wrap our minds around suffering and how to face it.  So, here’s Bob to help us see the “Flood of Discipline” through “Spiritual” 3-D glasses.
January 23, 2025
It has been observed that no people in history have had ever had more possessions, better health, or greater freedom than we, yet we complain about what we don’t have.  It’s almost like many of us are drowning in the rising flood waters of discontent!  Guess what; that is NOT God’s design for our lives.   This month, our teacher, Bob Russell, is unpacking the empowerment of believers, via the Holy Spirit during challenging times, such as when “spiritual floodwaters” rise.  Bob Russell is a retired senior minister of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, where he served for 40 years as “Southeast” became one of the largest churches in America.     Just what would it take to make us content?  Perhaps a refocusing of what is important in life… and death?  Something deeper than just physical “things”?  Well… here’s Bob Russell to offer a “spiritual rescue helicopter” so to speak, to lift us out of the “Flood of Discontent”:
January 16, 2025
While there is an air of anticipation as we make our way into the new year; you know; new opportunities, new events, new projects, new resolutions.  But, it is January and statistics tell us mental health challenges can be significant.  The short days, the long winter CAN play into dimming our outlook, perhaps ever making us feel “boxed in” without a clear way out?   This month, our teacher, Bob Russell, is unpacking the empowerment of believers via the Holy Spirit during challenging times, such as when “spiritual floodwaters” rise.  Bob Russell is a retired senior minister of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, where he served for 40 years as “Southeast” became one of the largest churches in America.     In today’s message, Bob tackles the “Flood of Despair”.  God has made it clear that He will always walk beside those who believe and acknowledge Him; in this message Bob sheds light on three things we can do to cope with the threat or flood of despair.    So, here’s Bob Russell with a flashlight of hope, helping us see our rescuer in the Flood of Despair…
January 9, 2025
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About The Christians Hour

Tune in each week to The Christians Hour where Bob Russell, Tim Harlow, Rick Atchley, Ben Cachiaras, Aaron Brockett, and Gene Appel share the life-changing Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

About Bob Russell, Tim Harlow, Rick Atchley, Ben Cachiaras, Aaron Brockett, and Gene Appel

The Christians Hour broadcast began in 1943, and features outstanding Bible preachers. Ard Hoven of Cincinnati, OH., was first and served for 44 years as speaker. Next was LeRoy Lawson, Senior Minister of Central Christian Church, Mesa, AZ., followed by Barry McCarty, who is now teaching in Fort Worth, Texas.

Today, five speakers alternate monthly: Bob Russell, for 40 years he was Senior Minister of Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY.; Rick Atchley, Senior Minister (multiple sites), The Hills Church, Dallas, Fort Worth, TX.; Tim Harlow, Senior Minister (multiple sites), Parkview Christian Church, Chicago, IL.; Aaron Brockett, Senior Minister (multiple sites), Traders Point Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN.; and Ben Cachiaras, Senior Minister (multiple sites), Mountain Christian Church, Bel Air, MD.

The Christians Hour is part of Gospel Broadcasting Ministries. Stan Smelser is mission director and program host-producer. GBM is a long-time member of NRB and is a global effort to tell the world about Jesus Christ and present "New Testament Christianity on the air."

Contact The Christians Hour with Bob Russell, Tim Harlow, Rick Atchley, Ben Cachiaras, Aaron Brockett, and Gene Appel

Mailing Address
The Christians Hour
P.O. Box 51
Onalaska, WI 54650

(515) 770-2241