The Outstretched Hands of God
What god among the nations holds out his hands to his people? What god among the religions reaches his arms toward the rebellious, longing for them to repent? Only the true God! But he will not wait forever. Respond now, before the compassionate hands of God become the hands of judgment.
Featured Offer
We've all felt the sting of mental pain. Some of us are distressed by our jobs or our families; others have suffered from severe mental disorders for their whole lives. Whatever your story, you need to know the perfect peace that comes only by resting in the Lord God. In this booklet, Dr. Boice examines what the Bible says about the mental anguish that we face, and draw from God's Word pastoral comfort for the suffering.
Past Episodes
- Romans Volume 12: Victory Through Jesus
- Romans Volume 13: Who is a Christian?
- Romans Volume 14: The Redemption
- Romans Volume 15: Enduring Love
- Romans Volume 16: True Israel
- Romans Volume 17: The Justification of God
- Romans Volume 18: The Law and Faith
- Romans Volume 19: Jewish Unbelief
- Romans Volume 20: The Remnant of Israel

Featured Offer
We've all felt the sting of mental pain. Some of us are distressed by our jobs or our families; others have suffered from severe mental disorders for their whole lives. Whatever your story, you need to know the perfect peace that comes only by resting in the Lord God. In this booklet, Dr. Boice examines what the Bible says about the mental anguish that we face, and draw from God's Word pastoral comfort for the suffering.
About The Bible Study Hour
The Bible Study Hour offers careful, in-depth Bible study, preparing you to think and act biblically. Dr. James Boice's expository style opens the scriptures and shows how all of God's Word points to Christ. Dr. Boice brings the Bible's truth to bear on all of life. The program helps listeners understand the truth of God's Word in life-changing, mind-renewing ways.The Bible Study Hour is a ministry of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
The Alliance exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the Gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context.
About Dr. James Boice
Contact The Bible Study Hour with Dr. James Boice
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
The Bible Study Hour
600 Eden Road
Lancaster, PA 17601