Summit Life

Pastor J.D. Greear

The Five Laws of Sowing and Reaping

June 18, 2024

As believers, we know that, through the blood of Jesus, all of our sins have been completely forgiven. And yet, we still suffer the consequences for our mistakes.

Featured Offer

Request the Life of David Bible study now.
This guide offers an in-depth look at the various phases of David's life, from his humble beginnings as a shepherd to his rise as a king, and his complex relationship with God. One of the best aspects of this study is how it uniquely asks questions related to identity, security, and happiness. You’ll be prompted to consider where you seek these things and how you can turn to God instead. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of Biblical history while enhancing your personal faith, and it’s just very practical. Reserve your copy now.


As we continue our series called, “Freedom in the In-Between,” Pastor J.D. is talking about a subject that comes up a lot: love. What does genuine Christian love actually look like, and how do we live it out? We’re diving into those questions as we continue our study in Galatians 5:25-6:18.
June 17, 2024
Jesus said that the world would know we are his disciples by our love. As believers, our love for each other and for the world ought to set us apart from any other group. So what does Christian love actually look like, and how do we start to live it out? Pastor J.D. answers those questions as he continues our series called, Freedom in the In-Between.
June 14, 2024
Next time you’re in a bookstore, go take a peek at the self-improvement section. You’ll see rows and rows of books promising to unlock the secret to a better life. But no matter how many diets you follow or how much positive thinking you do, none of those tricks are going to fill your deepest needs or fix your greatest problems! As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, “Freedom in the In-Between,” he explains the only way for us to truly change and be set free from our own sinful hearts.
June 13, 2024
Stop and feel your wrist, or put a finger under the edge of your jaw. If you do it right, you’ll be able to feel your own heartbeat—proof that you are alive. So if that’s the case, then what does the Bible mean when it talks about our need for spiritual life? Pastor J.D. tackles that subject as he continues the series called, Freedom in the In-Between.
June 12, 2024
As we continue our series called, Freedom in the In-Between, Pastor J.D. is tackling an issue that’s critical to understanding the gospel: the relationship between grace and actions. We’re in Galatians chapter 3, and J.D. is answering the question, “If we’re saved by grace, then what’s the point of obeying God’s law?”
June 11, 2024
It’s been said that Christianity is more like a relationship than a religion. Religions are about what you do, while the gospel is about what God did for you. But if that’s the case, why do Christians still follow certain rules?
June 10, 2024
Next time you’re in a bookstore, go take a peek at the self-improvement section. You’ll see rows and rows of books promising to unlock the secret to a better life. But no matter how many diets you follow or how much positive thinking you do, none of those tricks are going to fill your deepest needs or fix your greatest problems!
June 7, 2024
Our Western culture is highly individualistic. We all want to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and make our own way in the world. We don’t want to be dependent on anyone. But Pastor J.D. cautions us that a self-made mindset doesn’t work when it comes to holiness!
June 6, 2024
Most everyone agrees that freedom is a good thing. And yet, freedom inevitably leads to conflict. If I’m free to have my opinion, then you’re free to disagree! But as Pastor J.D. continues our study of Galatians, he’s explaining how our freedom in Christ actually leads to greater unity!
June 5, 2024
If you turn on the news these days or browse through Facebook for a bit, it will be pretty apparent that we’re living in turbulent times. Emotions are running high over issues like politics and race relations.
June 4, 2024
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Featured Offer

Request the Life of David Bible study now.
This guide offers an in-depth look at the various phases of David's life, from his humble beginnings as a shepherd to his rise as a king, and his complex relationship with God. One of the best aspects of this study is how it uniquely asks questions related to identity, security, and happiness. You’ll be prompted to consider where you seek these things and how you can turn to God instead. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of Biblical history while enhancing your personal faith, and it’s just very practical. Reserve your copy now.

About Summit Life

Summit Life is a daily, 25-minute program, featuring the gospel-centered ministry of J.D. Greear. Summit Life with J.D. Greear is dedicated to calling people up to a joyous, reckless, generous, and audacious life of faith by learning more about God’s extravagant love found in Christ. In each engaging half-hour, J.D. Greear shares challenging biblical truths that inspire listeners to have daily encounters with Jesus Christ and his transformative grace.

About Pastor J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Under Pastor J.D.’s leadership, the Summit has grown from a plateaued church of 300 to one of over 10,000. Pastor J.D. has led the Summit in a bold vision to plant one thousand new churches by the year 2050.

Pastor J.D. Greear has authored several books, including Above All (2019), Not God Enough (2018), Gaining by Losing (2015), Gospel (2011), Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart (2013), and Jesus, Continued… (2014). Summit Life with J.D. Greear is a daily, half hour radio broadcast featuring the teaching of Pastor J.D.

Pastor J.D. completed his Ph.D. in Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He currently serves as the 62nd president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Pastor J.D. and his wife Veronica are raising four awesome kids: Kharis, Alethia, Ryah, and Adon.

Contact Summit Life with Pastor J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear Ministries
P.O. Box 12293
Durham, NC 27709
Phone Number