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Cultivate Contentment

January 3, 2025

Those of us who played organized sports in school may remember a time when the race or game was not going well, and we just wanted to give up. For many of us, it was the shouts from the sidelines that kept us going. We could hear the coach shouting, “Keep going—you can do it!” 

In the same way the coach keeps the team going, Christ keeps us going and guides us home. We just have to learn to turn everything in our lives over to Him. In this message, Jill explains how we can learn to let God “coach” us and find contentment in every circumstance.

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Tap into the life-changing power of prayer!

We want to help you grasp God’s powerful design for prayer—so you can start praying in a whole new way—by sending you Jill’s book, Prayer That Works.

Prayer That Works is our thanks for your gift to reach more people throughout the year ahead with the Briscoes’ timeless and encouraging teaching and resources. So request your copy when you give—and thank you for your partnership in helping people around the world experience abundant Life and freedom in Jesus Christ.


What people come to mind when thinking of those who have a servant attitude? Missionaries? Pastors? Yourself? Do you think that having a humble attitude is important? The apostle Paul had a servant heart and attitude. He continually gave himself away to benefit those around him. As a result, he was able to bring many people to Christ.  We can impact those around us just as Paul did if we learn the spiritual art of humility. In this message, Jill explains how having a self-sacrificing attitude can impact others.
January 2, 2025
What do you do when you are suffering through a hard time? Many of us sulk, complain, and feel sorry for ourselves. Others put on a strong face, but when they’re alone, the fear and sadness take over and they break down. Much of the apostle Paul’s life was spent suffering—most of the time in jail. But unlike many of us, Paul was joyful no matter what his circumstance. This “spiritual art” of contentment was something Paul learned—and it wasn’t easy. In this message, Jill uses Paul’s life as an example of how we can learn contentment—along with joy and peace of mind no matter what we’re going through.
January 1, 2025
Most of us feel like we're juggling so many roles and responsibilities—in our homes, families, workplaces, social activities. How do we balance all of these things while being the reflection of Christ to the people we encounter every day? In this message, Jill teaches how we can use the example of the conscientious Proverbs 31 woman to have the Lord's heart for the world around us.
December 31, 2024
Most mothers want their children to "arise and call her blessed." But in today's culture, it's increasingly difficult to raise godly kids. How and when should you talk to your children about God? In this message, Jill offers a map to finding God's idea of family, gives practical ways of explaining biblical concepts to children, and shows how important a role a mother plays in her children's spiritual lives.
December 30, 2024
"Perfect" marriages don't just happen—but they are possible! In this message, Jill shares wisdom gleaned from her own marriage to show that, like the Proverbs 31 woman, you can become "queen of your husband's heart" and do your part in making your marriage all that that God wants it to be.
December 27, 2024
Ever feel overwhelmed trying to live up to expectations? We all look for affirmation and appreciation—but from whom? In this message, Jill explains what it means to be "Queen of the Lord's Heart" and how this important role can lift that burden of expectations so we can be free to be unselfconscious and be able to do what we need to do.
December 26, 2024
Jill Briscoe invites you to sit with her on the steps of her soul in this special holiday recording of some Christmas poems and short stories.  As winter begins to cast a long shadow on your days, Roses in December will bloom Jesus in your heart.  You’ll be drawn to the center of your relationship with God where you can focus on His love and magnificence. (These excerpts are from her book The Deep Place Where Nobody Goes.)
December 25, 2024
When we hear the word Christmas, many of us think of all the time spent finding the perfect gifts for the ones we love.  God’s perfect Christmas gift for us was His Son.  In this message, Jill Briscoe offers us the opportunity to have our first real Christmas through accepting the indescribable gift that God has given us.
December 24, 2024
Keturah didn't know it, but when she hid in her family's stable that dark, star-filled night, she was in for a big surprise! Regularly cast aside because of her crippled hands, God had carefully chosen this young, Hebrew girl to be part of His miraculous entrance into the world! The Innkeeper's Daughter is a tender, whimsical story that gives you a glimpse of what might have happened in the stable on the night Jesus was born. Written and narrated by Jill Briscoe, children and adults will be captivated by her vivid descriptions of the stable and the many unusual visitors who came. Follow little Keturah inside the cramped, smelly barn and see what she saw: talking animals, chubby angels, regal wise men, and ultimately, the King of Kings, whose coming wasn’t the only miracle that night!
December 23, 2024
“That though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:9 There are over 350 prophesies in the Old Testament that describe the Messiah. Jesus, born with no fanfare or even a crib, fulfilled every single one! The mathematical odds of that are virtually impossible. And yet, even with that knowledge, the question about Jesus is ultimately a personal one you have to decide on your own. Who do you think the baby Jesus was? In this message from Jill, she asks you this very question. If you believe the baby Jesus is God, you will live your life with a different perspective and purpose.
December 20, 2024
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About Telling the Truth for Women

Telling the Truth exists to make available sound biblical teaching, practically applied, with a view to producing lives that glorify God and draw people to Christ. The whole of our ministry is to encourage, console, strengthen, teach, and train.

About Jill Briscoe

Jill Briscoe was born in Liverpool England in 1935. Educated at Cambridge, she taught school for a number of years before marrying Stuart and raising their three children.

In addition to sharing with her husband in ministry with the Torchbearers and in pastoring a church in the United Sates for thirty years, Jill has written more than forty books, travelled on every continent teaching and encouraging, served on the boards of "Christianity Today" and "World Relief," and now acts as Executive Editor of a magazine for women called "Just Between Us."

Jill can be heard regularly on the worldwide media ministry called "Telling the Truth" She is proud to be called “Nana” by thirteen grandchildren.

Contact Telling the Truth for Women with Jill Briscoe

Telling the Truth
12660 W North Ave
Brookfield, WI 53005-4633

Outside North America
Telling the Truth 
PO Box 204
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