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Living Right in a Wrong World

June 13, 2022

Upholding the "Christian" label in a world like ours is vulnerable—it's risky. If we live rightly in our wrong world, sooner or later we will find ourselves in conflict or threatened.

When Esther's people, the Jews, were threatened, she had to choose whether or not she was going to stand up for them against the persecution of Haman. Would she keep her identity as a Jew a secret and save herself? Or would she stick her neck out and try to save the Jews?

Jill encourages us to be like Esther, and to be unashamed of the Gospel message in our witness.

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References: Esther 3

Featured Offer

Experience God's never-ending love for you!

We want to encourage you with the truth that the deepest darkness is no match for God’s powerful love by sending you Stuart and Jill Briscoe’s 5-message compilation series, God’s Unfailing Love for You.

This series is our thanks for your gift to help more people across the globe experience Life through the teaching and resources of Telling the Truth. So request this resource when you give—and rest in the assurance of God’s eternal love for you.

Past Episodes

Have you experienced a darkening sky in your life? When you find yourself there, do you shine brighter for it, or flicker out? Esther's life seemed to be a downward spiral of difficulties. But she continued to shine brightly for God in the unbelieving kingdom of which she was now queen. As Jill takes you through the amazing story of Esther, a simple Jewish girl made queen, you will see that you, too, can be empowered by God to keep shining his light, even in an ever darkening sky.
June 10, 2022
Sometimes God's will isn't what we would have picked out for ourselves. It isn't what we want. And it's difficult to accept. Esther's life didn't turn out how she wanted it to. She found herself separated from her family and married to the unbelieving King of Persia. Through these trials, God made Esther into a Supernova, shining even more brightly in the hardships. But before she could get there, she had to die to her own dreams and her own plan. Are you willing to do the same?
June 9, 2022
If God called you to a difficult task in a difficult place, would you shine light into that place? Would you, like Esther, be a star for God? Esther is a great example of someone who faced seemingly impossible circumstances. She was forced to marry a very powerful, very worldly man: the King of Persia. While not many of us can relate to such a circumstance as Esther had, we can learn from her faith and obedience. You are right in center stage of where God wants you to be and what God wants you to do in your life. Will you be obedient?
June 8, 2022
How do you survive hard times and even flourish in your relationship with God? Jill Briscoe teaches about how our relationship with the Lord can be strengthened because of—and during—hard times.
June 7, 2022
Time and time again, Jill Briscoe has met and ministered to suffering people. Many of them have experienced trials we cannot even comprehend. In this stirring message on the trials of Job, Jill shares what she has learned from the examples of those who responded rightly to suffering. Jill shares her own struggles with waiting through difficult situations and overcoming the temptation to think that if God doesn't answer prayers the way we want, God isn't good. Jill shows us how we can learn to say, like Job, "I will accept it, as from a good God," and allow our situation to increase our faith and dependence on our Redeemer.
June 6, 2022
In 2 Kings 4, there's a story about a widow who has run out of options on how to pay her creditors. She's facing the real possibility that she will lose both of her young sons to slavery, as a means of paying her debt. This desperate woman is out of money, out of hope, and out of faith. She's angry at God for the situation she's facing with seemingly no way out. Have you ever felt that way? How do you find peace when your faith is completely out of focus? When the sheer weight of the moment has blinded you to the Holy Spirit at work on your behalf? Jill Briscoe's message, A Little Pot of Oil will remind you that God is sufficient. And you have all you need when you have all of Him in all you.
June 3, 2022
How can we live above the problems of everyday life? Habakkuk tells us how, and it's all about getting God's perspective. There is unspeakable joy in embracing, accepting, and submitting to whatever "burden" God has called each of us to endure. With His help, we can live above it! Jill taught this message at a conference on the spiritual art of leadership.
June 2, 2022
Effective ministry will not happen if the ones who are seeking to minister have lost their cutting edge. In building the Kingdom, it is critical to stay spiritually sharp. The question is knowing how to do that. This is the first part in Jill's two-part series on the spiritual art of leadership.
June 1, 2022
Families have been under attack from the beginning of time, and they are under attack today. The devil, who hates families with complete disdain, works overtime to tear down every wall we rebuild. How do we overcome his opposition when we're exhausted from the constant patch work? In this message, Jill Briscoe teaches from the book of Nehemiah on where to draw strength for rebuilding our family relationships.
May 31, 2022
Have you ever received a gift you didn’t deserve? This is exactly what happens at the judgment seat of Christ. The Bible is filled with hints of what this event might be like for us. Jill discusses a couple of them for us to try and paint us a picture. Not only do we receive the gift of dwelling in heaven when Christ died on the cross for us, we also get rewarded for the things that Christ did through us while we were on earth.
May 30, 2022
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About Telling the Truth for Women

Telling the Truth exists to make available sound biblical teaching, practically applied, with a view to producing lives that glorify God and draw people to Christ. The whole of our ministry is to encourage, console, strengthen, teach, and train.

About Jill Briscoe

Jill Briscoe was born in Liverpool England in 1935. Educated at Cambridge, she taught school for a number of years before marrying Stuart and raising their three children.

In addition to sharing with her husband in ministry with the Torchbearers and in pastoring a church in the United Sates for thirty years, Jill has written more than forty books, travelled on every continent teaching and encouraging, served on the boards of "Christianity Today" and "World Relief," and now acts as Executive Editor of a magazine for women called "Just Between Us."

Jill can be heard regularly on the worldwide media ministry called "Telling the Truth" She is proud to be called “Nana” by thirteen grandchildren.

Contact Telling the Truth for Women with Jill Briscoe

Telling the Truth
12660 W North Ave
Brookfield, WI 53005-4633

Outside North America
Telling the Truth 
PO Box 204
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