Summit Life

Pastor J.D. Greear

Whoever Is of a Generous Heart …

November 23, 2023

In a brand new teaching from our series called “Begin Again,” Pastor J.D. invites us to rediscover God’s purposes for our church.

Featured Offer

Request the Life of David Bible study now.
This guide offers an in-depth look at the various phases of David's life, from his humble beginnings as a shepherd to his rise as a king, and his complex relationship with God. One of the best aspects of this study is how it uniquely asks questions related to identity, security, and happiness. You’ll be prompted to consider where you seek these things and how you can turn to God instead. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of Biblical history while enhancing your personal faith, and it’s just very practical. Reserve your copy now.


The world seems darker and more confusing by the day, but now is not a time to shrink back in fear. It’s a moment for us to renew our commitment.
November 22, 2023
In this teaching from Exodus 13, Pastor J.D. invites us to learn from the Old Testament people of God, who—like us—were coming out of their own trauma into a new land of opportunity.
November 21, 2023
If you were to ask a hundred people what it means to be “Christian,” you’d probably get a ton of different answers. Some think it means that you come from a Christian family.
November 20, 2023
The term “Christian” has become almost meaningless in recent years, especially in America. If you believe in God and don’t really identify with any other religion, then you probably call yourself a Christian.
November 17, 2023
Most people are familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan. It’s a nice story about loving others and being the bigger person. Isn’t it?
November 16, 2023
How good do we have to be to get into heaven? J.D. Greear answers that question as we jump into a brand new series called, In Earth as it Is in Heaven.
November 15, 2023
As we come to the end of our time in First Peter, our theme has been “together we endure”---together, we press through difficult times.
November 14, 2023
In the middle of summer heat you know how good a moment of shade can feel, like when you’re in a parking lot and look for that one tree to park under.
November 13, 2023
We’re jumping into a sensitive and controversial subject: the biblical roles of husbands and wives.
November 10, 2023
Our nation has experienced an unusual few years, and the amount of stress that comes with following the authorities set before us is at an all time high.
November 9, 2023
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Featured Offer

Request the Life of David Bible study now.
This guide offers an in-depth look at the various phases of David's life, from his humble beginnings as a shepherd to his rise as a king, and his complex relationship with God. One of the best aspects of this study is how it uniquely asks questions related to identity, security, and happiness. You’ll be prompted to consider where you seek these things and how you can turn to God instead. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of Biblical history while enhancing your personal faith, and it’s just very practical. Reserve your copy now.

About Summit Life

Summit Life is a daily, 25-minute program, featuring the gospel-centered ministry of J.D. Greear. Summit Life with J.D. Greear is dedicated to calling people up to a joyous, reckless, generous, and audacious life of faith by learning more about God’s extravagant love found in Christ. In each engaging half-hour, J.D. Greear shares challenging biblical truths that inspire listeners to have daily encounters with Jesus Christ and his transformative grace.

About Pastor J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Under Pastor J.D.’s leadership, the Summit has grown from a plateaued church of 300 to one of over 10,000. Pastor J.D. has led the Summit in a bold vision to plant one thousand new churches by the year 2050.

Pastor J.D. Greear has authored several books, including Above All (2019), Not God Enough (2018), Gaining by Losing (2015), Gospel (2011), Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart (2013), and Jesus, Continued… (2014). Summit Life with J.D. Greear is a daily, half hour radio broadcast featuring the teaching of Pastor J.D.

Pastor J.D. completed his Ph.D. in Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He currently serves as the 62nd president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Pastor J.D. and his wife Veronica are raising four awesome kids: Kharis, Alethia, Ryah, and Adon.

Contact Summit Life with Pastor J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear Ministries
P.O. Box 12293
Durham, NC 27709
Phone Number