Summit Life

Pastor J.D. Greear

Out of this World Giving, Part 2

February 13, 2024

Jesus doesn’t just expect his followers to give their tithe. He expects us to be out-of-this-world generous! As part of the “First” series, Pastor J.D. helps us understand in this message how being a spender, saver, or steward defines what kingdom we serve and if we have surrendered our finances to God

Featured Offer

Request the Life of David Bible study now.
This guide offers an in-depth look at the various phases of David's life, from his humble beginnings as a shepherd to his rise as a king, and his complex relationship with God. One of the best aspects of this study is how it uniquely asks questions related to identity, security, and happiness. You’ll be prompted to consider where you seek these things and how you can turn to God instead. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of Biblical history while enhancing your personal faith, and it’s just very practical. Reserve your copy now.


If we were really living for Jesus’ kingdom, how would it change our giving? In this message from the “First” series, Pastor J.D. explains what our decisions on money reveal about what we love and treasure in this world.
February 12, 2024
Something is going to be first in our lives, and the Bible makes it very clear that it should be God. Pastor J.D. continues in “Time’s Up” to show us that, while both God and money can be important to us, we cannot serve both of them.
February 9, 2024
Why does the church have to talk about money? As Pastor J.D. begins this series on why God should be “First” in our lives, he helps us see that to become a committed disciple, we must understand how to have the right relationship with money.
February 8, 2024
In this final teaching from our series through the book of James, Pastor J.D. Greear reminds us that in the end, we can be encouraged that God does indeed hear the prayers of his children, and it is often through them that he chooses to accomplish his work on earth.
February 7, 2024
Is prayer actually effective? And if it is, should we still pray even if we have a less-than-robust faith? In this brand new teaching, Pastor J.D. sheds light on a crucial—and often misunderstood—passage about prayer from James 5.
February 6, 2024
In this teaching from the book of James, Pastor J.D. Greear shows us how even in the midst of suffering and the many challenges thrown at us by life, we can be sure that God is working all things for our good—we need only be patient and wait on him.
February 5, 2024
In a society of one-click shopping and seemingly endless streaming services, patience is one thing that is often in short supply. In today’s teaching from James 5, Pastor J.D. Greear explains what patience is, why it's necessary, and how we can develop it.
February 2, 2024
In this teaching from James 4 and 5, Pastor J.D. Greear provides a helpful perspective on how to approach our lives in light of the fact that God is the one in control, not us. The choice is ours: a life characterized by trust in God, leading to humility and generosity—or one characterized by self-sufficiency, leading to arrogance and greed.
February 1, 2024
We all make plans, whether they concern what we will do the next day or in the coming years. While the Bible acknowledges that it is certainly wise to plan, it also recognizes that the posture behind our planning is crucial. In this teaching from the book of James, Pastor J.D. shows us how to make the most of the short time God has given to each of us.
January 31, 2024
In this teaching from James 4, Pastor J.D. answers the question James poses to us all: Why do we fight? At the deepest levels, where do our quarrels and jealousies come from? For most of us, we might think we know the answer. We fight because THEY started it! But James has a much different answer.
January 30, 2024
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Featured Offer

Request the Life of David Bible study now.
This guide offers an in-depth look at the various phases of David's life, from his humble beginnings as a shepherd to his rise as a king, and his complex relationship with God. One of the best aspects of this study is how it uniquely asks questions related to identity, security, and happiness. You’ll be prompted to consider where you seek these things and how you can turn to God instead. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of Biblical history while enhancing your personal faith, and it’s just very practical. Reserve your copy now.

About Summit Life

Summit Life is a daily, 25-minute program, featuring the gospel-centered ministry of J.D. Greear. Summit Life with J.D. Greear is dedicated to calling people up to a joyous, reckless, generous, and audacious life of faith by learning more about God’s extravagant love found in Christ. In each engaging half-hour, J.D. Greear shares challenging biblical truths that inspire listeners to have daily encounters with Jesus Christ and his transformative grace.

About Pastor J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Under Pastor J.D.’s leadership, the Summit has grown from a plateaued church of 300 to one of over 10,000. Pastor J.D. has led the Summit in a bold vision to plant one thousand new churches by the year 2050.

Pastor J.D. Greear has authored several books, including Above All (2019), Not God Enough (2018), Gaining by Losing (2015), Gospel (2011), Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart (2013), and Jesus, Continued… (2014). Summit Life with J.D. Greear is a daily, half hour radio broadcast featuring the teaching of Pastor J.D.

Pastor J.D. completed his Ph.D. in Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He currently serves as the 62nd president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Pastor J.D. and his wife Veronica are raising four awesome kids: Kharis, Alethia, Ryah, and Adon.

Contact Summit Life with Pastor J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear Ministries
P.O. Box 12293
Durham, NC 27709
Phone Number