The Bible Questions

Dr. Andrew Farley

What does it mean to be “dead to the Law”?

October 1, 2024

At salvation, believers are crucified with Christ. As a result, we die to the Law, and consequently we die to sin. Once we’re taken out from under the dominion of the Law, sin no longer has power over us. As the Scripture states: “apart from the Law, sin is dead” (Romans 7:8). Under God’s grace, we end up living a godly life motivated by God’s Spirit within us, not by moral regulations from the Old Testament (Titus 2:11-12).

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The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is often presented as a beautiful passage to inspire spiritual growth in the believer. However, the reality is that in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells His audience to cut off their hands, to pluck out their eyes, and to be perfect like God. In addition, He tells them that looking with lust equals adultery and that anger is the same as murder. Finally, Jesus tells His audience to get right with others before offering their animal sacrifices and that they’ll be answerable to the Sanhedrin – a Jewish council from two thousand years ago. Clearly, there’s a context of Judaism that must be factored into understanding the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is purposely introducing a perfect and impossible standard (the true spirit of the Law) in order to expose the spiritual slavery and hypocrisy of His Jewish audience. With this in mind, the Sermon on the Mount is not a sweet passage for Christian growth, but instead it serves as “nails in the coffin” of anyone who thinks they can keep the true standard of the Jewish law.
September 24, 2024
The Apostle Paul states that Christians are not under the Law (Galatians 3:19-20). The Ten Commandments (the moral law) are not an exception to this freedom. We trust Jesus as our sacrifice and as our daily source of morality and ethics. Christ within us, apart from the Law, is enough to produce the godly life we desire (Galatians 5:22-23).
September 17, 2024
Some teach that Christians need to keep the Old Testament Sabbath which forbids physical work from Friday at sundown to Saturday evening. But Scripture teaches that the Sabbath was merely a shadow of the spiritual rest we enjoy in Christ (Hebrews 10:1). All who believe in Jesus enter a spiritual rest because of His finished work (Hebrews 4:3).
September 10, 2024
People often believe they should try to love God with all their strength and try to love others as they love themselves. However, this misunderstanding results from misinterpreting a conversation between Jesus and a Pharisee (Matthew 22:34-40). An expert in the Law came to Jesus and asked Him what were the greatest commands in the Law. Jesus answered that the greatest commandments in the Law are to love God with all your strength and to love your neighbor as yourself. But Jesus was referring to the greatest commands in the Law, and we believers are not under the Law. Instead, we are led internally by God’s Spirit and the new covenant laws written on our hearts today.
September 3, 2024
The laws written on a believer’s heart are not the Ten Commandments, because we are no longer under the Law (Galatians 5:1; Romans 6:14; 2 Corinthians 3:6-7). Believers have the new commands of Jesus written on our hearts: believe in Him and love one another just as He has loved us (1 John 3:23; 5:3; John 13:34).
August 27, 2024
If so, how did Jesus fulfill the Law? Romans 8:4 says Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirement of the Law by becoming a sin offering for us. Not only did He live a perfect life, according to the true spirit of the Law, but the entire Law pointed to His death on the cross as both the fulfillment of the old covenant, and the beginning of the new covenant (Matthew 5:17; Romans 8:4; 10:4). Still, this does not mean the Law itself is dead or gone (Matthew 5:18). It is simply fulfilled. Consider this: The Law is not dead, but we believers have died to the Law. Big difference!
August 20, 2024
No, tithing is an Old Testament requirement. Instead, we Christians are called to give freely from the heart, not under any pressure (2 Corinthians 9:7).
August 13, 2024
Absolutely! We live under a new covenant, but the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – is the inspired Word of God. And we can learn a great deal from the Old Testament.
August 6, 2024
Two thousand years ago, the Corinthians were getting drunk and eating up all the food at the Lord’s Supper. It was for this reason that Paul said they were partaking in an “unworthy manner” and needed to examine themselves. But the Lord’s Supper is to be done in remembrance of Jesus Christ and His finished work, not in remembrance of our recent track record of sins. So, we can keep the focus on Jesus and celebrate the Lord’s Supper with joy!
July 30, 2024
Is 1 John 1:9 meant for Christians? While 1 John 1:9 is often interpreted as a formula for believers to get more forgiveness of sins, the verse is actually addressing sin deniers known as Gnostics. So, John is not prescribing a “daily bar of soap” to help Christians get more forgiveness and cleansing from God. Instead, he is inviting unbelieving sin deniers to acknowledge the reality of sin and find forgiveness and cleansing of all unrighteousness (past, present, and future!) through Jesus Christ.
July 23, 2024
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Each episode will ask tough, provocative, and even forbidden questions about Christianity- and offer surprising Biblical answers you may never hear in church. For more content like this, visit


About Dr. Andrew Farley

Dr. Andrew Farley is devoted to helping people better understand the grace of God and helping them live in the freedom that comes from a true understanding of Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross. He seeks to challenge the way people look at God, and themselves, through practical, scriptural insights about God’s forgiveness, living under grace and what a new identity in Christ really means.

Andrew is the author of Zondervan’s debuted #1 bestseller on Amazon, The Naked Gospel, in addition to serving as lead pastor of Church Without Religion in Lubbock, Texas. He is also the president of The Grace Message. His mission is to help people better understand the grace of God and see them enjoy freedom. He previously served as a professor of linguistics at the University of Notre Dame and Texas Tech University

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