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Who Am I? Why Your Answer to that Question Really Matters (rebroadcast from April 2013)

March 12, 2016
Would you define your primary identity in terms of your vocation (“I’m a banker”), your family (“I’m a wife and mother”), your favorite pastime (“I’m a snow boarder”), or perhaps your former way of living (“I’m a recovering alcoholic”)? While these may help fill in some of the details of one’s identity, for the Christian, one’s identity should be first and foremost grounded in “Who am I in Christ?” Understanding and living out the core answers to that question helps us see ourselves as God sees us...
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When Culture Hates You by Natasha Crain

As cultural hostility toward Christianity intensifies, many Christians have grown more reluctant to advocate for biblical values in the public square. But our perseverance for the common good—a good defined by God alone—is more important than ever in a culture that embraces darkness.

Past Episodes

What’s the truth about climate change? This is David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview. Humanistic environmentalists sound the alarm that man is causing catastrophic climate change and that global authority is required to save our planet. The truth is very different. God said to Adam and Eve in the first chapter of Genesis: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth. (Genesis 1:28 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] )..
March 7, 2016
God created a beautiful earth with a rich and diverse ecological system, teeming with life and nourishing our bodies with clean air and water. God told man to “rule over” His creation, as a good steward would thoughtfully manage the property of a landowner. Unfortunately, man in his fallenness, has tended toward mismanaging or over-managing God’s creation...
March 4, 2016
Can you defend your faith? This is David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview. Christians are losing “home field advantage” in our society. In conversations with others, we can not assume once-common views like God exists, the Bible is true, and Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. Skeptics often push back hard. 1 Peter 3 says, “do not fear their intimidation … but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” The biblical worldview is the most logical and defendable of all, and every Christian should be able to offer evidence for basic tenets of the faith...
February 28, 2016
Christians are increasingly losing “home field advantage” in our society. In other words, Christianity is not the prevailing worldview but rather a non-biblical human reasoning that is either secular or spiritual. In conversations with others, Christians can not assume once-common views like God exists, the Bible is true, and Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. Those not familiar with biblical Christianity often have questions about these basic tenets of our faith. Atheists are apt to directly challenge them...
February 27, 2016
We have all heard the tragic stories of children being brought up in Christian homes and churches and yet in their twenties embracing the prevalent humanistic worldview of our day on issues such as evolution, morality, and religious pluralism...
February 22, 2016
We have heard the the very tragic stories—or perhaps experienced them in our own families—of children being brought up in Christian homes and churches and yet in their twenties (and beyond) embrace the prevalent humanistic cultural worldview of our day on issues such as evolution, morality, and religious pluralism. Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, calls these Millennials “the church’s lost generation” and warns in his new book, Ready to Return, that unless something changes, the evangelical church in America is heading toward obscurity as seen in the barren landscape of Christianity in England....
February 20, 2016
The ink was barely dry on the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision legalizing “same-sex marriage” when the next sexual frontier—transgenderism—was being pushed to the fore, demanding societal acceptance. Case in point was Olympic hero Bruce Jenner being given a “courage” award by ESPN along with widespread media praise for his attempts to be a woman...
February 13, 2016
The dictionary defines a parable as a “simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.” Scripture records around 40 parables that Jesus told during His ministry. Some are well-known and well-developed, such as the parables of the prodigal son and the good Samaritan, while others are only a sentence or so long. Dr. John MacArthur, pastor, president of The Master’s College and Seminary and author of the new book, Parables: The Mysteries of God’s Kingdom, joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to talk about the parables of Jesus...
February 6, 2016
Those who follow the news know that the 2016 presidential race is well underway and consuming most of the attention of the media, pundits, and “the base” of each political party. Whether the rest of America is paying attention at this point is another question but certainly more and more will be as the primary and caucus season kicks off on Monday in Iowa. While politics can often be stranger than fiction, this particular presidential race has candidates and storylines that have been particularly compelling. Billionaire property mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump...
January 30, 2016
At first glance, productivity can seem a subject more suited for business-people than for Christians. But God’s Word, specifically Jesus’ parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30, is clear that God expects His followers to use and grow the resources and opportunities He gives—whether finances, skills, time—to advance His kingdom. God calls us to be productive. But how? In an age when we are bombarded with information, distractions, and options, how do we manage family, work, projects, tasks, events, church, etc., prioritizing and pursuing what’s important over merely what’s urgent?...
January 23, 2016
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About The Christian Worldview

On air since 2004, The Christian Worldview with host David Wheaton is a weekly radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. A new program releases every Saturday. The program focuses on current events, cultural issues, and matters of faith from a biblical perspective and often features interviews with compelling guests. The mission is "to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.”

You can find out more, sign up for the free weekly e-newsletter, order resources, and make a tax-deductible donation to support the ministry at

About David Wheaton

David Wheaton is the host of The Christian Worldview, a radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. He is also the author of two books, University of Destruction: Your Game Plan for Spiritual Victory on Campus and My Boy, Ben: A Story of Love, Loss and Grace. 

Formerly, David was one of the top professional tennis players in the world. He is married to his lifelong best friend, Brodie, and they are the parents of a son…and two Labrador retrievers. David is thankful for his faith in Christ, his family, and living near where he grew up in Minnesota.

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