Telling the Truth

Stuart and Jill Briscoe

Chasing After Love

May 13, 2020

Do you find yourself living for the love and approval of others? Are you looking to others to meet your needs and satisfy your desire for acceptance?

Maybe you do the same thing with God—trying to please Him by performing and living well. Remaining in this trap of living to gain His approval will only prevent you from truly experiencing God’s outrageous love.

In this message, Pete Briscoe shows you how to stop living for God’s love and live in it instead. You’ll learn how to rest in the love He already has for you instead of spending your life chasing after it.

References: 1 John 4:16-21

Featured Offer

Stand firm for truth in today’s shifting culture!
Our culture is full of ever-shifting beliefs, and we want to help you stand firm for truth amidst the world’s confusion by sending you Stuart Briscoe’s six-message series, Six Things We Must Never Forget.  This series will help equip you to test any new idea against the timeless truth of Scripture—and it’s our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. So request your copy today!   


What keeps you from coming to Jesus? Is it your past or your pride? Are you concerned friends and family will outcast or belittle you for believing in Him? Or do you think you’re too far gone for Jesus to accept you? The truth is we’re all a mess! We make bad choices that lead to unwelcomed consequences. And sometimes, we run from Jesus because of our shame and brokenness. Jesus sees beyond your messiness and longs to transform your life. In this message, Pete Briscoe helps you break free from whatever might hinder you from coming to Jesus and being restored by His overwhelming love.
May 12, 2020
What keeps you from coming to Jesus? Is it your past or your pride? Are you concerned friends and family will outcast or belittle you for believing in Him? Or do you think you’re too far gone for Jesus to accept you? The truth is we’re all a mess! We make bad choices that lead to unwelcomed consequences. And sometimes, we run from Jesus because of our shame and brokenness. Jesus sees beyond your messiness and longs to transform your life. In this message, Pete Briscoe helps you break free from whatever might hinder you from coming to Jesus and being restored by His overwhelming love.
May 11, 2020
It’s difficult to understand the heavenly love of Jesus. And so we try to live impressively to win His affection. But there was never a moment in time when Jesus saw something in you and thought ... Hey, that’s impressive, I think I’ll love him. The truth is Jesus’ love for you isn’t contingent on your behavior or performance. He has always loved you. Before the creation of time, before the foundation of the world, before you were created—He loved you. In this message, Pete Briscoe teaches from Ephesians chapter 3 where the apostle Paul longs for the truth of God’s love to come alive inside you, so you can experience a depth of love that you never knew was possible.
May 8, 2020
Think of the person you love most in this world. Could you ever imagine standing by and doing nothing as your loved one was beaten, humiliated, and murdered? God stood by and watched all these things happen to His beloved Son, Jesus. He allowed it because of His love for you! Does that reality move you? Does it give you a hint of His passionate love for you? In this message, Pete Briscoe unwraps Ephesians to help you understand your worth to God so you can experience the overflowing love and grace that He has for His beloved children.
May 7, 2020
Think of the person you love most in this world. Could you ever imagine standing by and doing nothing as your loved one was beaten, humiliated, and murdered? God stood by and watched all these things happen to His beloved Son, Jesus. He allowed it because of His love for you! Does that reality move you? Does it give you a hint of His passionate love for you? In this message, Pete Briscoe unwraps Ephesians to help you understand your worth to God so you can experience the overflowing love and grace that He has for His beloved children.
May 6, 2020
God didn’t randomly decide to love you. He deliberately chose you out of a deep passionate love. Deuteronomy 7:6 says, The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession. When the world leaves you feeling marginalized and unloved, how you can live confidently knowing that you’re God’s adopted child? In this message, Pete Briscoe teaches from Ephesians to help you move from feelings of low self-worth and low self-esteem to feeling chosen, pursued, and loved.
May 5, 2020
Is there sin in your past, or sin you’re struggling with right now, that’s keeping you from believing and experiencing Jesus’ love for you? His love isn’t predicated on your performance, good or bad. His love is predicated on His character, which never changes. He can’t help but love you! In this message, Pete Briscoe teaches from Hebrews 5:10 to help you break free from the sin, shame, and guilt that might be preventing you from fully resting in and experiencing His love and grace. 
May 4, 2020
Years ago, Mortimer Adler wrote a book titled How to Read a Book. It sounded elementary, but it proved to be absolutely necessary. It’s highly likely that knowing how to listen to a sermon may be equally elementary and necessary in understanding and applying what is taught to everyday life.
May 1, 2020
Worship is a response to God’s self-revelation. Prayer, which is either a spoken or unuttered response to Him, is therefore a premier aspect of worship. Whether in the congregation or alone, Jesus taught us we should pray and pray continually.
April 30, 2020
“Don’t put your head on the pillow at night if you hadn’t had your nose in the Book during the day.” —Stuart Briscoe  In addition to recognizing the significance of congregational worship, it’s important for believers to develop the practice of personal daily devotions. 
April 29, 2020
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Featured Offer

Stand firm for truth in today’s shifting culture!
Our culture is full of ever-shifting beliefs, and we want to help you stand firm for truth amidst the world’s confusion by sending you Stuart Briscoe’s six-message series, Six Things We Must Never Forget.  This series will help equip you to test any new idea against the timeless truth of Scripture—and it’s our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. So request your copy today!   

About Telling the Truth

Telling the Truth is an international broadcast and internet ministry that brings God's Word into the lives of people all over the world. Stuart and Jill Briscoe are the featured Bible teachers, encouraging and challenging listeners to study the Word of God and be drawn closer to Christ. Gifted with wisdom, discernment, and a bit of English humor, the Briscoe's bring God's Word to life. With distinctly different teaching styles, you'll be moved by the emotional appeal of Jill and the compelling logic of Stuart, as they boldly proclaim God's sovereignty, grace, and love. 

About Stuart and Jill Briscoe

Stuart Briscoe uses wit and intellect to target your heart, capture your attention and challenge you to grow! You will find his logic compelling as he brings a fresh, practical perspective to the Scriptures. Born in England, Stuart left a career in banking to enter the ministry full time. He has written more than 50 books, received three honorary doctorates and preached in more than one hundred countries. He was senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, for thirty years, and currently serves as minister-at-large.

Jill Briscoe was born in England and found Christ when she was 18 years old. She never looked back. Upon graduating from Cambridge University, she began working as a teacher by day and had a vigorous street ministry to the youths of Liverpool by night.

She met Stuart at a youth conference and they married in 1958. In the 50 years since, Jill has become a highly sought-after Bible teacher and author who travels around the world ministering to under-resourced churches and speaking at international seminars and conferences. Since 2000, she and Stuart, who was formerly senior pastor of Elmbrook Church for 30 years, have had the joy of equipping and encouraging believers across the globe in their roles as ministers-at-large for Elmbrook.

Jill has authored more than 40 books including devotionals, study guides, poetry and children's books. Her vivid, relational teaching style touches the emotions and stirs the heart. She serves as Executive Editor of Just Between Us, a magazine of encouragement for ministry wives and women in leadership, and served on the board of World Relief and Christianity Today, Inc., for over 20 years.

Jill and Stuart call suburban Milwaukee, Wisconsin their home. When they are not traveling, they spend time with their three children, David, Judy and Peter, and thirteen grandchildren.

Contact Telling the Truth with Stuart and Jill Briscoe

Telling the Truth
12660 W North Ave
Brookfield, WI 53005-4633

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