The Christian Worldview

David Wheaton

How Understanding God Helps You Understand Our Chaotic World [rebroadcast from 09/04/2021]

May 25, 2024

GUEST: STEVEN LAWSON, author, Show Me Your Glory

Psalm 46 starts out this way: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change…

The earth is changing. A strong delusion has bewitched the leaders and peoples of this world. There are authoritarian, baseless mandates and discrimination (regarding vaccines, masks, lockdowns) over a virus that kills an infinitesimally small percentage of those who contract it.

The greatest superpower in the world spends billions of dollars and thousands of lives over 20 years in Afghanistan, only to pull out before removing its own citizens, securing its own military equipment, as a terrorist organization takes over in a matter of days.

Political leadership is so sinful that “the right” to kill pre-born children is a central plank of the Democratic Party, along with affirming sexual and gender perversity.

The list could go on—bringing in millions of unvetted immigrants as a reliable voting bloc, paying able workers to not work, lying that America runs on white supremacy.

The world feels like its spinning out of control. So what’s a Christian to do? Answer: Focus on the most important thing—God and His perfect and powerful attributes.

Dr. Steven Lawson is our guest this weekend on The Christian Worldview. He has been a pastor for 34 years, preaches and teaches around the world, is the president of One Passion Ministries (a ministry designed to bring about biblical reformation in the church today), and the author of many books, including the one we will discuss, Show Me Your Glory: Understanding the Majestic Splendor of God.

For when you understand God and His attributes, you will understand and be at peace within the world He controls.

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Who Am I? by Martyn Iles
Who am I? This question holds great significance, and the answer is defining a generation and impacting eternity. Martyn Iles, the Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis, masterfully equips this generation with truth and hope providing a compelling biblical apologetic on this issue of identity in his book, Who Am I? The freedom to create or choose your own identity is being normalized by our culture. This self-created worldview leads to self-worship. According to Iles, this age of identity “is immunizing a generation against a sense of their sinfulness and desperate need before God. It is telling them to take that for which Christ had to die — their “true selves” — and to embrace it, live by it, and be proud of it. This is a message that ensures people will never get over the threshold of God’s kingdom because they will never be poor in spirit. It is condemning a generation to hell.” Pg 32 LOOK INSIDE“As you read this book, you’ll dive deep into Genesis and God’s design for mankind. Martyn pulls out eternal truths that the church has long taught and known and applies them anew for a lost and confused generation. And he does so in a way that points to Christ and His completed work for us on the Cross.” Ken Ham, Founding CEO of Answers in Genesis Read Who Am I? to anchor yourself and your family in the gospel. While the world chooses to indoctrinate even the youngest students to dismiss God’s law, this graphically engaging and easy to read, Christian resource will arm you with the pure wisdom of the incorruptible Word of God. Use Who Am I? in family devotions, Bible study groups, and evangelical events allowing the double-edged sword of the Bible to penetrate and remove the veil of deception covering our culture. 


GUEST: ROBERT KNIGHT, columnist, The Washington TimesThe deconstruction of the organization formerly known as the Boy Scouts (now called the genderless “Scouting America”) is a microcosm—“a situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger”—of what is taking place in broader American society.What is that? A headlong descent into depravity straight out of Romans 1: “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil;” Romans 1:28-29Robert Knight, The Washington Times columnist and our guest this weekend, writes in his latest column that “More than 80,000 men claim they were sexually abused when they were in the Boy Scouts…and this past March agreed to a $2.4 billion settlement to pay thousands of claims.”The sane response to this horrific abuse would be to greatly strengthen protocol for Scout leaders’ interaction with boys. Instead, the Boy Scouts approved homosexual men to be leaders of boys.The Boy Scouts were once a respected organization that trained boys to be men, in character, in skills, in service. The Scout oath was and still is (but now in lip service only)…“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”What went wrong with the Boy Scouts that has also gone wrong in broader American society? How can the church and Christian organizations avoid being lured into this deconstruction? Join us as Robert Knight, a former Eagle Scout, explains the sinful compromises that have turned this once respected organization into a cautionary tale of the evils of the woke religion.-------------------------------Related Article:Scouts pay dearly for ‘wokeness,’ double down anyway – May 14, 2024You can sign up to receive Robert Knight’s free weekly column by emailing him: RobertKnight4@gmail.comRelated Programs:How the Tactics that Sank the Boy Scouts Are Now Aimed at the Church – Feb 29, 2020What Happened to the Boy Scouts and Why It Matters? – March 26, 2018
May 18, 2024
GUEST: MARY JANE WHEATON, David’s MomGod designed marriage to be between one man and one woman for life, for husband and wife to love each other, embrace mutually beneficial roles, and raise children to love and obey God. The family is the protective nest, a place of intended peace, that results in Godly individuals and thus God-fearing societies.If one had to state just one reason why our nation is awash in rampant dysfunction, false ideologies, violence, incarceration, drug use, sexual immorality, and all manner of other societal ills, the breakdown of the family would be at the top of the list. Divorce, children being raise by single parents, and hostility between members of the family are all-too-common today.Because the family is so important to God, it is under constant assault by Satan. America has changed so much over the last 60+ years, mostly in God-dishonoring ways. My 90-year-old mother has lived through this great cultural change. She and my dad, who went to be with His Savior and Lord last year, were blessed to be saved by God in their mid-20s. They took the Word of God seriously as it pertains to marriage, parenting, and discipleship.The good news is that in a shifting culture, Christians can thrive, whether married or single. My Mom joins us this Mother’s Day weekend to describe what it was like to live through a time of great cultural change all the while standing firm on the truth of God’s Word.--------------------------------LOOKING FOR A GRADUATION GIFT?University of Destruction by David WheatonHelp the student in your life be an Overcomer!  This book includes:The three Pillars of Peril students face in college: Sex, Drugs/Alcohol, and Humanism (secular or religious);A time-tested game plan for victory over these pitfalls based on improving your spiritual G.P.A.;The important difference between professing and possessing Christians;Practical advice on dating, friends, and choosing the right college;How to get back on course if you have gone astray.176 pgs, softcover
May 11, 2024
GUEST: SOEREN KERN, Geopolitical Analyst and Writing Fellow for Middle East ForumHamas, an Islamic militant group bent on Israel’s destruction, launches a surprise attack on Oct. 7 from their territory in Gaza into southern Israel, butchering 1200 civilians and taking captive hundreds more. The Israeli military responds by invading Gaza to decimate Hamas and bring home the captives.And who do students and professors on campuses all over America rise up to oppose? Israel!This is the Red-Green axis—the Reds (Leftists, Marxists, Communists) and the Greens (Islamists) share common cause in their hatred for the Biblical God, the God of the Jews and the God of Christians, who built Western Civilization and the accompanying values of marriage, family, free speech and markets, and private property. It must be burned down.So they rage. And God, who sits in the heavens laughs…“But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain.” Psalm 2Soeren Kern, a Christian geopolitical analyst and writing fellow for Middle East Forum joins us on The Christian Worldview to explain what is going on in the Middle East and how it’s related to Russia invading Ukraine and China rattling its sabres with Taiwan. We will also discuss the response (or lack of response) by pastors and churches.
May 4, 2024
GUEST: HALEY ERICKSON, Christian Nutrition Coach and Personal TrainerWhile there is great diversity in the world—religion, culture, socio-economic, geographic, personal experience, family background, education, etc.—there are some things we all have in common. One of them is a physical body.It’s interesting to note that God spoke everything into existence except for Adam (man), which God formed the “dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (Gen. 2:7). God didn’t have to create a physical body for Adam but He did. And that’s significant.We often focus on the immaterial part of our life—our soul and spirit—but let’s consider that God designed a material, physical body to “embody” the soul and spirit.So how should we view and care for the body God gives us? As temporary, decaying, and therefore fairly unimportant? Thus, “eat, drink, and be sedentary for tomorrow we die”.Or should we view and care for the body as a “temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 6)? And what exactly does that mean in practical ways with regard to eating, exercise, and rest.We hope you tune in this weekend to The Christian Worldview, as we will examine the under-examined topic of our physical bodies.---------------------Overcomer Course for Young Adults
April 27, 2024
GUEST: ALEX NEWMAN, journalist and author, Indoctrinating Our Children to DeathIt was a highly-informative and captivating evening Friday, April 12 at The Christian Worldview Speaker Series event with Alex Newman at Beacon of Hope Church in St. Paul as he spoke on “The Push for Global Governance” and how issues like public education, environmentalism, health care, monetary policy, technology, well, most everything is used to accomplish man’s dystopian dream of global governance.Their mentality: “If only the elite, educated, and intelligent amongst us could unite the world around a global leader, then we could bring peace, eradicate poverty, and achieve equity for all.” They work toward all religions uniting in this pursuit, believing that all have “shared values” like doing good to their fellow man.We will be making Alex’s message that evening available soon. It was about 50 minutes and we don’t have enough time to play that today. But we do have time to play the Q & A with Alex, which followed his message. Several topics he wasn’t able to get to in his message were brought out in the Q & A, such as immigration, voting integrity, technology and artificial intelligence, and the current wars are in Ukraine and Israel.You can still order Alex’s new book Indoctrinating Our Children to Death for a donation of any amount to The Christian Worldview. Lots of attendees got the book at the event and Alex was nice to do an impromptu book signing.---------------------------------------Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop ItOur host, David Wheaton, is speaking at the upcoming Be Not Conformed conference in St. Croix Falls, WI on May 4-5, 2024.  The conference will be held at Eureka Baptist Church and features Seth Brickley, Russell Fuller, Jon Harris, Jeff Kliewer and David Wheaton.
April 20, 2024
GUEST: BRAD KLASSEN, professor and teacher, Men of the WordYou’ve heard about “the war on men”. In fact, Owen Strachan, author of a book by that title was interviewed on The Christian Worldview on Nov. 18, 2023.Owen described how our society seeks to emasculate men in order to stamp out what they call “toxic masculinity”. At a more fundamental level, what animates this war is a rejection of God and his design and role for men. Instead of being the leaders, cultivators, and protectors God designed, men become passive, weak, and cowardly.The way back from this morass isn’t as superficial as an in-your-face dressing-down by a drill sergeant or calls from the social media “manosphere” to “man up”. Nor is it as simple as engaging in manly things, like operating a chain saw or pumping iron in the gym.Our guest this weekend, Brad Klassen, Professor of Bible Exposition at The Master’s Seminary and teacher of Grace Community Church’s men’s group “Men of the Word”, will explain how reclaiming Biblical manhood starts inside the mind and the heart.For when a man’s mind is renewed according to Scripture (i.e. Romans 12:1-2) and when he is fueled by a love for God over himself and over the things of the world, God does a transforming work to make a man what He designed him to be.------------------RELATED RESOURCE:The War on Men by Owen StrachanRELATED PROGRAMS:Winning the Toxic War on Men with Owen StrachanGod’s Call for Men with Travis Allen
April 13, 2024
GUEST: ALEX NEWMAN, author, Indoctrinating Our Children to DeathMost Christians who discern the times know that the U.S. public education system (i.e. government-run schools) is humanistic to the core (humanism being the worldview/religion where man is the highest authority). Under the banner of “separation of church and state”, subversives have successfully removed from government schools the most important subject to understand truth/reality—God.Capturing and secularizing the education system has been the top goal of God-rejecting Marxists for well over 100 years, according to Alex Newman, our guest this weekend and the author of an eye-opening new book, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death. While Americans were once educated at home or privately in an explicitly Christian way, today government schools are radically anti-Christian, propagandizing children with evolution, graphic sexual content, gender confusion, and globalism.In reading Alex’s book, it’s far, far worse than you think and the chaos in families, children, and broader society shows the rotten fruit.This weekend on The Christian Worldview, Alex Newman will give us a taste of what he will present in full at our Speaker Series event this coming Friday, April 12 at Beacon of Hope Church in St. Paul, MN. There he will show how the push for global governance relies heavily on taking captive young minds in the public education system—and the environmental movement—in their quest for a God-less utopia.Seating for the Speakers Series event this coming Friday, April 12 is now 85% filled so be sure to register as soon as possible if you would like to attend. Go to our website or call us at 1-888-646-2233. There is no admission cost but we ask you to consider a donation of any amount to The Christian Worldview.----------------------Education Resources for Minnesota
April 6, 2024
In the days leading up to Easter I was watching a weather forecast on television. When the extended forecast came up showing the weekend ahead, there was an icon of a bouncing bunny on Easter Sunday (better termed Resurrection Sunday). Nothing on Crucifixion Friday…not even a mention of Easter weekend.How sad and tragic that the most important event in the history of mankind—the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ—has been replaced with a counterfeit fairy tale (the Easter bunny and Easter eggs). For to not know about the person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His supernatural resurrection is to be left in the dark about the one way God offers to reconcile sinners to Himself.“For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time” (1 Tim. 2:5-6).This Easter weekend on The Christian Worldview, we will focus our minds and hearts on what God has revealed in His Word about His Son the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and the Victor.
March 30, 2024
GUEST: ANDREW DeBARTOLO, Director of Operations, Liberty Coalition CanadaTo borrow a popular term today, the United States is in “transition”. Whereas the nation once “identified” as a broadly Christian nation (the Declaration of Independence refers multiple times to the Christian God), a real transition (in contrast to the imagined transitions and marriages of the transvestite/homosexual movement) has and is taking place to a present-day post-Christian, neo-pagan nation, where Satanic statues are displayed in state capitol buildings and a reworked Marxist-based, anti-Christian religion of woke-ism has captured many minds and all institutions.How and why has this happened in a nation so known for and influenced by Christianity? Is it…Infiltration of nefarious forces (e.g. globalists and Marxists)?Leavening principle of sin over time?Compromising churches exerting less influence?Christians unengaged from culture and politics?Judgment of God “giving over” the nation to unrestrained sinfulness (Rom. 1)?Whatever the reasons—and no doubt there are more—here we are in our present state of depravity and foolishness (i.e. thinking and living as if there is no God).So what should Christians do now? Broadly speaking, there are three general responses:FAITHFULNESS: A primary focus on personal sanctification, family discipleship, and the local church, along with some civil engagement such as voting, running for public office, and supporting organizations that advocate for Christian-based policies. Example: G3 Ministries, John MacArthurACTIVISM: a more muscular posture that aims for spiritual and cultural change, including local church advocacy in politics and issues, on-the-street confrontation of sin, and a willingness to unite across theological divides to accomplish political objectives. Example: Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk.DOMINION: the belief that Christ reigns over all and thus a mandate that institutions and society be reclaimed, possibly by force if necessary, to reflect overtly Christian laws and magistrates. Example: full-throated Christian Nationalists, some in New Apostolic ReformationWhich response most honors God and the example His Son and His disciples set? Join us this weekend on The Christian Worldview as Andrew DeBartolo, Director of Operations for Liberty Coalition Canada, describes what is occurring in his country and ours and what he believes Christians should do.
March 23, 2024
Shepherds’ Conference is a three-day pastors conference held in early March at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles (this is the church that John MacArthur has pastored for 55 years). What started 40 years or so ago with about 100 pastors has grown into 5000 church leaders and laymen gathering from all corners of the world.“The mission of Shepherds Conference is to provide the opportunity for men in church leadership to be challenged in their commitment to biblical ministry and to find encouragement together as servants of the Chief Shepherd.”That’s basically what takes place over those three days. Some of the most notable expository (verse-by-verse) pastors, such as MacArthur, Steve Lawson, HB Charles, Voddie Baucham, John Piper, Paul Washer, Alistair Begg (not this year as you know by now), Conrad Mbewe, Albert Mohler, and more, preach to the pastors who attend to strengthen and model to these pastors how to preach and lead their churches better.It has been a blessing and time of growth for me to attend the Shepherds’ Conference about 15 times or more over the years. I just returned from the 2024 edition and will share some key takeaways from the conference, along with some man-at-the-conference interviews.And the main takeaway is this: supernatural transformation takes place in lives when God’s supernatural Word leads the way in preaching.
March 16, 2024
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Who Am I? by Martyn Iles
Who am I? This question holds great significance, and the answer is defining a generation and impacting eternity. Martyn Iles, the Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis, masterfully equips this generation with truth and hope providing a compelling biblical apologetic on this issue of identity in his book, Who Am I? The freedom to create or choose your own identity is being normalized by our culture. This self-created worldview leads to self-worship. According to Iles, this age of identity “is immunizing a generation against a sense of their sinfulness and desperate need before God. It is telling them to take that for which Christ had to die — their “true selves” — and to embrace it, live by it, and be proud of it. This is a message that ensures people will never get over the threshold of God’s kingdom because they will never be poor in spirit. It is condemning a generation to hell.” Pg 32 LOOK INSIDE“As you read this book, you’ll dive deep into Genesis and God’s design for mankind. Martyn pulls out eternal truths that the church has long taught and known and applies them anew for a lost and confused generation. And he does so in a way that points to Christ and His completed work for us on the Cross.” Ken Ham, Founding CEO of Answers in Genesis Read Who Am I? to anchor yourself and your family in the gospel. While the world chooses to indoctrinate even the youngest students to dismiss God’s law, this graphically engaging and easy to read, Christian resource will arm you with the pure wisdom of the incorruptible Word of God. Use Who Am I? in family devotions, Bible study groups, and evangelical events allowing the double-edged sword of the Bible to penetrate and remove the veil of deception covering our culture. 

About The Christian Worldview

On air since 2004, The Christian Worldview with host David Wheaton is a weekly radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. A new program releases every Saturday. The program focuses on current events, cultural issues, and matters of faith from a biblical perspective and often features interviews with compelling guests. The mission is "to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.”

You can find out more, sign up for the free weekly e-newsletter, order resources, and make a tax-deductible donation to support the ministry at

About David Wheaton

David Wheaton is the host of The Christian Worldview, a radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. He is also the author of two books, University of Destruction: Your Game Plan for Spiritual Victory on Campus and My Boy, Ben: A Story of Love, Loss and Grace. 

Formerly, David was one of the top professional tennis players in the world. He is married to his lifelong best friend, Brodie, and they are the parents of a son…and two Labrador retrievers. David is thankful for his faith in Christ, his family, and living near where he grew up in Minnesota.

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