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The Female Pastor Battering Ram Making a Run at the Church Door…Again

April 22, 2023

GUEST: TOM ASCOL, Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church (Cape Coral, FL)

In 1 Timothy 2, the apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote to the younger pastor Timothy regarding the authority structure God established for the church:

A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.” (1 Timothy 2:11-14).

This passage of Scripture and others, like the following chapter in 1 Timothy 3 establishes that pastors/elders in the church must be men of exemplary character, are under assault today as an all-out-battering-ram-like push is being made from many directions to integrate women as pastors in professed Bible-believing churches.

Take the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) for example, which is the largest Protestant denomination in America with 47,000 member churches. The SBC recently “disfellowshipped” its most prominent church—Saddleback in southern California—because its former pastor Rick Warren appointed three female pastors and then a husband and wife co-pastor team to replace him.

This may sound like the SBC holding the line on clear biblical teaching…but not so fast. Rick Warren has vowed to appeal the decision at the upcoming SBC Annual Meeting on June 11-12 in New Orleans where many expect the “messengers” (i.e. attendees) to vote on the matter.

Frankly, there is nothing to vote on when God’s word makes it abundantly clear, both in doctrine and historic practice, that pastors are to be men, while there are many other complementary and important roles for women in the church.

To be very clear, the issue of female pastors is not about capability but about trust in and obedience to God’s design for the authority structure he has established in the church and home.

Tom Ascol, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, FL and president of Founders Ministries, an organization “committed to encouraging the recovery of the gospel and the biblical reformation of local churches” is our guest this weekend on The Christian Worldview. Tom finished second in last year’s SBC presidential vote and has been a voice of fidelity to God’s word and the gospel.

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As cultural hostility toward Christianity intensifies, many Christians have grown more reluctant to advocate for biblical values in the public square. But our perseverance for the common good—a good defined by God alone—is more important than ever in a culture that embraces darkness.

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GUEST: TOM ASCOL, Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church (Cape Coral, FL)In 1 Timothy 2, the apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote to the younger pastor Timothy regarding the authority structure God established for the church:“A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.” (1 Timothy 2:11-14).This passage of Scripture and others, like the following chapter in 1 Timothy 3 establishes that pastors/elders in the church must be men of exemplary character, are under assault today as an all-out-battering-ram-like push is being made from many directions to integrate women as pastors in professed Bible-believing churches.Take the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) for example, which is the largest Protestant denomination in America with 47,000 member churches. The SBC recently “disfellowshipped” its most prominent church—Saddleback in southern California—because its former pastor Rick Warren appointed three female pastors and then a husband and wife co-pastor team to replace him.This may sound like the SBC holding the line on clear biblical teaching…but not so fast. Rick Warren has vowed to appeal the decision at the upcoming SBC Annual Meeting on June 11-12 in New Orleans where many expect the “messengers” (i.e. attendees) to vote on the matter.Frankly, there is nothing to vote on when God’s word makes it abundantly clear, both in doctrine and historic practice, that pastors are to be men, while there are many other complementary and important roles for women in the church.To be very clear, the issue of female pastors is not about capability but about trust in and obedience to God’s design for the authority structure he has established in the church and home.Tom Ascol, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, FL and president of Founders Ministries, an organization “committed to encouraging the recovery of the gospel and the biblical reformation of local churches” is our guest this weekend on The Christian Worldview. Tom finished second in last year’s SBC presidential vote and has been a voice of fidelity to God’s word and the gospel.
April 21, 2023
GUEST: RAY COMFORT, author, So Many Lions, So Few DanielsBefore being martyred in Rome, the apostle Paul wrote to the younger pastor Timothy with this final exhortation:“…be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5).The message is the same for all Christians today. We are living in a day where wickedness abounds and is flaunted openly. We are living in a day where ear-tickling teachers are rampant within the professing church, who lead listeners away from sound doctrine and saving faith.In the midst of this, man’s most desperate need is still the same for every person, everywhere—to be saved, born again, justified by God.The alternative (someone, anyone dying without trusting in Christ) should gnaw at our souls. Hebrews 10:31 says, “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”Ray Comfort, the author of a new book we are featuring titled, So Many Lions, So Few Daniels, and president of Living Waters, a ministry committed to evangelizing the lost and training believers to reach them, is our guest this weekend on The Christian Worldview. He will explain how every Christian is called to “do the work of an evangelist” and how to turn everyday conversations into gospel conversations.Ray will also answer some of the tough questions, such as:What if someone doesn’t believe the Bible is true?Is repentance a part of saving faith or an added work?How does God’s sovereignty and man’s will dovetail in salvation?And finally, we will hear about Living Waters’ huge evangelistic drive being undertaken during this summer’s coronation of King Charles in England.----------------------NEW FEATURED RESOURCE:So Many Lions, So Few Daniels by Ray ComfortLike Daniel in Babylon, Christians today are exiles in a hostile culture. Every day, we face the lions–the easier road of moral compromise, the lure of earthly wealth and influence, the temptation to give in to our fears or our apathy. Yet we are called to obey God rather than man, and we need courage to do it.Available for a donation of any amount!
April 15, 2023
The prophets foretold Him. The gospels reveal Him. The epistles explain Him. All of Scripture exalts Him.“Him” being Jesus Christ, the God-man who lived among us, was crucified by those He created, miraculously rose from the grave, and then ascended alive into heaven.This is way beyond the “greatest story ever told”. Rather, Jesus Christ is the greatest One who ever lived. His crucifixion, burial, resurrection is the greatest, most significant event in human history.Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6).Scripture also says, “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time” (1 Timothy 2:5).This Easter weekend, we’re going to talk about “the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all”. We’ll examine the most detailed Old Testament prophecy about Him in Isaiah 53 and see how it was precisely fulfilled. We’ll also hear some of the most profound hymns about Christ’s sacrificial death for man.We hope your Easter is made more meaningful as you listen to this special edition of The Christian Worldview.
April 8, 2023
GUEST: ALEX NEWMAN, Journalist and CEO, Liberty Sentinel MediaUnregenerate mankind is always trying to get “back to Babel”. Babel was the failed city chronicled in Genesis 11 where man attempted to build his own utopia apart from God.With the same proud and rebellious spirit, unregenerate men and women today believe there must be “fundamental transformation” of everything—nation states, energy, finance, leadership, social structures, and more—to achieve a “Great Reset” where a globalized world can live together in peace and equity.The biggest impediment to this is the United States of America. Our founding values that recognize God as the highest authority, the giver of individual liberties, and determiner of morality, combined with our great power and prosperity, is what must be demolished for a new world order.This explains why every stabilizing pillar of our society is being undermined:National defense (e.g. military, immigration)Energy (e.g. food, fuel, water)Financial (e.g. debt, currency, taxation, inflation, trade)Political (e.g. leadership)Legal (e.g. justice, lawfulness)Social (e.g. family, marriage, morality, education, health care, liberties)Spiritual (e.g. beliefs, church)Revelation, the final book of the Bible, describes a coming globalized, God-rejecting world with an authoritarian leader called the antichrist and a religious emissary called the false prophet. God allows this to take place before His Son Jesus Christ returns to earth to judge and reign.Last week in part 1, Alex Newman, award-winning journalist and CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media, joined us to discuss how the first three pillars are being undermined. This week Alex will again join us to discuss how the next four pillars are being dismantled as well and what Christians must do to be prepared and at peace.----------------------FOR A DONATION OF ANY AMOUNT: We are offering a DVD of Alex Newman’s 2022 presentation on “The Great Reset” including slides and video documenting the planned “Reset” accompany Alex’s presentation.82 mins. Retail is $10 +shipping.>> Order DVD>> Stream Online
April 1, 2023
GUEST: ALEX NEWMAN, Journalist and CEO, Liberty Sentinel MediaIf you sense that a major transformation is taking place in our nation—and around the world—you are correct. The final book of the Bible, Revelation, tells us what the world will be like in the future prior to Christ’s return—a globalized world led by an authoritarian leader who exerts strict control over peoples and societies, all in opposition to God.So how do we get from here to there? After all, the world is currently comprised of nation states with diversified leadership. In fact, our own nation, the most powerful, affluent, autonomous, Christian-influenced nation in history, is the biggest impediment to a globalized system.But that is changing before our eyes. Everything our nation has been known for—military might, financial strength, legal justice, social cohesion, Christian values—is being undermined and remade. Those without a Biblical worldview are cheering this on because they believe (correctly) that America must decrease for globalism to increase.The Bible’s prophecies about the future will be fulfilled just as ones made about the past were fulfilled. There is no thwarting God’s plan. In fact, the amazing thing is how God uses the sinful schemes of man to accomplish His plans. Christians don’t need to be anxious about our transformative time but rather should prepare and shine.Alex Newman, award-winning journalist and CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media, joins us this weekend and next to discuss how seven pillars upholding our society—national defense, energy, financial, political, legal, social, and spiritual—are purposely being crumbled in order to achieve a “Great Reset”.Be informed so you can prepare for what’s ahead!---------------------FOR A DONATION OF ANY AMOUNT: We are offering a DVD of Alex Newman’s 2022 presentation on “The Great Reset” including slides and video documenting the planned “Reset” accompany Alex’s presentation. 82 mins. Retail is $10 +shipping.Ways to Watch:>> Order DVD>> Stream Online
March 25, 2023
GUEST: PASTOR TRAVIS ALLEN, Grace Church (Greeley, CO)Julie Roys calls herself a Christian investigative reporter, focusing on abuse and corruption within the Evangelical church. Hailing from Chicago, her reporting has led to prominent pastors and Christian leaders like James MacDonald, Bill Hybels, Ravi Zacharias, and Mark Driscoll being discredited and removed.For the past several years, she has set her sights on John MacArthur, one of the most respected pastors of the last half century. MacArthur has pastored Grace Community Church in Los Angeles for 54 years and oversees a ministry of worldwide influence including, The Master’s Seminary, The Master’s University, and Grace to You, a daily radio program.In column after column, Roys has accused Grace Community Church and John MacArthur of protecting male abusers of women in the church and shaming the women they allegedly abused. These are serious allegations.The recurring thread in her accusations is that MacArthur’s complementarianism—the biblical doctrine based on 1 Corinthians 11:3; 14:33-34, Ephesians 5:22-24, 1 Timothy 2:12, 1 Peter 3:1-7, Colossians 3:18-19, and other passages that God has prescribed men only to be pastors and elders in the church and hold headship in the home—has led to abuse of women and excessive discipline of children.Last week in Part 1 we looked into who Julie Roys is and what her beliefs are. We also examined two of the prominent counseling cases at Grace Community Church she has highlighted as proving abuse.This week in Part 2, Pastor Travis Allen will join us. He currently pastors Grace Church in Greeley, CO but was formerly an elder at Grace Community Church and the managing director of Grace to You. He was at the church when the David and Eileen Gray counseling case took place.Travis will discuss a recent Christianity Today article that featured an interview with the one elder out of 37 at Grace Community Church who sided with Julie Roys. Travis will also explain how these attacks on MacArthur are a battle in a larger war.
March 18, 2023
You’re probably heard or read something about the conflict brewing and intensifying over a professing Christian investigative journalist, named Julie Roys of Chicago, accusing pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church in California of protecting male abusers and shaming females in counseling cases that have taken place within the church over the years.Article after article, tweet after tweet, comment after comment has been written by Julie Roys and her allies against John MacArthur. Roys has called for MacArthur to be removed from preaching engagements and his daily radio program, Grace to You, to be taken off the air. She and others want John MacArthur “cancelled”.Grace Community Church and John MacArthur rightfully won’t answer outside accusations regarding inside church matters.But we at The Christian Worldview, not affiliated with Grace Community Church or John MacArthur in any way (although grateful for his preaching ministry), think it’s important to discern these public accusations in light of the following:What are the beliefs and goals of the accuser?What are the beliefs and reputation of the accused?Are conclusions being made that shouldn’t be made?And importantly, should church outsiders hold sway over inside church matters, rather than the church’s pastors, elders, and members addressing them?We will examine the accusations of Julie Roys against Grace Community Church and John MacArthur to see how this is indicative of a larger war in Evangelicalism to dismantle the biblical command for male eldership in the church and male headship in the home.This week we’ll look at the details of the situation and then next week pastor Travis Allen of Grace Church in Greeley, CO, and former elder at Grace Community Church in CA, will join us.-----------------------------------Related Articles:RELATED ARTICLES:Opinion: An Open Letter to John MacArthur by Julie RoysEXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser by Julie Roysvs.Judge Julie: Accusing a Shepherd by David MorrillRoys vs MacArthur: Anatomy of a Smear by David Morrill
March 11, 2023
GUEST: JEREMY WALKER, pastor and writer/presenter, REVIVAL documentary filmLast week in Part 1 of our interview with Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England and the writer and host of a documentary film titled, REVIVAL: The Work of God, we discussed what revival is and a few examples of when and where it has taken place over the last 500 years in the United Kingdom and the United States.Revival is not primarily evangelizing non-believers but rather God enlivening believers within the local church to greater holiness and obedience…which often leads to greater proclamation of the gospel and non-believers being saved.Personal and church revival is something every Christian should pray for and pursue through what the film terms “the ordinary means of grace” rather than man crafting the means and methods he believes will stimulate revival.This weekend in Part 2, Jeremy Walker will again join us to discuss times of revival led by preachers like Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, the Wesley brothers, and others. He will also charge us with how we should pray for and pursue revival today.NOTE: The documentary film “REVIVAL: The Work of God” is our new featured resource. This two-hour presentation looks at periods of revival over the past 500 years in the UK and US, covering the Reformation, Puritan Era, Scotland, Wales, the Great Awakenings and more. Normal retail is $40 plus shipping which includes the two disc set plus 14 hours of bonus content.
March 4, 2023
GUEST: JEREMY WALKER, pastor and writer/presenter, Revival documentary filmThe term “revival” conveys the idea of “coming back to life” or “increasing in strength or intensity”. The word doesn’t appear in Scripture and yet there were times in the Bible or in history when Christians and churches revived spiritually, characterized by such things as fervent repentance of sin, earnest pleading in prayer, deep commitment to holiness, and boldness in proclaiming the truth and the gospel.Christians were revived, nonbelievers were saved, and even communities were impacted with the good graces of God.This weekend on The Christian Worldview, we will look back in history to examine what led to times of revival, such as the Reformation in Europe and the Great Awakening in America.Jeremy Walker will be our guest. Jeremy is the pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England and the writer and host of a brand new documentary film entitled “Revival: The Work of God”, which surveys great times of revival in the United Kingdom and the United States, featuring both well-known and lesser-known people and places.We will also discuss what is being called a revival on the campus of Asbury University, a Christian liberal arts college in Wilmore, KY. For over two weeks, first students and then others from around the country have gathered continually in an auditorium for mostly music and prayer.------------------------Related Article:Holy FOMO?Related Resource:REVIVAL: The Work of God
February 25, 2023
“Hope” in Scripture can be defined as the believer’s assurance that the blessings God promises for the future will occur. It’s joyful expectation of an unrealized future reality. The greatest, most joy-producing promise that God has made is that His Son Jesus Christ is going to return to earth to bring His followers to heaven for eternity.1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.”Whether you believe this describes the rapture of church-age believers or simply the second coming of Christ to resurrect believers to rule and reign with him, the result is the same—Christ will raise the earthly bodies of believers (whether dead or alive), transform the perishable bodies into imperishable bodies, reuniting the soul and spirit with the imperishable body to spend eternity in heaven.Why is this the greatest hope? Because eternity in the presence of God is the greatest blessing, especially in light of the alternative—unending torment in the lake of fire. Listen to how Jesus describes the eternity of hell: “If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell, where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.” (Mark 9:47-48).There is no more poignant, rubber-meets-the-road test of what you believe, what your hope is, than when a loved one dies or when you are facing death yourself.How can one have assurance of going to heaven rather than doubt or dread of hell? How can one have faith in a realm that we can’t see or touch? Join us this weekend on The Christian Worldview as we discuss the trustworthy God who will keep His greatest promise.
February 17, 2023
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On air since 2004, The Christian Worldview with host David Wheaton is a weekly radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. A new program releases every Saturday. The program focuses on current events, cultural issues, and matters of faith from a biblical perspective and often features interviews with compelling guests. The mission is "to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.”

You can find out more, sign up for the free weekly e-newsletter, order resources, and make a tax-deductible donation to support the ministry at

About David Wheaton

David Wheaton is the host of The Christian Worldview, a radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. He is also the author of two books, University of Destruction: Your Game Plan for Spiritual Victory on Campus and My Boy, Ben: A Story of Love, Loss and Grace. 

Formerly, David was one of the top professional tennis players in the world. He is married to his lifelong best friend, Brodie, and they are the parents of a son…and two Labrador retrievers. David is thankful for his faith in Christ, his family, and living near where he grew up in Minnesota.

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