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Church Trends (Week of May 2, 2016)

May 2, 2016
Why are the people’s devising a vain thing and what is God doing about it? Biblical Christians understand that things are greatly awry in the world: oppression and violence, sex trafficking, racial animosity, hundreds of millions of aborted babies, marriage redefined, and transgenderism affirmed. The nations are in an uproar and the peoples are devising a vain thing as the first verse of Psalm 2 says, but...
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When Culture Hates You by Natasha Crain

As cultural hostility toward Christianity intensifies, many Christians have grown more reluctant to advocate for biblical values in the public square. But our perseverance for the common good—a good defined by God alone—is more important than ever in a culture that embraces darkness.

Past Episodes

As our culture has become increasingly secular over the past few decades, evangelical church leaders have adapted their services to attract especially a younger generation that hasn’t been exposed to traditional biblical Christianity. Verse by verse preaching has been replaced with messages on felt needs and a traditional order of worship, that included staples such as Bible reading and hymn singing, has been “updated” with worship bands, dramas, mood lighting, and all manner of other methods to create a multi-sensory “worship experience”...
April 30, 2016
Why are the people’s devising a vain thing and what is God doing about it? Biblical Christians understand that things are greatly awry in the world: oppression and violence, sex trafficking, racial animosity, hundreds of millions of aborted babies, marriage redefined, and transgenderism affirmed. The nations are in an uproar and the peoples are devising a vain thing as the first verse of Psalm 2 says, but...
April 25, 2016
It shouldn’t take long for those with even a semblance of a Christian worldview to conclude that things are greatly awry. Islamist mass murders with vows to take over the world. Iran threatens to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Protests and racial animosity in America. Tens of millions unborn babies killed in the womb. The Supreme Court redefining marriage to include two people of the same sex. Public schools promoting transgenderism (more on that during the program)...
April 23, 2016
Is there really a communist influence in America? This is David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview. Communism, and its bedfellows Marxism and socialism, are always characterized by a strong government that controls every area of life such as education, health care, environment, and even religion. Most Americans think that communism entered the dust bin of history with the break-up of the Soviet Union and is no longer a threat...
April 18, 2016
Didn’t communism enter the dust bin of history with the break up of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s? Sure, the Communist Party may still hold political power in China but don’t they have a free-market economy now? And here in America, as victors of the Cold War and half a century past the communist “witch hunt” hearings, no one really believes communism has any influence in the land of the free and the home of capitalism, do they?..
April 16, 2016
What is something that everyone has, that we are able to clearly see in others yet rarely in ourselves? This is David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview. If you answered “blind spots”, you are correct! No one in Scripture received more strong criticism from Jesus than the scribes and Pharisees, the religious leaders of His day, who were known for their external displays of religiosity rather than an authentic, inner devotion. Jesus said about them, “All that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.”...
April 11, 2016
Here’s a riddle: What is something that everyone has that we are able to clearly see in others yet rarely in ourselves? If you answered “blind spots”, you are correct! Blind spots for Christians manifest themselves in many different ways, such as when our walk doesn’t match our talk or when our motives for doing something are self-exalting rather than God-glorifying...
April 9, 2016
What is the Christian response to Islamic terrorism? This is David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview. In the aftermath of Islamic terror attacks, those with a humanistic worldview often express the need to protect Muslims in the West from retributive hate crimes. They also lay blame on the West’s intervention in Muslim affairs as the catalyst to Islamic terrorism and recruitment...
April 3, 2016
On March 22, Islamic terrorists exploded bombs at the Brussels, Belgium airport and train station, killing 32 people. In the ensuing days as the world was coming to grips with yet another mass-causality attack by Muslim terrorists, a recurring response pattern emerged from those with a humanistic worldview (man-based, non-biblical worldview) partially summarized in the following questions: Why are humanists as concerned, if not more concerned, about retributive “hate crimes” against Muslims than protecting the general public, who are the ones actually dying in these attacks?...
April 2, 2016
What do the last words of Jesus on the cross mean for us today? This is David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview. This past Friday commemorated Jesus offering Himself to pay God’s just death penalty for our sin. During the six hours that He hung dying on the cross, Jesus made seven statements that give us rich insight into His person and purpose.
March 28, 2016
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About The Christian Worldview

On air since 2004, The Christian Worldview with host David Wheaton is a weekly radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. A new program releases every Saturday. The program focuses on current events, cultural issues, and matters of faith from a biblical perspective and often features interviews with compelling guests. The mission is "to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.”

You can find out more, sign up for the free weekly e-newsletter, order resources, and make a tax-deductible donation to support the ministry at

About David Wheaton

David Wheaton is the host of The Christian Worldview, a radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. He is also the author of two books, University of Destruction: Your Game Plan for Spiritual Victory on Campus and My Boy, Ben: A Story of Love, Loss and Grace. 

Formerly, David was one of the top professional tennis players in the world. He is married to his lifelong best friend, Brodie, and they are the parents of a son…and two Labrador retrievers. David is thankful for his faith in Christ, his family, and living near where he grew up in Minnesota.

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